Review of Beneath The Surface

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Many reviewers have different ways of reviewing - for example, some reviewers choose to simply comment on each chapter of the story they read/review.

However, in the case of our reviewer, Len, he has done the more common review style for review shops.

Contains  extremely minor mentions of abuse and self-harm - also violence 🤷‍♀️


Reviewer: Len 2storytime.

 Writer: djwinn.

Okay, let's get this show on the road. [Opens a keg.] 

 COVER & TITLE: 9/10
I freaking loved it!!!! When I saw it I remembered thinking the book was gonna be dark and intellectual, I couldn't wait. I could clearly picture Norm (this is what I'm calling him) being the guy on your cover. The title worked well with the rest of the cover. Nothing overpowered the other. The title is also very meaningful and relevant. We're all wondering wth is lurking underneath Norm's mind folds. 

 BLURB: 4/5
(my stingy arse) I have to admit that when I started reading your blurb, my overall reaction was, meh. The wall on my wall was more interesting. Or maybe that's because I was impaired. However, when I came to the section about Norm having developed the skills he needed to survive, I was sold. That was all the vague shadowy teasing I needed. And then telling me about abuse, violence and self-harm? Come on, you were just daring me to NOT read your book. Amazing!! 

 PROLOGUE: 4.5/5
I love it when a book has a prologue. I believe it serves a very important purpose. Even more so on Wattpad. Usually, a prologue either throws us into the story or gives us a taste of the past. Yours actually did both. From the prologue, I instantly sympathized with Norm and knew I'd be rooting for him. I also knew Mac was a jerk! 

 PREMISE: 10/10
Your premise was amazing. When I'm working on my own books, I usually wonder, is this interesting enough to be watchable on the screen? Well, yours is fantastic and I want it to be a Netflix show! Right now! I mean, Norm and Tris' marriage! Just amazing. Pssst, I only read up to chapter ten but damn it I'm finishing that book!!

PLOT: 18/20

What is a plot? A plot is the flow of your story. The way your story advances in a case of action and reaction. I hate plots where random stuff is just happening to the protagonist as the antagonist laughs maniacally. In your story, the characters drove the plot and had to suffer the consequences. I mean, this was actually a theme if not the main one. (I'll get to themes.)  Anyway, your plot flowed well. There was no lag or dip so, good on that. You used suspense well. X-All that being said, I did dislike something about your plot. Particularly one 'plot point'. The 'inciting incident' where the plot kicks off. This is the scene where Norm and Mac are in Mac's office. The way you just had Norm blurt out that he was getting married seemed rushed and gave the fantastic story a cheap element it didn't deserve. This is where I cut ALOT of marks. I mean, if I wasn't reviewing, I might have jumped out because that is the one time you forced your characters into the plot. Make Mac more persistent in teasing his brother. Make his comments become increasingly more hurtful and true until Norm uses him being married as a defence mechanism. Instead of them barely talking and then Norm bursting out of nowhere. X- Another problem I had with your plot is when, in chapter two, you completely copped out. I'm talking about how Norm got Tris's number. I mean, I know he gathers people's info for sport but you just told us how much he was obsessed with this woman. I'm sure he remembered how he got his number. At least by telling us just a line about how his secretary got it for him is better than completely ignoring it. It comes off as lazy. Which I know you're not.

Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Never stop writing, you beautiful human being!!! Every writer has their strong point and this is yours. I mean, just wow! You really do understand how people work.
Norm- This is perhaps the most entertaining main character I've read in a long time. His humour is not direct because he doesn't even know he's being funny! He is incredibly well developed. He is pathetic and sad and although he has nothing in common with a certain attractive, non-addict reviewer, I could relate to him. All he wanted was to be appreciated and seen as a man, just like anyone else. Now that's something everyone can relate to, even this awesome reviewer I mentioned!!
 Tria/ Beatris- Congratulations! You wrote in a female character who is an actual human being. She represents Mac's wants and symbolizes what he wants she represents his hope. Just someone to love him for what he is. Tris was perhaps the strongest person in the book. She's willing to make the hard decisions and sacrifice a lot for her sister. I could easily relate to her because I think we all find ourselves in situations that aren't ideal just because we don't have that many options.
 Mac- Mac was a complete jerk! I mean, what else can I say? A lot! That's what. As the story continued, he started becoming more layered. In the scene where he asks for that guy to investigate Tris. (wth was his name?) Anyway, that and the scene where Norm is 'not' asking for advice was just fantastic as it showed he kinda did care for his brother, just had a 'non-conventional' way of showing it. He represents the cruel hand Norm was dealt and represents Norm's cynicism.
Leo- Maybe because we share a name and the fact that we're both attractive babe magnets but I like this one. He's a true friend to Norm and I think Norm is not accurate in thinking that Leo is just his friend out of pity. Leo is all that Norm wishes to be.
 Brianna- I love this one!!! I mean she's the funniest of all of them, except Norm of course. I also love how well you handled her. She used the most dramatic words and always accompanied her speech with a gesture or other. Just like a true actor would behave! You nailed her mannerism and brought it out well. I mean you did it to all of them, Norm too! It's just that I noticed her's more because I'm an actor too and that's how I behave.
 -All in all, I haven't read characters this well developed in Wattpad yet! It's especially beautiful because of how subtle it is. Everyone sounded unique and on-brand. Mac at the moment seems like a cliché billionaire arse but I think that will change. His layers are already coming up nicely. Norm is just a marvel of characterization!!

Now, this simply means the choices you made as a writer in accordance with your language. These are stylistic devices and junk like that.
 Symbolism and foreshadow- You used this and I'm so glad you did because it made me respect you even more. The two dead fish were clearly a symbol to foreshadow either Tris and Norm's fate, or Tris and Brianna. You also constantly foreshadowed a certain 'thing'. It kept me in anticipation of what it would be!
Juxtaposition- I rarely see writers using this and I have no idea why the heck not. You notice white more if black is next to it and vice versa. I mean you used Brianna and Tris to juxtapose Mac and Norm.
 Narrative voice - This was fricken amazing! I mean, you were able to change your narrative voice depending on the character we were following.
 Dialogue- Wow, you're so good at dialogue and that's because you took time to understand your characters. Everyone sounded unique and it was dynamic and entertaining.
 X- Your dialogue in chapter two was flat and uninspired. Please go touch up. Just try changing a word or two here or there.
 Humour- Your story had me laughing out loud, literally, several times. Again, for any writer reading this, if you find yourself struggling with humour, just understand your characters. They will all have a different sense of humour.
Here are a few scenes where I laughed;
*When Mac asked if Norm was marrying an actual human being.
*Norm's obliviousness and his texts to Tris.
*The car scene with Tris.
*Basically every scene with Brianna in it.

GRAMMAR: 17/20
I'll need more motivation to get through this nerdy snooze fest! (Cracks open another keg.)
X- Tense - Your tense was all over the place. Like my eyes after a few drinks. I mean, goodness! This happened so many fricken times that I thought I was a freaking time traveller! eg, you said; "...being jobless was not something she could afford right now..." instead of "... being jobless was not something she could afford..." This happened enough times to disrupt my reading experience so please look out for that jazz.
 X - Punctuation & spacing You constantly forgot to use THE ALMIGHTY COMMA, COMMA, COMMA! (echo fades slowly.) eg, you wrote; "...she looked at him her large brown eyes..." you should write "...she looked at him, her large brown eyes..." I think most of them were not intentional but please... Now on your spacing. Some of your paragraphs were too long. You need to cut them down to size. They don't look visually appealing and it can make certain people want to scream, as it's too intimidating. An example of such is paragraph three of chapter two. Psst, chapter two is a hot mess!!
 Not so honourable mentions -
*You forgot question marks in the rhetorical questions in the scene where Tris wakes up in the comfy bed.
 *In the stalking scene, you say "his house" instead of "her house" when referring to where Tris went.
 *Don't use (?) & (!) together. Look for impactful words instead. (Please note that most of these mistakes were in chapter two.)

Think this was long? Imagine writing it twice because you hit delete instead of send. (Punches a mirror and slides to the floor.) SCORE (I have so much power! Squeal you worm!!! Mwahahaha): 79.5 (That's really good, trust me. Plus most of these just need you to edit.) All in all, it was a good read and I will continue to read it! Also, my ten chapter reading arse is hoping this was helpful. GOOD JOB EARTHLING!! FROM THE ONE WHO IS REVIEWING YOU. 

A note from me (MidnightIsBest).

Ahhhhhhh I HATE editing!
However, I filtered and edited this before posting. If you would like the unedited version, I can PM it to you, however, I prefer to post the reviews with proper spelling, and nicer phrasing. Sooooo this is what ya get. 

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