Fandoms meet the real deals~ Style (South Park.)

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Thank you to the lovely Hello_Im_Crazy279 now lets do this.
Warnings: Cursing.
Ages: 15 because THE MORE FANDOM THE BETTER. (Also, am I just finding good stories or are stories with Kenny as the seme surprisingly wholesome? Like, I was scared of what the fandom would be and am... pleasantly surprised. I meant to do Stylenny since it's my thing but I don't remember fandom Kenny being anything like that. So yeah, I got him out of the picture.)
Our dear Kyle's POV.


"Not my turn," Stan says.

"Yeah but it wasn't pretty last time, fandom Stan ended up in the hospital," I say.

"C'mon Kyle," Stan says.

I sigh and get up.

"Don't come crying to me when he won't let go of you again. Fucking crybaby, I just hit him a little," I say.

I get up and walk over to the hormonal messes that are our counterparts.

"How fucking dare you?"

"I-I didn't mean-."

"Hey!" I bark.

I get in between them.

"Fandoms people! Calm down!" I say.

"What are you going to do?"

"Fucking kill you if you hurt him," I say.

Okay Kyle, take the aggressive one first, ask Kyle the stereotype questions second.

"Whatever, I needed to smoke anyway."

"No you don't," I say.

I grab his arm, looking him in the eyes. It's striking how different eyes are depending on the amount of toxic the person actually is.

"Now. Could you please shut up before I kill you?" I ask.

Fandom Stan is....... well, anything but like what Stan is. He is the worst parts of him! The absolutely hideous ideals, the things that should never be in describing him are the main colours. Alcoholic, stupid, smokes, self loving, mean... so many things that my Stan is not and it's mainly infuriating to see. Because he does, in his own way, have the features of Stan, at least on the outside.

He matches me in height, which Stan does not, I can confirm. He has blue eyes just as my Stan and black hair just like Stan. He is slimmer but fuck no, being healthy will n e v e r go second to being like a pole. He's good at sports just like my Stan.... he is really surprisingly like Stan in some things but in others he is fetishised.

"Now step down," I say.

"My family is homophobic so I don't know where else to take my aggression," Stan says.

"Other than your best fucking friend?" I ask.

I grab him, rising him up a little. Only thing i like about him weighing as much as a feather.

"Stan isn't like you. He knows where to put his troubles and trust me, he has faced the same as you. Abusive sister and slight homophobia when he started dating me from the people around him. Shut the fuck up about your only place of aggression being this little boy," I say.

He runs away, crying. Another thing, fandom Stan can't take the slightest bit of this shit.

"Stan... wait," my counterpart lets out.

I grab the short boy by the arms, looking him in the green eyes.

"Don't," I say.

"But-," he says.

"No buts. I get that the story has manipulated you into loving him but don't go," I say.

"I don't love him!" He says.

"Oh wow. Are you going to yell Baka while you're at it?" I ask.

He suddenly changes back to his submissive self.

"Look. I'm sure he'll come back and then we can figure it out but before that," I say.

I smile at him. Unlike Stan's, my counterpart doesn't look like me. Pale and freckles, short, not very sporty looking. The only basic fact we have is red hair and green eyes, we don't share a lot because my looks have to be manipulated into a story a lot more than Stan's.

"Let me teach you how to fight back, little man," I say.

~Insert an awesome 'I'll make a man out of you' marathon here. So time can skip.~

Stan comes back.

"Hey," Kyle says.

They share a moment of collective silence.

"Look, Stan, I don't think us together in this form could ever work out," Kyle says, smiling.

"What are you saying?!"

Kyle falls back into the stereotype. Goddamnit Author! You were doing so well! I mean I guess you are portraying the fandom so I guess it's fine. Still, you could also lessen the way you make me an uke, you aren't even above this, I've seen your drafts and some of your published shit.

"What he means is that you don't take his feelings into consideration and it's incredibly toxic. I know the writers normally try to redeem you after a while but please... understand that this is something else completely. It's not a healthy image to send that your relationship is ideal. You are a fetishised version of a gay relationship and that's just not at all okay. I'll admit, it's in my reading history sometimes but please understand why you shouldn't be like this, you are portraying something very positive, a relationship between two people, and making it into something incredibly negative, a fetishised Gay couple, and it just straight up isn't fine at all. One of you gets more, it's not the idea of a relationship to do that! You are supposed to be equals! Getting and giving.... both of you! I'm sure somewhere in your heart you understand that this is so fucking wrong. You can't just take! It's not the idea of a relationship!" I say.

My Stan AKA the better Stan nods, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Now look, if you can't make it out as friends maybe it's better you are apart for a while, Kyle has some serious trauma to get through. Ones you decide so, call me, I'll arrange a meeting. Maybe you can be friends," I say.

The Fandom Stan nods slowly.

"I'm sorry," he says.

Kyle nods and they go different ways.

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