48. Night of the Wedding

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Haider walked into the house feeling strange. For a moment, he was confused if everything that happened was real or he was daydreaming. He had left the house to convince Amaal about his love and now, he has returned as a married man. Weird, how life works?

AK hurried to him and asked him if he wanted water, - 'No!'- Haider sighed pinching the bridge of his nose, - 'Just ready my bath.' He said unbuttoning his Kurtha with one hand. AK nodded and scurried towards the staircase. Haider dragged his feet to the sofa and called to the chef for a hot black tea. Then, he slumped on the sofa, resting his head back. He took a deep breath with his eyes closed.

Haider pampered himself with the hot bath. Everything seemed blurred by the time he finished bathing. He was energized and ready to continue his work. He missed Amaal and wished she were here with him. She had said to him that she will be staying with Meera as her bags are there.

Haider tied the bathrobe and walked out of the bathroom. The cool atmosphere made him shudder.

'Hey, handsome!'

His head shot up and to his surprise he found Amaal sitting on his bed. She was leaning against the bedpost with her legs stretched and one foot over the other. Her arms above her head. His mouth hung open as she raised an eyebrow seductively at him.

'How did you get here?'

'Shh!' She placed her finger on her lips and slowly, got down the bed. She walked towards him and placed her arms around her neck.

'No talking, Mr. Khadus.' – She leaned, tip-toeing a little, - 'tonight is your wedding night, right.' She whispered and then moved back. Haider blinked at her. First, the marriage was just sinking into him and now, he was supposed to have a wedding night.

'What happened?'

'Aren't you—isn't it awkward?' Haider replied with uncertainty. Amaal smirked stepping back and placed her hand on the knot of her night robe.

'Maybe this will help you decide?'- She replied tugging on the knot and then pulled the night robe apart. Haider's jaw dropped again.

She was dressed in a white lacy corset mini dress. She grinned at him as she shrugged the robe off her shoulder, - 'Like what you see, Handsome.' She said sensually. It was then, Haider noticed she had blood-red lip-gloss and no glasses.

'From where did you get this?' Haider knew he sounded silly, but he couldn't think straight.

Amaal rolled her eyes, dropping and raising her shoulders, - 'Come on, Man. I stay alone in my room, I collect many things.' She said in an irritable tone. She threw her arm and turned around, - 'I am not doing this anymore. You spoilt my mood.' She ranted and bend down to pick her robe.

'No, wait.'- Haider called and she paused. A slow grin appeared on her face.

'Um, you are looking nice.'

Amaal frowned, - 'Just nice?'

Haider mentally cursed himself. Never he had felt so tongue-tied in front of a woman. He had many gorgeous women in his bed but Amaal, she was a simple woman who won his heart and made him feel reluctant, nervous, and excited, all at the same time.

He composed himself and walked towards her. Amaal watched him and doesn't respond as he held her wrist. Then, he pulled her closer, - 'You are looking ravishing.' – He eyed her from top to bottom, - 'I never knew you had this side as well.' He grinned. She lowered her gaze for a moment and then looked at him. He moved aside her bangs and tugged it behind her ear. Slowly, he moved his arms around her slim waist and pulled closer. Their bodies touched and Haider felt a spark ignite in the bottom of his stomach.

Mikael unlocked the door and walked into the dimly lit room. The lavender candles and dim yellow lights were comforting and pleasing to the senses. He clenched the velvet box tightly as he approached Alina.

She sat on the bed with her multi-colored lehenga spread over the bed. They were in the apartment they had rented together. Sequin net dupatta veiled her head and face. Her arms resting around her knees.

Mikael sat at her feet and breathed softly. With shaky fingers he removed her veil and moved his hand, hooking his fingers under her chin and raised her face. Slowly, she looked at him and smiled slightly. He grinned uncertainly and quickly fixed his expressions. He didn't want to appear over-excited. Which he was.

'I didn't imagine, Alina.' – Mikael held her hand and she lowered her gaze again, - 'that this day will come.' – He moved away and forwarded her a velvet box. Alina looked on with curiosity as he opened the box. She smiled again as she looked at a delicate gold and diamond bracelet.

'I used up my salary for this. But it's worth everything. Your smile is priceless.' He commented and Alina nodded, forwarding her hand.

'It is amazing.' She confessed and Mikael felt pride. Happily, he placed the bracelet on her wrist and locked it. Alina brought it closer to her face and caressed it lovingly. Then, she looked at Mikael again.

'I love you, Mikael.' She held his cheek and gently caressed his jawline with her thumb. He held her hand and kissed the back of her knuckles.

'Too much happened tonight, right.' – Mikael commented and Alina nodded, - 'Can you believe it, Amaal and Haider got married as well.' – on the mention of Haider, she stiffened but relaxed soon, - 'I am happy, Amaal found her soulmate.'

'It was too sudden though.' Alina said thoughtfully.

'I doubt. You remember how Haider wasn't willing to listen to anyone but Amaal went out of her way for him and he accepted her. Amaal couldn't just stop worrying about him and—everything was different in Haider once he returned from Mussoorie.' Mikael said thoughtfully. Alina just hummed in response. She realized how dull Amaal was before her wedding but after getting married to Haider she was over the moon. She smiled to herself. In her heart, she was glad Haider found his soulmate as well. He deserved to be loved.

Mikael sighed, standing up. He began to unbutton his sherwani.

'I think you are tired. These three days were very hectic. I suggest we take a rest. We have office tomorrow as well.' He said and Alina agreed with him. Mikael helped her stand and they exchanged a smile before getting to change for the night.


Haider admired her, placing his palm on her belly over her satin top. She stiffened, her lips parted, and her eyes closed. He kept his gaze on her as he moved his palm gently towards her abdomen. He eyed her carefully, she squirmed as he slipped his hand into her boxers. Her eyes opened and she looked at him. He liked the look of uncertainty in her eyes. He leaned and caressed her lips with his, - 'Just relax, sweetheart.' He whispered against her lips and then kissed softly. She was about to respond but he pulled his head back. She groaned and he smirked.

Amaal quivered, taking unsteady breathes as he skillfully stroked her under the boxers.

'Uff, wow!' She clenched his shoulder and looked down, but Haider held her chin with his free hand and made her look at him. He kept their gaze locked and shook his head slowly. She wiggled but kept the gaze fixed on him. Haider parted his lips and leaned closer. He began to distract her with the kiss, but he knew she had all her focus down there.

'Relax.' He spoke against her lips. She gulped and nodded.

'Okay.' She breathed. He began to kiss her again but doesn't stop fiddling. She fisted his Tee by the shoulders and inched closer to him. Haider kept touching her privates until he felt she was ready for the next step.

He deepened the kiss as he, gently, pushed a finger inside her. Her sigh muffled by the kiss. Haider felt her thigh muscles stiffened, he smiled into the kiss.

How was the Chapter, guys? Drop your thoughts in the comments, please *smiles* and Stay Tuned for the next update *lots of love* *hugs and kisses*

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