Chapter 6: Sweet dreams,mon capitaine

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...2374......9:59 PM...

...April 4th....Picard's room..

I felt so relaxed that whatever Data and La Forge are doing is taking a incredible long time to do. Perhaps it will take years for it to be accomplished. The letter Q connected to the name Quarty is mainly what keeps me from completely...fading out, you see. Jean Luc get up from bed then looked around acting strangely different. He ordered the lights to dim then scanned the entire room.

I sat in the chair, a mere shadow in imagination watching Jean Luc stare at my direction ever so briefly.

"Just my imagination," Jean Luc said, with a heavy sigh.

"Oh?" I said. "What did you see?"

"Strange dream," Jean Luc said, shaking his head. "I almost dreamed I had not been alone in this room." Jean Luc looked up. "Computer;lights off!" The lights turned off for Jean Luc's room making it become blanketed in darkness. "Perhaps now..."

Jean Luc laid back down to bed, pulled up the sparkly blanket, and slept on his side.

I almost felt like a stalker watching him fall asleep.

Well, I have watched Jean Luc sleep a couple of times during my omnipotent days.

It didn't unnerve me at the slightest to be stared right through as though I didn't exist. For thirty years the entity Q did not exist. Only he transformed into a changed man but very mortal. I had a feeling of pride for leading such a extraordinary life full of adventure, injury, and impressive acts of courage. I saw a shadow dart at the corner of my eye. I look down to see Spot the second.

"Shoo," I said, waving at Spot the second.

Spot the second pressed his side along the chair attempting to get attention from me.

"I cannot pet you," I said.

Spot stopped, deliberately, in front of me gazing his eyes toward me.

"Stop it," I said. "I am warning you."

Spot meowed.

"Fine," I said. "But I am only taking you back to your owner!"

I pet along Spot's back then get up.

"Spot, I will pet you when we are at the doors of Data," I said. "Do not test my patience."

Spot paws at his nose tilting his head to the side with a little, "Meow."

I walk to the door along with Spot the second tailing after me.

"And humans think cats are not able to be communicated with," I said.

"Meow," Spot the second said.

I went through the door first.

"Meow," Spot the second said, and then the doors opened for him.

Spot tailed after me.

"Come on," I said, walking down the hall.

"Meow!" Spot the second meow-ed.

I came to a stop in the middle of the hall seeing Karzine and Worf chatting.

"Interesting," Worf said. "That happened?"

"It did," Karzine said. "Among other absurd things."

I edge my way to the side of the hall then tip toe down the side of the hall.

"You have several odd adventures with Commander Quarty," Worf said.

"The previous one was probably our last," Karzine said. "He was a honorable warrior."

I stopped, hearing what Karzine just said about me.

I feel proud.

"Sticking out in the middle of a Romulan attack is rather; bold," Worf said.

"Bold can describe what he was; some of the time," Karzine said. "He was also a complainer."

"True," I said.

"That's a trait most people have," Worf said.

"But Captain Tonya takes them as advice," Karzine said. "I cannot understand how useful his complaints are!"

I heard enough of this conversation so I continued my way.

"Spot, come," I said.

Spot tailed after me as we went through the hall. I saw some strikingly familiar people come by; those of which I knew aboard the USS Twister. Some of the faces belonged to people and aliens I hadn't know of. I looked over my shoulder a few times to make sure Spot is following me. Sarah Hofflestetter had been a cat lover and I respected that but none of the cats she had owned liked me.

I finally came to Data's room.

Truthfully I went in through the doors.

Next came Spot.

"I sense a weak but no undoubtedly a healthy presence," Came a familiar voice that belongs to Deanna Troi.

I look away from Spot toward Deanna.

"We have a ghost aboard the Enterprise?" La Forge asked.

"Or missing Commander," Data suggested.

"He's angry," Deanna said, as the room brightened. "Don't be." She is trying to be comforting which she is failing at with me. "We are only trying to help you."

I don't need help, I thought glaring back at Data.

I went out of the room.

From then on; I lost my physical body and everything became like I am seeing through a camera.

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