Chapter 1

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6 months later!!!
Yal's POV:
"Father!" I yelled a little to loudly.
"What Yal keep your voice down!"He yelled back crossly.
"Sorry father, I just wanted to tell you that I'm going to go hunting!"
"Alright fine just leave! You and your loud voice!" He said pretending to be mad.
"Alright bye father I'll see you soon!" I said as I ran out of me and my family's den.
"Nikki wait up!" I yelled out of breath.
"Come on! As the male your supposed to be the protector! You can't beat one lioness? Pathetic!" Nikki teased.
"Alright you asked for it!" I put on a sudden burst of power and jumped landing right on Nikki's back which pushed her to the ground...hard!! "Ha, got you!" I said excitedly. Then I realized that Nikki wasn't struggling at all! "Nikki! Are you okay?!" I asked jumping off of the unmoving Nikki and sniffed her worriedly. Then all the sudden she surged up and swiped her paw right at my eye! "Wha?!?!" I yelled as I was flung backwards. I layed there for a few moments before I heard Nikki whisper in my ear.
"Yal, are you alright?!" I could tell by the way she was talking that she was just as shocked as I was that she had clawed my eye. I turned around to see her but I couldn't see out of the clawed eye! "Nikki! I can't see out of my eye!"
"Oh no!" She said scared.
"Go get my father!"
"Go now! He might be able to help if you hurry!" She sped away with out another look. I lay their in the grass listening to the birds sing. Hoping that I wouldn't be caught by a...hyena!

Nikki's POV:
Nikki dashed across the savana, her heart pounding fast. She hurt Yal! What if he couldn't use his eye? He'd be half blind! He wouldn't be able to fight or hunt properly! She ran faster, finally reaching his family's den. "Y-yal- com- Y-you gotta." She stuttered, out of breath.
"Nikki! Calm down! What's the matter?!" A lithe lioness ran up to her, she guessed it was Yal's mother.
"Yal- he's hurt!" Nikki whined. It was all her fault. She just hoped something else didn't reach Yal before they could.
His parent's eyes went wide and without a second thought, rushed out.
Nikki led them to where Yal was laying. "I- we were fighting- I mean! Play fighting! And- well..."
"Nikki! Enough with the stuttering! What happened?!" Yal's father's gaze hardened.
She took a deep breath. "He had pinned me and- well I played hurt and he was caught off guard so I... I clawed his eye..."
Their eyes widened. "You clawed his eye?!" They repeated, infuriated.
Nikki shrank back. "It was an accident! I didn't mean to!"
Yal lifted his head. "Mother, father, it wasn't her fault! I'll be okay." He told them. The two looked from Nikki to their son, their expressions softening. "Let's just get you fixed." His father murmured.
Nikki and Yal's mother sat a little ways away and watched.
She hung her head. She hurt her friend, what if he didn't like her anymore?
The older lioness noticed Nikki's distress and rested her tail on her back. "Don't be too hard in yourself, it was just a scratch. Honestly, I think you're over reacting."
Nikki realized she was right. This was a silly thing to fuss over. She managed a smile.

Yal's POV:
I looked up to see Nikki in distress over what had happened. I started to get up but a firm paw pushed me back down! "Get off of me!" I said.
"You need to stay down!"
"No let me up for a minute I will lay back down but I need to talk to Nikki!" I said firmly.
"A-alright but after you talk you lay right back down!" My father said firmly. I walked over to Nikki and turned my head so that I could see Nikki through my un damaged eye. "Look at me Nikki." I said. She lifted her head and looked straightt into my eyes. "I'm fine it was an accident! I know you didn't mean to hurt me!"
"But I should have know better than to surge up like that!" She said sorrowfully. She looked back down at her feet.
"LOOK AT ME NIKKI!" I said firmly. She looked back up at me in fright. "You didn't mean to hurt me I'm fine! We are still friends and will be for a long time!" She look at me with a hopeful spark.
"Yes really come on!" I said beckoning her as I walked away.
"Yal come back you need to lay down!" My father yelled out to me.
"I'm fine I'll lay down tonight!" I yelled I ran towards Nikki trying to catch up. I caught up to Nikki in a few bounds. "Let's go hunting!" I said as we ran deeper into the forest.

Nikki's POV:
Nikki was a little startled by his sudden snap when she refused to look at him, but overall, just glad he wasn't mad at her. She smiled.
"I'd love to go hunting."
Yal smiled back at her. He stopped and looked around, quiet.
Nikki thought maybe he smelled something, so she focused her senses as well.
She grinned at him. He chuckled softly.
"Born ready."
He nodded and crouched low.
"Okay, so you go out there and get as close as you can, then scare them towards me." He ordered.
"Why do I have to lure them? I wanna help kill it." Nikki complaimed.
"Well, you're the fastest." Yal shrugged.
She sighed and rolled her eyes. "I'll get you for this." She muttered and bounded off, leaving a grinning Yal behind. She carefully and quietly stalked the elk herd, making sure she was downwind and in the right position.
She took a deep breath and got a little closer... a little closer...
She froze, looking down at a twig underneath her paw.
"Crap..." She whispered, looking up at the alert Elk.
The Elk started to run towards her.
she growled and rose to her full height.
They didn't stop running.
They should've ran the other way alert the sight of a lion....
Pushing the thought away, she let out a roar, but they still didn't lower their speed. She backed away, her eyes wide as their hooves pounder against the ground. She started running away, she wouldn't be able to take on a full herd.
"Yal!" She cried.

Yal's POV:
"Yal!" I whipped around and saw Nikki running for her life with a whole heard of Elk behind her!
"Nikki! I'm coming!" I yelled as I dashed to her rescue! I ran towards Nikki I got right beside her then i swerved around and faced the elk! I let out the biggest roar I've ever heard, let alone produced! It scared the Elk so bad that they stopped right in their tracks and ran away from us, right before they trampled me!
"Yal!! Are you okay!" Nikki yelled.
"Y-ya I'm fine!" I yelled back in shock, that I could stop a whole heard of Elk with one roar!
"I can't believe it!"
"Y-Yal did you just do that?" Nikki said in awe.
"I-I think I did!" I said excitedly.
"Come on let's go tell our family's!"
I said excitedly. We walked back to our camps to explain what happened.

Nikki's POV:
"That was amazing! You ran so fast! And the way you bravely faced them and that amazing roar! My, it would've sent me running for the hills!" Nikki was so excited that everything just spilled out.
Yal looked at her seriously. "Don't you think it's... odd?"
She looked at him, confused. "Well, I wouldn't call it odd... more
like unnatural... in a good way!" She said quickly.
"No, not my roar, the elk."
"Seemed normal to me... they were grazing... ran away at a lion's roar." Nikki shrugged.
"They ran away from my roar. They kept running towards you even though you roared as well." He corrected.
She looked thoughtful. For the first time it dawned on her how weird it was that the elk were running straight towards a predator.
"Yeah it's odd... why did they keep running?"
"Elk run when their startled, right?"
Her eyes widened suddenly. "You think something else scared them?!"
"What other explanation is there?"
"Yeah, but I'm just saying, we're at the top of the food chain here, it'd take alot to scare a whole herd towards a lion."
Yal looked down with a frustrated expression.
"Hey, I get what you're saying, I just don't want to to be too quick to jump to conclusions." Nikki tried to reassure him.
"It's fine." He said dryly.
She looked down as well.
"There they are." Yal ran towards Diego, Ginger, and his parents.

Yal's POV:
"Hey guys how's it been?"
"Good! We've just been talking!" My mother said happily lounging on her side next to Nikki's mother. "Good." I said distractedly. "Father can me and Nikki talk to you over here! Please!"
"A-alright." He said confused. Me and Nikki brought my father to the top of the hill to talk away from the others. "Okay so what's this about?" My father asked.
"Well me and Nikki went on a hunt and came across some Elk. So started the normal hunting practices when all of the sudden the Elk started charging Nikki, she roared in attempt to scare them but they kept running, so she ran away (obviously) and ran, yelling for help, so I ran in front and roared as loud and scary as I could, they ran after I roared but I was thinking...for a Elk to charge a lion theirs got to be a reason right?"
"I-I guess?!"
"I think someone deliberately scared that Elk to hurt Nikki!"
"What?! Yal your talking crazy! Elk is a very skittish animal! They probibly just saw you!" He turned around and walked away before ether one of us could say anything.
"Well...that went well." I said sarcastically. "Come on we better go back down." We headed back down the hill in defeat. I just hope we figure out who did it!

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