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"I'm the strongest!" Emmett yelled cheering on himself.

"No, you're not" Reggie started arguing, as they were arm wrestling and Reggie lost the fight.


Honestly, coming to a library was a bad idea, I guess. These guys just won't shut their mouth up.

"Not a single soul is here, not even the librarian, so why do you want us to stop?" Emmett asked furiously.

"Because jackass, we can't concentrate," Anastasia said angrily.

"Charlie you ain't gonna say something?" Reggie rolled his eyes.

"Say what?" He asked.

"Live him be Reg, too busy with those books" Emmett shrugged off.

"Shut up and let him be Em" I admonished.

Rolling his eyes Emmett took a sit and started reading a picture book.

"That's a picture book," Hannah told him.

"I don't like books without pictures" He retorted.

"Did y'all found anything?" Asked Reggie eating a grilled sandwich.

"Just trying," said Hannah, Anastasia, Catherine and I in unison.

We're here at the library to search about the history of New Orleans. It's been almost over 4 hours since we're reading about this city but we found nothing.

The librarian of this place told us that, 'In here, y'all can find every book that has been written about this city', but from these past hours we found nothing that can relate to the supernatural.

"Harmony, just understand that there's no such thing as supernatural, it's just some fantasies that people make stories about," Emmett said trying to be genuine.

"But there are legends who say they're real" Charlie relinquish.

"If Charlie says this, that means it's real" I smirked, for once I'd accept what Emmett said, but whenever Charlie says something it's always been eternally true.

"Argghh!! Yeah! Yeah!" Emmett grumbled.

"Everything is the same in all of these books" Hannah complained about the six books that were placed in front of her.

"There must be something.....something that we're missing, one book at least" I sigh getting up from my chair and going to the shelf where all the books were placed.

"How about y'all search whatever y'all want and Reg and I visit the Bourbon Street?" Emmett asked keeping his picture book down.

"Do whatever you want" Catherine said shrugging.

"So...Is that a yes or no?" Reggie interrogated sitting on a chair very dramatically.

"GO!!! Man, go!!!" Anastasia wailed, bouncing both Em and Reg ran out of the library.

Sighing, I shake my head with an 'unbelievable' expression. Honestly, Anastasia is very lucky to have Charlie by her side all the DAMN time, like hell, I'd die to have someone like Charlie in my life.

Shrugging I began scouring the shelf and abruptly something caught my eye, BALTAZAR was written in bold letters.

My curiosity made me remove that book from the rim. As I've already read a lot of books here, I just read through the upper surface of this book, you know, reading only those sentences or words that help you understand what the book is saying.

As I was reading recklessly, words like Brothers, 1700s, Family, Dagger, Siren Bond, Bayou, Church Attic, Harvest Witches, Adopted son, whole Originals series ran through my mind.

This is it!!! I yelled from inside.

"Gu....guy....guysss...I found it" I shutter not believe what I just found.

Running I went where they were sitting. I banged the book on the table and said, "Found it" grinning like a kid who found the hidden cookie jar.

"Who's Balthazar?" Charlie asked reading the name of the book.

"According to Originals, what year did the Mikaelsons entered New Orleans?" I asked him.

"Early 1700s" Hannah replied.

"Well, according to this book there's a family named the Balthazar. They used to live in New Orleans from the early 1700s till 1919, I think" I informed and started searching where I've read the last part, "But suddenly they vanished" I completed.

"That's it?" Anastasia raised a question raising her eyebrows.

"No, wait...here it says that there was a kid who was mistreated by his father and one of the Balthazar brother adopted him and the Balthazars were four brothers and a sister, themselves"

"Like Klaus adopted Marcel?" Catherine asked, coming and standing next to me reading the book.

"Exactly, and it also says that the Balthazar brothers ruled New Orleans and made this city iconic and famous. They...."

"Where do this supernatural fits in?" Asked Hannah crossing her arms over her chest interrupting me.

Sighing, I continued asking, "What's the difference between 1700 and 1919?"

"One thousand seven hundred and forty-two years" Charlie counted.

"Precisely, now listen carefully, 'Our ancestors say that the Balthazar ruled for years but neither they died nor their hair went grey, all they did was ruled like Kings and maintained this city like their existences depends on it' see this means they were supernatural" I read through the book, "Here, it says that 'When the presence of Witches and Werewolves were felt The Baltazar Brothers allied with them including with Werewolves, Vampires, Witches and Human to be in peace. That is why none of the human or traveller experience any kind of harm by any of the supernatural creatures' see" I grinned.

The shock of realisation spread all over their faces. Like, WHAT THE FUCK???? I never expected this when I planned this.

Furiously, Hannah snatched the book out of my hand and started reading it.




Tell me what you think!
Everything in this book is dumb anyway🤦🏻‍♀️

Hope you like this chapter👍🏽


Lyrics of that one song you can't get out of your head today!
~                                              ~
I'll go first

This is real, this is me, I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be now, gonna let the light shine on me

Have an amazing day ahead🍃

Thank you for reading

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