47. Nikhafied 2.0

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'Anyway, I have something for you. Maybe that will change our equation.' – He kept a straight face. Then, he turned her hand and looked at the musical note tattoo at the back of her wrist. Amaal looked at him and then at her hand as he caressed her tattoo with his thumb.

'What are you—' She stopped speaking as he pulled up the sleeve of his Kurtha, revealing to her a similar tattoo on his wrist.

'Allah!' She gasped covering her mouth with her palm. Haider smiled at her reaction. Swiftly, she held his hand.

'What is this, Haider? It looks new.' She looked at him with her eyes wide. Haider tilted his head and continued to smile.

'I got it this morning.' –He answered and moved closer, Amaal looked at him with a softened gaze, -'Amaal!'- He gulped softly, - 'I—I want to complete your incomplete melody.' –He confessed. Amaal let out a breath and he noticed her eyes were moist. 

Slowly, she nodded and squealed happily. Haider was taken aback as she hugged him, placing her chin against his shoulder and her arms securely held onto his back.

'So,' – He paused, - 'Is it a yes?'- he asked, holding her in a tight embrace.

'Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.'- Amaal chanted pulling away from him and gripped his hands tightly, - 'Yes a million times.' She confessed, jumping on the spot. Haider chuckled at her response. She stopped and held his cheeks,

- 'A Nikah is going on. Let's get married.' She suggested looking at him with wide, excited eyes. He felt giddy.

'What? Now?'

'Yes!' She held his arm and dragged him. Haider doesn't protest as he was still in a daze.

Mikael eagerly replied to the Maulvi and after the announcement of the wedding is complete, he slumped on the throne chair, letting out a sigh. Reyansh poked his elbow and flashed him a teasing grin. Mikael wasn't annoyed this time, instead, he smiled back. Within some moments, Alina was brought in and his attention was all on her.

He was mesmerized by the beauty of his wife. She looked stunning in multi-color lehenga matched with green choli and orange net dupatta that rested over her head. Mikael unabashedly stared at his bride. Beautiful maang-patta glistened on her head, and a beautiful elaborate choker and Satalari necklace adorned her neck and chest. She had her head lowered but he doesn't miss the shy smile playing on her lips. Mikael shifted as he noticed his mother's earrings. His lips curved into a slow smile. He thought of her and felt tears in his eyes.

Alina was being brought by her mother and cousin, Aina. Together they helped her climb up the stage. Asmat held her daughter firmly while Aina held on the lehenga to let her climb. Quietly, Alina sat beside Mikael. Slowly, she looked at him from the corner of her eyes. They exchanged a smile and quickly looked away.

Before any other rasam happened, Reyansh got the Maulvi again. Mikael and Alina exchanged curious looks. Just then, Amaal appeared out of nowhere.

Haider watched her whisper something into their ears, then all four, Alina, Mikael, Reyansh, and Amaal looked at him. He gulped, feeling silly. With the spotlight on him, he felt palpitated. They smile funnily at him, but he couldn't move his facial muscles and so, he looked away.

Asmat got worried and, Khalid climbed up the stage looking all confused. Amaal assured them and now, they too looked at Haider. He never felt so embarrassed before. That moment, he wished he could just disappear into thin air.

Haider watched as Amaal, Reyansh spoke with the Maulvi, perhaps he was asking for double for this second Nikaah. After the talk, now the Maulvi also looked at Haider. He mentally facepalmed, looking away yet again.

Soon, Haider found himself sitting in the backstage with Mikael and Reyansh on either side of him. Reyansh's presence annoyed him but he ignored the feeling. Amaal was seated in front of him with a sequin net dupatta veiling her face, it was mismatched as it was taken from Alina's wardrobe. She was very fidgety and that brought a small smile on Haider's face. Accidently, his gaze met Alina. She was still dressed as the bride. His smile faded and there was the same reaction from her side. Both instantly looked away.

'Do you Miss. Amaal Jaffery accept Mr. Haider Minhas son of Mr. Mohd. Minhas as your wedded husband for Meher—' The Maulvi looked cluelessly at Haider. He was taken by surprise here and so chose to remain silent.

'I want nothing, Maulvi Sahab!' Amaal interrupted. The Maulvi didn't look pleased with the interruption. He scrunched his nose and then sighed.

'But you will have to—'

'Okay, I will take Meher of ten rupees.' She said firmly. Haider looked at her and recollected her words about money not being of much importance to her. Maulvi shook his head muttering something under his breath.

'Do you Miss. Amaal Jaffery accept Mr. Haider Minhas son of Mr. Mohd. Minhas as your wedded husband for Meher ten rupees?'

Amaal looked at Haider. Through the veil, her face was faintly visible. She bit her smile and answered whilst keeping her gaze on him, - 'I do?'

Maulvi repeated himself again and Amaal answered affirmatively.

And now, with Maulvi's attention on him, Haider stiffened and straightened in his seat.

'Do you Mr. Haider Minhas take Miss. Amaal Jaffery daughter of Mr. Hashim Jaffery as your wedded wife for Meher ten rupees?'

Haider glanced at Amaal, she urged him, and he smiled a little. Then, his gaze met Alina. They shared an eye-lock for a millisecond before he looked away. He closed his eyes and let out a deep breath,

- 'I do.' He replied and looked at the Maulvi. Haider couldn't believe he was doing something so spontaneous. This was for the first time, otherwise, all his moves were calculative.

After repeating his answer for the second time, the Maulvi made a prayer for the couple and everyone also raised their hands in prayer.

'Ameen!' Maulvi said.

'Ameen!' Everyone said in unison and followed the Maulvi by running their palms over their face.

Amaal slowly opened her eyes and her gaze met Haider. They exchanged a smile. She winked at him and his smile widened.

Their signatures were registered, but Nikanama was yet to be made unlike for Mikael and Alina. 

How was the Chapter, guys? Drop your thoughts in the comments, please *smiles* and Stay Tuned for the next update, my lovelies *Lots of Love* *Hugs and Kisses*


Haideradmired her, placing his palm on her belly over her satin top. Amaal stiffened,her lips parted, and her eyes closed. He kept his gaze on her as he moved hispalm gently towards her abdomen. He eyed her carefully, she squirmed as heslipped his hand into her boxers. Her eyes opened and she looked at him. Heliked the look of uncertainty in her eyes. He leaned and caressed her lips withhis, 

- 'Just relax, sweetheart.' He whispered against her lips and then kissed her softly. 

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