HAPPY BIRTHDAY FINLAND! Lez go! (This is South Park Style because why nah.)

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I'm listening to the meme music that is mä voisin olla se. So yeah, not because I like that, it's because I have a thing for loving memes.
Warnings: I made two of my favourites Finnish. Fuck you, I have that right. Also cursing. And a completely AU thing. And yes I use sauna very strongly, fuck you.
Ages: 18 both.
Kyle's POV.


I look over to find Stan leaning against the wall. I wave at him.


Both of us start laughing. Sure, we're Finns and all but we've settled on using English because of the huge accent difference. I'm from Southern Finland, he's from mid country, maybe closer to Lapland. Leaving it in an awkward thing where I speak with Helsinki's accent but he goes somewhere between Savo and somewhere like Oulu. It's really weird, leading to a lot of 'What was that' when we do use Finnish for some stupid reason.

"How are ya doing, dude?"

I shrug.

"Just got out of watching a few hours of handshakes with my mom and decided this was the best place to come."

He laughs.

"I know! My mom had me watch the first hours with both of my parents. It was a lot of them pointing at the screen and saying 'scandalous' about clothes that couldn't be more boring."

"They are really boring. I mean some of the women try but the men.... oh fuck they're boring or they're gay. There is no in between. If someone is dressed in a radical way and is man, his marketing trick is his sexuality."

"Oh yeah. I mean, Robin's super gay."

"Did he come out?"

"No but you can tell—."

"Hän on niin homo!"

"Niin! Eikä siinä ole mitään pahaakaan, mutta siinä, että sen yksi laulu ja sen musiikkivideo oli vähän..... juu."

I laugh. I think I caught that right. I believe I did.

"No seriously.... is Tuure invited this year?"

"No way he is! Tuure is too good for any of those serious adults."

"I don't like Tuure. I would love to see mom go at his outfit."

"I don't like him either! He's a fucking meme! Just like the two ten years olds. The blondes....."

"Oh fuck they have such forgettable names."


"Maybe? Aapeli was probably one!"

"You know who I mean, the ones that clearly were forced into music by their parents!"

"I do know them! They made a Christmas song thing a few days ago."

"Lord help me."

"I won't show it to you," I say.

"KIITOS!" He yells.

I laugh and look at him.

"So our sauna is actually warm, my dad thought about escaping these but then Ike had practice and he didn't need it," I say.

He nods.

"Wanna go?"


I take my keys and we walk up some steps. We live in apartments below and above each other, his is below mine, close to the club room. However, I live in the second floor.

"Äiti! Oon kaverin kanssa!" I yell.



"Hemmetin ärsyttävä tapa puhua. Teillä kahdella," Stan mutters.

"Saunaan, vai mitä?" Mom asks.

"Tunnet mut liian hyvin!"

Stan laughs, putting his shoes in order.

"I mean in case you Northern Finns don't go into saunas—."

"Dude! We use wood, unlike your fancy asses."

"Where did you live? On an island?"


"What now?"

"Vesa, as in the thing that grows after you cut the tree. N, as in the letter. To, as in T O."

"I know what Vesanto is. Your accent just..... what?"

"Oh does it shine through that much?"


"Sorry, dude," Stan says.

"Don't worry about it. I should learn to understand shit from y'all," i say.

"Onko Suomi niin kamala kieli?"

"Ei, äiti! Me mennään sinne saunaan!"

Stan snickers and walks into the bathroom. I roll my eyes and go after, just straight up getting my shirt off immediately.

"Fucking.... I do appreciate Finnish, it's just one hell of a lot easier to understand English with your accent."

"I'm concerned you can't understand mine but I understand yours perfectly."

"You live here now. If you didn't understand—."

"I always have."

I sigh, finally getting my socks off, that being the last thing.

"Do I get the water or do you?"

"I can," he says.

"I can too, dude. It isn't a problem," I say.

"Fuck you. I called dibs."

"I mean..... sure. It's not exactly the best thing about being—."

He closes it, smiling.

"It's not but I'm gonna throw."

"Aw shit I didn't realise you called dibs on that."

"Ay, life ain't fair."

I laugh and both of us get into the sauna, him closer to the other side of the sauna gotten from the door, meaning I have to close it.

"Okay," I say.

I sit next to him.

"If you throw at me again, I—"

I didn't even get the sentence out. FUCK.

"Stan, I hate you," I say.

He laughs.

"Oh c'mon. My sister would turn a barrel of water from the lake around on me."

"I don't like being wet before—NOPE," I say.

He screeches with laughter as soon as he gets how dirty it sounds.

"Oh God, I'll have to show you around there someday!"

I nod.

"It's five and a half hours by car."

He throws.

"Sometimes six to seven, depending on stops and time."

"Your accent isn't from there."

"Yeah, I was born way up."

"Rovaniemi or above?"

"Above. We went down to Vesanto when I was.... five, I think. My grandpa needed somebody there and as we are the only family."

"How come did you come to Helsinki then?"

"My mom got a job. Trust me, I want to move back up."

I laugh.

"Would you take me with you?"

"For sure! You're the closest person I've got."

No friendzone.... Thanks life.

"Wouldn't people find it weird if I moved with you.... constantly?"

"I don't think so. There's nothing weird, I've met lots of boys with boyfriends, who obviously live together. It isn't weird at all."

"That'd be.... different though."

"I don't see any reason why it should be."

"I mean you're straight and—."

He actually bursts out laughing.

"Straight? Don't know her!"

"And you don't like me."

He looks at me.

"But I do. I'll admit, you need to brush up on your accent understanding skills, it's literally been 4 years.... anyway. Yeah, i do like you."

I smile.

"I think you're nice and try your best—."

I kiss him.

"Thanks," I say.

He nods, smiling.


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