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"Harmony" Emmett called from behind.

"Hmm..." I hummed in response.

"What is it?" He asked.

"What is what, Emmett? come to the point" I mutter trying to hit the bullseye of the dart.

"What is all of this?? I'm sure we aren't here just to drink at the bars in New Orleans and neither to search The Mikaelsons or The Salazars" sounds like he wanna break the puzzle or picture what exactly is going on, "So tell me the truth, why are we even here?"

Sighing, I retorted, "First, it's Balthazar, not Salazar and second, just to have some fun, Em" it's half the truth though, I just want to get away from my parents.

"Getaway from Nathan and Lola?" He asked sitting on the stool, see this is why I refer to him as a father he knows what's going on even if I don't tell him.

Looking at my feet, I agreed, "Yes!"

"What they did this time?" He questions handing me a shot of liquor. I took it and the burning sensation of the liquor spread down my throat.

"You know, since I came to my sense of understanding things, all I've heard from my parents is the amount of cash I've cost them" I started, "From the time I was born till now this very moment, everything. Mom says that they would've been richer if I wasn't born, that they could've bought more estates, companies, people, with that filthy money," a tear slip down my cheeks.

"And now they want me to pay them back" I finally said out loud.

"WHAT!!" Emmett yelled in shock.

"Are they serious?" Charlie asked in a disgusted voice, from where did he come from, he was playing pool with the others before, anyway nevermind.

"They want me to get married to one of their partner's son" I admitted.

"No way in hell, Har!" Emmett said as if he was warning me.

Tears were streaming down my cheeks, "I don't what to Em, but I've no choice. This past 25 years, everything I did.....was everything they want. I went to school in which they wanted me to. University was selected by them even if I had a chance in a better place to go. I did the course they told me to do, Business really, I wanted to do art and music damnit," I cried.

Charlie walked up to me and hugged me tightly. I sobbed in his chest, "Everything will be fine, Har, promise" he tried to smooth me.

"Don't promise me something you can't do, don't give me Hope" I cried.

"What's going on here?" Anastasia asked, all the others came with her.

Emmett told them the whole story and their faces were stunned like they don't even know what to say.

"They can't say stuff like that, it's full o-"

"You know, once they told me the reason I was born. We were having dinner with one of Dad's client and he said that there was a party going on at our house and mom got sick, so everyone took her to the hospital and there they came to know about the pregnancy. So what happened is, because of the party a lot of people came to know about me, that's why they didn't abort me or I would've never seen the face of the earth" I interrupted Anastasia, the last part was what my Mother told me in front of the guests.

"Take this" Jeremy came by my side and hand me one more glass of shot. We're at the bar again, if I missed to mention it before.

"Thank you" I replied sobbing, "For once, even if they asked me to pay back with money, I would've done that, but this marriage shit is not working" I drank the shot.

"Can't we all just start over with everything without our parents?" Charlie asked rubbing the back of his neck.

"I'm in"
"Me too"
"Nice idea"
"I'm in too" they replied.

Laughing at their behaviour, I said, "Yeah! As if they can't track us in instants and bring us back in their shitty life".

"Don't you have a boyfriend Harmony? at least with whom you can start your own life" Jeremy asked.

A sarcastic laugh left my body, "You know what, umm.....no you don't, just take a seat let me tell you all about my love life" he did what I said, "Don't start with it Har, please" Emmett said in pain.

"I just wanna let it out Em. I've kept it all in for years" I utter.

"So, Jeremy, let me list it from the beginning and y'all help me with it, okay," I told them, taking a stool for myself.

"The first, y'all remember Augustus?" I asked them smiling.

"Yeah! That guy with curly hair in 9th grade" Catherine remembered smiling.

"That guy was a bombshell honestly" laughed Hannah.

"Yeah, so he asked me to attend his birthday party and my parents didn't allow me. The next day when I went to school to apologise because he only invited me from all of us but....I....I never found him" I finished.

"People says that he wasn't there to host the party either" Emmett elaborate.

"What do you mean?" Jeremy asked in a concerned face.

"It means, that he just vanished somewhere, poof" Anastasia added.

Thinking back to when his Mom was crying on my shoulder while Augustus's father was reporting about his missing son, which is something I can never wipe out from my mind.

"And you think your parents did that?" Jeremy asked.

"Yep, I know you won't believe so the guy number two, Phoenix Gabriel, the Athlete" I introduced.

"The hottest guy in the whole school" Hannah dreamed.

"His blonde hair was to die for" Anastasia mentioned.

"Yeah and his biceps were so enormous, my face look smaller compared to it" Catherine cried.

"That guy was amazing at playing the guitar too" Reggie added, "Yeah, true" agreed Charlie.

"He was my prom date" I confess.

"What happened to him?" Asked Jeremy with any further comment.

"My parents allowed me to go with him but he never showed up", I sigh, "Neither his friends showed their faces to us nor anyone from his parents picked up our call"

"That's suspicious," he said.

"I know right!" I shrug.

"Who's next?" He questioned.

"Owen Gillinsky, the soon to be the Star of the music world die in a car accident," I said out loud with a sob, this is how the newspapers frame it.

"Har, enough" Emmett said in a 'please' tone.

Owen was Emmett's cousin and my boyfriend of 4 years. After college graduation, I wanted to start a new life with him, to get married, have kids, pamper them together and work until every desire of our kids are completed. But he had a plan before we start doing everything. First, he wanted to have a house in which we'll move in after our marriage. Second, to complete his goal of being a musician. The third is where he lost his life, he wanted to propose to me with a full-on romantic getaway. The night he told me to pack my things was the last time I had a conversation with him. The next morning we found him dead in a local hospital.

Tears were falling nonstop from my eyes and I can't control it anymore. The pain of losing him, the pain that I can't tolerate anymore was hurting my heart so bad that I want to die too, I can't and don't want to handle all of it anymore.

"Sometimes, I wish that I should've gone to Columbia instead" I let out.

"And miss everything that you had with Owen?" Anastasia said angrily, crying.

"At least, he would've been alive" I quoted.

It is the truth if we never would have met he could have been alive and pursuing his dream. I RUINED HIS LIFE.

"Why do you blame your parents for that?" Hannah asked.

"Y'all will never understand this, won't I'll?" I said exasperatingly.

Seeing Jeremy's confused expression, Reggie explained to him everything that took place that week, "The report said it's a drink and drive case" he finished.

"Bitches, as if, it was 2 in the afternoon and New York City is filled with people. Drink and drive don't take place in the packed street" I spit out.

"This is a whole lot of tragedy, isn't it," Jer said trying to lighten the intense vibe but the poor guy failed to do so.

"I'll bring something very strong for y'all to drink," he said getting up and walking towards the bar.

"What a tragedy" I sigh, everyone was silent now, no one dared to talk.

Soon Jeremy came back with a lot of booze and then is when we came back to reality leaving the past behind.


2 hours later, we were drunk off our asses, don't even know what's going on around us.

"I've to pee guys it's an urgency," I said shaking Reggie's arm.

"I don't what that information, go if you want", uhhhh....he is useless.

"Anybody wanna join?" I asked, stumbling on my feet as I stood up from the floor.

"I wanna go, but not now"
"We create, Perfect Harmony, oh ohh ohhhhh, oh ohh uhhhh"

"Nevermind!" I shrugged off their replies and started walking towards the washroom.

"Ugghhhh...." I groaned when someone spills their drink on me.

"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to...I'm sorry" she apologises.

"Chill girl, nevermind, it's fine" I shrugged her off to.

"Really?" she asked in a very challenging voice.

"Huh?" I whispered cause I don't have the power to walk anymore.

"You won't be fine soon baby girl" she smirks an evil smirk and everything went dark.



Well, I don't have anything to say but....

Hope you enjoy reading!


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~                                              ~
I prefer eating while reading.

Hope you have an amazing day today🍃

Thank you for reading

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