Chapter 5: Wounded in the past

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..July 1st..

Twenty four hours afterwards Captain Delly replied with, "We will make this deal on the planet Green," and hence forth I agreed. I had a away team assembled but it was a problem when Karzine insisted to go with me and so did Audri. Oh boy, Audri is the one I should have expected to insist on going along. Much different to Data, because one; Audri is a unique human individual with a prosthetic arm,and two,two prosthetic legs. Audri has one human arm left.

Captain Tonya once told me that Audri lost her legs due to a hybrid shark attack.

"No," I said. "You are to stay here."

"But Captain--" Audri interjected

"I am not your Captain," I said. "Call me Commander, is that clear?"

"Yes, Commander Dodgers," Audri said, nodding. 

"Besides, we need someone on the bridge," I said. "I trust you. Don't break that trust with me, Miss Audri."

"Yes sir," Audri said.

I get onto transport then turn around towards Audri. Behind me is Karzine and some security officers in case Captain Delly decides to go all 'bezerk' since that is not the first time around it has happened. Captains of alien vessels are known to have their breaking points, even with me aboard them. When was still a Q; I would normally be shouted at or requested nicely to get off their bridge.

Over Audri's shoulder is Chief petty officer David Langston Gargoyle at the consoles.

"What if we are intercepted by a Federation ship?" Audri asked.

"Tell them; it is all under control." I  said.  "Well..." I paused, thinking back at the trial that  Picard had attended. I smiled. "If it is the Enterprise; tell Picard 'Our commander will see you around'."

"What if he asks what do I mean by that?" Audri asked.

"Just do not mention me by name," I said. I look over to Gargoyle. "Energize."

We were beamed down to the surface.

Numerous times have I been beamed and I still cannot get adjusted to the sensation of all my life matter being projected to a million other places. If only I could snap my fingers then be on my own move. True I feel very uncomfortable being beamed but that is a dislike I can tolerate to go places. I step forward then heard my boot crunch on the sand. I look down to see golden flakes on the ground and the roar of the sea in the distance.

"Obviously we are not meeting here," I said. "Too loud."

"Agreed," Karzine said.

"Bonjour, roaring ocean," I said, sarcastically turning my back to the ocean.

The away team went on the climb.

It took around two hours to arrive at a clearing made completely of rock. The climb was painstaking but the signs of someone being beamed using enormous power is well over the top clear. It wasn't a game. I know how games are played ad this is not one of them. It is a general 'meet me here' challenge.

"Where is Captain Delly?" Karzine asked.

"He is suppose to be here," I said, taking out the phaser.

Suddenly the sounds of beaming came behind us.

Karzine and I turn around.

The Karjizans had their weapons aimed right at us. No sign of Captain Delly. I felt outrage, no doubt! The Karjizans pressed the triggers to their kolimenators. Kolimenators are unique in their own way but rather ugly, crude in design, and bulky. Bulky enough for a specific species to use them but not work for those who attempt to use it. It is the kind that will kill someone who isn't the type of species it is built for.

The Karjizans exchanged fire with our security officers.

In the crossfire my right hand became inoperable. It was burned, very burned. Only I, Karzine, and two security officers were able to escape the attack by hiding out in a cave like a couple of frightened children. I felt scared. The Karjizans had the upper hand. The Karjizans had won this time around. But not the next time around! Think they can cower us into the lowest of all places can make us surrender, and then, and only then, hand us help.

They are wrong.

"Sir, are you okay?" Karzine asked.

I couldn't use my phaser because the kolimenator blew it up and severely made my right hand inoperable. I look up with this look of anguish. Long ago I realized how Jean Luc must have felt situations like these without no way to get back on the Enterprise. I wanted to ball my right hand up but it would not.

"No," I said.

It is times like these I wish I were a Q.

"How are we going to get them to take us serious?" George De'Car, a security officer, said.

"Without dying, that will be twice as hard," Travin Coren, another security officer, said.

"Is anyone of us savvy in fiddling with technology?" I asked.

"No," went the small group.

I sighed.

"We are so screwed," I said.

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