Quiet evening~Pala x Liu (Running man)

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I don't know the plot, the characters nor the story. But fuck it. Let's go, I will offend everyone here. This chapter is practise. Trying to get some character traits in place and all that.  (Hello_Im_Crazy279 can be the judge here.)
Warnings: None.... I think... I tried? I swear in the note but I don't think the story has cursing in it... maybe?
Ages: Fuck....... Legal? Look I'm super stressed with doing the work of ten people RN.

It's a quiet day... isn't it always? Silent, not so much. Just nobody raising their voices, no nothing....

"Shut it!"

Oh well that illusion went out quickly.

"I didn't mean to do anything!"

So in all basically, Pala and Liu, who haven't gotten into an argument in a while, both decided to break their romantic tension with a few well thrown words. It isn't normal for them but it is funny to hear. It's not that they're calm or anything.... they just don't have much of these 'lovers fights' as people around them have started to call it.

You see these two love each other.... very clearly. But the only two that don't see it are.... well... these two.

"I seriously didn't mean it," Liu says.

"But you still said it," Pala answers.

"By accident!" Liu says.

"Talking takes opening your mouth and letting the words out, you did both quite confidently," Pala says.

"Look. Sometimes, I'll wake up with not-so-much love for you. But I didn't mean to let it out," Liu says.

He sounds beyond annoyed with this conversation. He's smart, it's a bit out of character for him to run his mouth but clearly he did. It's fine, they'll get over it, they seem to do so these days.

It's been a few months since they've argued, even this isn't a real argument, the quiet day just needed something and both of them are more than happy to deliver this time, it's slightly sad. Maybe they are arguing but an argument is hard to take seriously. Ones they break up (everyone is convinced they are dating and they aren't exactly denying it so it's fine to say that), nobody will think of it as a real break up.

Liu does care for Pala and the other cares for the grasshopper. Even if Pala can be a bit over.... well... obsessed with winning but that's quite fine (as long as it doesn't end up in any more antics). Liu is always with Pala to help Pala through everything, even if the antelope can be classified as someone just slightly weak, Liu believes in him.

"I'm sorry," Liu says.

Even when they're annoyed at each other, it's fine in the end. The others know that by now.

"Thank you," Pala says.

And now it's back to being a fairly quiet day. Admittedly, with Pala and Liu staying close to each other yet again. Maybe it's fine, Liu really should learn that Pala can't be perfect. Pala makes mistakes and will continue to make them for a while. One big mistake (which is too awkward to really mention) doesn't put down the fact all people make small mistakes. That's what it was, we can assume, the fight at least. Because Liu isn't as quick at forgiving at the others, no matter how smart he is.

Sure, Pala didn't want to be there at first but for now, he's just fine with it, if the grasshopper he's so close with now would stop pointing out these mistakes.

Maybe Pala feels a little under appreciated quite a lot. It's honestly just something he's learned to deal with by now. It's fine now, he's fine now, this is fine now. He has grown into the environment by now. With Liu's small little appreciation every now and again. Doesn't matter that people outside of the others hate him.... or he thinks they do. The others (especially Liu) matter more than their agenda against him.

He'll keep walking, Pala has decided to continue to walk the wire, hoping not to drop into the water of being completely forgotten or worse-hated.

He'll act laid back but the idea truly scares him, in it's truest form, it does. Pala doesn't want to be hated but he knows he might be after his big mistake.

Like everyone, he needs people around him sometimes. But he has learned to ask rather than to wait around and look like he might need help. He has decided to abandon the idea that being with people isn't around getting help. After all, to help, you have to ask for it yourself.

Liu isn't as in need of help most of the times. Sometimes with dealing with what has happened with his family but otherwise? Not so much. He is pretty up there in people that don't need help.... or are afraid of seeming too weak. Both are real possibilities.

Liu is stronger than Pala, clearly, as ironic as it might seem. But that has created, with time, a sort of protective instinct. After all, Pala has done some unfortunate things as well as Liu so they have mutual protective instincts there. Which is admittedly fairly unlikely but hey, it happened.

"I love you," Pala says, after a long silence between the two.

Love isn't a word to be taken lightly. Be it towards a friend or a lover, love is a strong feeling of respect for someone. And sharing a strong enough friendship or relationship is beautiful.

"I love you too," Liu says, after a few more silent seconds.

Pala smiles slightly. He's trying to deal with a mistake he's made and from his face, he wasn't expecting the answer from the grasshopper.

"You do?" Pals asks.

"Yeah, Yeah I do," Liu says.

There is a moment of silence before one pulls the other for a quick kiss. It's really adorable and leaves both of them smiling a little.

"Well... it's been a nice day," Liu says, after a while of silence.

In fact, the quiet day has turned into the quiet evening.

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