Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

   Scarlett had spent a day now, walking through the grassy plains. She had walked farther away from the TallLeg path, where they could no longer see her. She also didn't have to struggle with the nasty odors and loud noises.

   Last night, she had slept underneath a rock in the middle of the plains. It gave her enough shelter, where the TallLegs couldn't see her. When she had awoken, she felt starved. She tried hunting a mouse along the way but failing miserably. If only her mother had spent one second helping her learn to hunt.

   Scarlett had been self-taught how to hunt a twig, but she learned hunting a moving life form was much more challenging.

   She walked quickly, while her belly growled, desperate for food. She had grown used to the strange food the TallLegs would give her. She also felt uncomfortable, without any shade. There was no shelter over the plains, making the suns rays hit her all over. She had never realized how thankful she should be for the cool cave, she had lived at.

   Now burning up, and starving, the woods were slowly getting closer. The breeze then changed directions, coming towards her. She started running when she felt the frosty wind blow on her pelt. She saw giant pines as she approached. She could see a thin layer of snow covering the grass below.

She started feeling refreshed once she had made it. This must be where WinterSkulk lives because of the snowy biome. Now she just needs to find them, and hope to be welcomed. She walked through the trees, scenting the sweet smells once again. She started feeling at home, the farther she ventured into the woods.

She heard birds singing, mice scavenging, she could even feel the fresh coolness in the air. As she went further, she smelt the most familiar scent in the world. Foxes!

The thought came too late! Foxes were approaching, she jumped into a nearby bush.
She squirmed inside and listened.

She heard an older fox, a reynard bark, "This is the border we have with no one in our territory. Be careful in this area though, because there are many traps, and they might capture you and bring you to that zoo. Then, there's no escaping from there."

   The foxes came into view. One was older, a reynard, with blue, cold eyes. Then a smaller reynard, about her age. The younger one nodded.

The older one then barked, "What do you smell?" Scarlett shrank back when she saw the giant fangs in his mouth.

The younger one's eyes widened, "a fox that isn't supposed to be here!"

The older one's ears flicked up startled. He then made a low growl, "you're right..."

He then looked towards the bush Scarlett was hiding in. Oh no! She thought. They crouched down, coming closer, with fangs out. She jumped out of the bush and started racing down the forest. She could see the stronger pup was catching up. She knew she couldn't run forever and turned around to face him.

He couldn't stop fast enough and ran over her. Her body fell back hard on the ground. She could hear the hard breathing from the other fox. He was walking back over, but then she got up quickly and bit at him. He did the same, she got on her hind legs, clawing at him.

She pushed him over, making him roll. Then the older fox came out of the shadows, growling. "Don't think of beating my trainee!" Scarlett cowered down, afraid.

"The Chief will decide what to do with you." He growled.

Scarlett then blurred out, "Sap told me to come here!

The fox's tone then changed, "SapWood?"

Scarlett quickly nodded.

"Come now, SnowWinter will want to hear this." Scarlett nodded and followed him through the woods with his trainee.

Hey, I hope you're enjoying the story
be sure to comment, it helps me makes my stories better
but don't worry, I'm a ghost reader to, love you anyway <3

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