Nothings Changed.

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"Do you think he'll be mad at me?" I ask Lauren as we stretch for cheer practice. "Left!" she yells out to the girls. We switch our stretch to our left legs but I turn my head to face her. "Girl, no. You didn't do anything wrong. You're overthinking this," she says. I told her what happened yesterday between Cgc and I. I kind of abandoned him after half an hour of hanging out. I feel bad since I asked him to hang out, too. "You had to help your brother out with something, I'm sure he didn't mind," she adds. I told her the fabricated story I told Cgc. If she knew the full extent, then maybe her answer would be different.

I don't know. Maybe I am overthinking it. I just want to apologize for my weirdness. I tend to get that way whenever Ryle gets involved. My feelings and brain get all scrambled and I start thinking incoherently. "Yeah, thanks, Laur," I say with a forced smile. She nods, "Middle!" I pull my upper body forward between my legs. I'm planning on apologizing today so I just hope Lauren is right and he doesn't ask much more questions about what exactly happened.


Lauren and Coach Jade really put us to work today. We ran two miles and lifted weights after. While being a college cheerleader has its fun moments, we also train extremely hard for Worlds. Worlds isn't until mid-April, but conditioning is important for not only football games but keeping up with our two and half minute routine. A lot of girls start getting tired after tumbling and stunts so cardio helps us keep a strong stamina. I exit the practice building, beads of sweat dripping down my face which is a light shade of red.

My sports bra and shorts stick to my skin from all the sweat I've produced. I'm still trying to catch my breath after that last set of chest presses. I'm going to be extremely sore tomorrow. "Hey," a deep voice speaks, interrupting my sudden daze. I look up and spot Valdez inching towards me. I force out a weak smile. "Hey," I pant out. "Good workout?" he asks with a smile. "Oh, the best," my tone is full of sarcasm. "Cheer is that intense? I never realized," he tells me. "Not a lot of people do."

And it's true. There's always been a debate on whether cheer is considered a sport or not. For any idiot that says it's not, it is. Put me on that fucking field with those football players and I bet I can outrun them. I'm kind of weak when it comes to lifting weight so I can't get on that, but I am strong. My arms are more defined than most, and my legs are skinny but have muscle. I would not have this body without all the training that comes with being a cheerleader.

Maybe I'm exaggerating when I say I can outrun football players just a little bit, but it helps my argument.

"I believe you. You have more muscle than DJ does," he says, pinching my bicep softly. I laugh, "You did not just call him out like that." DJ isn't the most muscular guy on the football team but he definitely has more muscle than me. Valdez laughs too. "Max and I are getting him in the gym more, he'll get there." I nod as we walk into the student lounge together. The cold air from the building feels amazing against my warm body. I tie my hair up in a ponytail as we take a seat across from each other.

"Hey, how's everything been by the way? Is stuff coming together even a little?" Valdez and I have become closer than I ever thought we would. He was one of Cgc's friends who was the most welcoming to me when I first started hanging out with them. We text occasionally and hang out in between classes. I wouldn't say it's anything like Cgc and I's relationship, but I know I can rely on him. "Yeah, a little. My dad is still being absurd but I've worked the other things out," he tells me. I give him a warm smile and rub his hand shortly.

"I hope it works in your favor. I've never dealt with an agitating parent but I can't even imagine how terrible it may be," I say with a slight frown. He shakes his head a bit. "Speaking of agitating parents. How is C feeling after last Sunday?" Oh, God. Last Sunday had become a mere thought in my head by now. I tried to push it out of my head per Cgc's request. It was worse for him than it was for me since they are his parents. "I have no idea. I think he's kind of not thinking about it anymore. You know how he is, he lets shit get to him for a bit but then pushes it away too quickly," I say.

Valdez nods. "Yeah, he shouldn't do that. I'm scared he's going to bottle up all his feelings and one day just fucking explode," he says. I sigh at the thought. Speaking about how you feel about things that happen to you is better than just trying to forget them. I only choose not to bring it up because I now know his parents are a sensitive topic for him. I don't want to be the one to cause him stress and annoyance but rather the one to be able to make him forget about all of it.

"Maybe you could talk to him about it?" His statement comes out more like a question. "Me?" I ask, pointing a finger at my chest. He nods with a small shrug. "You get him to talk. I don't know how but you do," Valdez says. I tilt my head slightly at this. It's not like he's around to hear when we talk although Cgc and I do talk a lot. "How do you know that?" I ask. My leg starts tapping anxiously against the ground. Valdez's lips tug up slightly into a smirk.

"He talks about you like all the fucking time," he says "once he gets going, we can't shut him up. I don't even think he realizes it sometimes." I smile a little bit. Here I was thinking I'd never mean much more to anyone besides my parents and siblings. "Honestly though, I haven't seen Cgc get this close to anyone besides my girlfriend in like years," Valdez adds. I smile at that too because we're on the same boat. I haven't gotten this close to anyone for years. I feel like I know him more than the people I met in Miami. How is that possible? I don't even know. Maybe he's like my platonic soulmate or something.

Okay, maybe that's pushing it.

"He's a great guy, really. You're lucky to have known him for as long as you have," I say truthfully. "One of the best guys I know," Valdez nods "after Xander, of course." We both laugh at his words. Those two are like brothers, so I can't argue with his opinion on that. "I actually have been meaning to talk to him but I know he has some business class right now, I'm waiting for him to get out," I say. I look at the Apple Watch on my wrist. It's 2:30 so his class doesn't let out for another thirty minutes.

"I have a 2:45 and I still have to walk some, so I'm gonna get going," Valdez tells me, picking his bag up again. "I'll see you later though? And talk to Cgc, please." He puts his hands together and I nod with a smile. He returns it before turning around and leaving the building quickly. I lean my head back against the cushioned booth as I think about how to go into this conversation. I don't want to lie again, but I'm not ready to tell him the truth. It would be much easier if he knew but there are just some things that I rather keep to myself.

At least for now.


I should've gone back to my dorm to change before coming to meet up with Cgc. I wait in the building where his lecture class takes place. The air conditioning in here is really kicking my ass, the goosebumps on my skin on full show from the lack of clothes on my body. I hug myself as I wait for him to pile out with the rest of the students. When I see him, I rush forward to him before I lose him. "C!" I say loud enough for him to hear me but not loud enough to bring that much attention to myself. He turns at the sound of my voice and I realize he's wearing. . . formal clothes.

He wears black slacks, dress shoes, and a white button-down. His sleeves are rolled up lazily and his top buttons are undone, too. His blazer hangs on his arm as he approaches me. "Hey," he says. His eyes sweep my body in a once-over. Crap. He's dressed for an event and me for the gym. I shake the cobwebs out of my head before replying. "Hey. Are you busy right now?" I ask. The door closes, leaving us alone in the empty hallway. Oak Hill University is an older one, so the halls are creepy even in full daylight. "No, why?" he asks. "Oh, I just wanted to talk. We could go back to my dorm or the café?" I ask, hopeful.

He clears his throat before answering with a nod. "Your dorm is fine. Janae there?" he asks. We both start walking out of the building as I shake my head. "She's got study group right now," I tell him. "Let's take my car so we don't have to walk," he says and I follow him to the black Mercedes. The ride across campus is short and we don't really talk until we're finally in my dorm. I place a towel on my bed before hopping up on it. I'm no longer sweaty but just in case, I don't want to get my bed sheets damp.

"What's up?" He sits on Janae's makeup chair, his posture as confident as always. Ugh, I don't know why he kind of intimidates me. Especially in a suit. Why is he wearing a suit? I give him a once over again. "You always dress like this to class?" I ask curiously. This is the first time I've seen him dressed in a suit for class. He wears a suit occasionally for out-of-town football games so it isn't the first time I've seen him in one. "No. We had a real estate agent come visit our class today so Professor Tatum told us to dress formally," he tells me.

I choke back a small laugh. "You look like you went to an elite party last night." I gesture to his buttons that are undone and his rolled-up sleeves. He doesn't even wear his blazer anymore. "I dressed accordingly. I did all this" he gestures to what I pointed out "when the realtor left." He fake smiles at me, leaning back into the chair. Well, I see why all these girls find my friend attractive. He is indeed handsome. "You don't like wearing suits? Don't you have to for what you're going to do?" I ask. I don't know much about real estate but I've watched a couple of episodes of million-dollar listings on Bravo before.

"Mostly, yes. I'll wear a suit, I don't mind. That class just aggravates me," he says with an eye roll. "Why?" I question. He stares at me blankly. "It's my logistics class," he says, his jaw slightly clenched. Oh. Logistics. I know Valdez told me to talk to him about what happened with his parents last Sunday, but I decide that I'll do it another time. That wasn't the reason I brought him here anyway.

"C, about yesterday," I start, changing the subject from that matter for now. "I'm sorry I was being cagey yesterday, that was weird. I apologize," I say. Cagey was probably a bad word to use now that I think about it. "You know you don't have to lie to me about things, right? If you don't want to tell me something, that's fine, but don't lie about it." I immediately feel like an asshole. I don't have to lie, I don't. And I won't, not anymore. "You're completely right. I shouldn't have lied, I'm sorry. I'm sure I'll tell you. . . eventually, but I just don't want to speak on anything now," I say with a shake of my head. Too much talk about this subject and I'll end up running out of my own dorm room right now.

"That's fine. I won't push, I get it. We all have things we don't enjoy speaking about. Mine being my parents," he says that last sentence lower than the rest. "And whenever you are ready, we will speak more on that," I say, giving him the same deal. His blue eyes flit up to mine but I can't read the emotions behind them. "At this point, I could speak on it now. I trust you." His eyes never leave mine. I believe that, that he's ready. Still, I don't want to push the sensitive topic. "You don't have to," I say softly.

"I know you don't trust me, but God," he cringes "I trust you, alright? I don't know why but I do," he says, shaking his head. I get off the bed and walk toward him. He stands up from the chair as I cement into the ground in front of him. I grab both of his hands as I look up at him. "I do. Trust you, that is. It blows my mind how much I do because I promise you, Cgc Scott, this is not me" I chuckle weakly. "If you would have told me two months ago that I was going to meet the best guy I've ever known and that I was going to be able to trust him after this short amount of time, I wouldn't have believed you," I add.

"I trust you," I say. Cgc's hands squeeze mine lightly as a rare smile appears on his lips. "Where have you been all my life, Brynn Danvers?" he says. I can't help but laugh as I drop my hands back to my sides. "In Los Angeles, California," I tease. "Perfect," he deadpans. "So, talk to me," I say as I back up towards my bed again. I hop up and pat the spot next to me. He follows, his ass already in line with the mattress so he doesn't struggle to get on the bed. "Really want to hear the sad reality that is my life?" he says.

Okay, maybe not. I might get sad but I know he hates pity and how could you not show it? I'm terrible at that, especially with how emotional I am. I clear my throat. "I'm here to listen," I say. He places his hands behind him, leaning back slightly. He nods and just ask he's about to talk, his phone rings. "Sorry," he says as he digs into his front pocket for his cell. "It's okay." He glances at his screen and his jaw immediately clenches sharply. Oh no. He presses harshly on the screen and I think he hung up until he brings the phone to his ear.

"Dad," he says, looking over at me. I can't help but give him a remorseful look. He looks away from me as he listens to whatever his father spews on the other line. I can't hear anything, obviously, only Cgc's replies. "Maybe later, I don't know," he says, his voice calm. "Wait, what? Since when?" Cgc gets off my bed quickly which alerts me. I stay seated, but move closer to the edge. He puts a hand up like telling me to stay or stop, I don't know which one. "Are you sure?" he says.

His brows are furrowed because of his frown. He doesn't sound annoyed but worried. "Alright, yeah. I'll give him a call. I don't know what I'll be able to do that you couldn't, but okay," he says.


Cgc quickly starts to type on his phone after the phone call. "Everything okay?" I ask. He looks up at me and shakes his head. "I have to go do some things, call some people. I'm fucking sorry," he tells me. I finally get off the bed again and shake my head. "No, it's fine. But is everything okay?" I ask again since he didn't answer the first time. "Yeah. Just some work stuff with my dad, I'll call you later?" I nod. He nods back before he starts to walk towards the door.

I don't notice that he turned around until he's standing in front of me again. I look up at him and he's holding his hand out. I smile a little and then we do our short handshake. "We'll talk about it later. I still want to tell you," he says. "Of course, maybe later this week. Don't stress about it for right now," I tell him. He has a game coming up in a couple of days and then this with his dad's company. Maybe it would be best to save the conversation for later. "I'll see you," he says with a small smile before rushing out of my dorm.

I'm just glad that everything's okay and nothing has changed between us.

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