Confession/Meeting the Family

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I was standing in front of Ahsoka's room door, I was about to knock but hesitated, since I was afraid of what others might think, but he decided not to think about it since, I did not care what others things. I knocked on the door and Ahsoka answered. She had her smile on her face and I smiled back.

Ahsoka : "Hey Y/n, congratulations on your Knighting."

Y/n : "Thanks Ahsoka, by the way there's something I need to talk to you about..."

Ahsoka : "Sure is everything alright?"

Y/n : "Yes and well, no."

Ahsoka bring me into her room. Her room was covered in things from her family and home planet. She was very similar to me. She then sits on her bed.

Ahsoka : "Y/n, there is also something I need to tell you. You've always been there for me ever since we were younglings, you were first person I come to talk to, your so nice and caring, and you're also really... cute."

I blushed at that.

Ahsoka : *Blushing* "What I'm trying to say is... I-I love you..."

She put her embarrassed face into her hands, I put my hand on her chin and lift up her head.

Y/n : "Well that's a coincidence isn't it?"

Ahsoka : "What is?"

Y/n : "I can't believe, I've been wonder about this for months as well about how should I confess to you and all this time you liked me back."

Ahsoka's face lit up with excitement.

Ahsoka : "You love me?!"

Y/n : "Ever since I realized my true feelings for you."

Ahsoka : 'I can't take it anymore!'

Ahsoka grabs my face and pulls me down to her level and my lips smash against hers, I was caught of guard, but soon I melt into the kiss, and after a couple of minutes we break the kiss and put out foreheads together and we smiled. After a few more moments, my communicator went off, soon me and Ahsoka separated, I then activated my communicator and saw my master.

Y/n : "Yes master?"

Plo Koon : [Communicator] "Y/n, come down to the landing platform, we have guests."

Y/n : "Who is it?"

Plo Koon : [Communicator] "It seems you clan you word of your Knighting, and have come to pay you a visit." 

That shocked me, my parents came too see me, the last time I saw them was when I spent the holidays with them a year ago.

Y/n : "I'll be there soon."

I then turned off my communicator, and I looked towards Ahsoka and she had a surprised look on her face.

Ahsoka : "Your parents are here?!"

Y/n : "Seems like it. Come on."

We then leave her room, but not before making sure the coast was clear. As me and Ahsoka made our way to the hanger, Ahsoka asked me why the Jedi allowed me to see my parents similar to her.

Ahsoka : "Hey Y/n, what's the special relationship between the Jedi and your clan?"

Y/n : "Well, you see, it started when a few jedi masters sensed me when I was just a child, they arrived on my home planet, to try and find me."

Flashback 3rd POV

Plo Koon and three other masters such as Mace Windu, Oppo Rancisis, and Shaak Ti, were walking through a forest on the outer rim planet of Odessen, all of them had sensed a powerful force presence on this planet and were searching for person who was so strong in the force. They had been walking for about a few hours at most.

Mace : "We've been walking for hours and found no trance of anyone here."

Shaak Ti : "There's something here. I can sense it, but we just can't see it."

Oppo : "She's right. But there's this feeling that I can't shake off."

Plo Koon : "A feeling, that were being watched."

They all grab their lightsaber and activate them. After a tense minute of waiting, rustling noises came from the bushes and out came 50 Mandalorian warriors, armor that was orange and black, they pointed blaster at the four Jedi masters.

Mandalorian Warrior : "Stand down, Jedi. You are outnumbered."

Mace Windu : "We won't go quietly."

Plo Koon : "Wait! We don't want trouble we're just looking for someone. We aren't here to bother you."

One of the warriors walk away from the rest and takes out a communicator.

Mandalorian Warrior : "We found the jedi, they seem to be looking for someone strong in the force, shall we bring them to you?"

??? : "Yes, but take their weapons."

Mandalorian Warrior : "As you wish."

Plo Koon and the other Jedi surrender lightsabers and are escorted to a sort of temple, there were Mandalorian warriors everywhere and they all turn to look at the four jedi, the jedi then see lots of children as well. The jedi then notice that the entrance guards have some sort of lightsaber pies that was used during the Eternal Empire. The Jedi were very surprised they the Mandalorian's had these sorts of weapons. They walked inside and the Jedi were followed by the guards until they walked into a room where there were two thrones adopt stairs, and in both of them two Mandalorians sat in them a female and male. The four Jedi were brought to the bottom of the stairs.

Male Mandalorian : "Why are you here?"

Plo Koon : "We are here looking for someone very strong in the force."

Male Mandalorian : "I see."

The male Mandalorian lifted their hand and used the force to bring one of the lightsabers to his hand, this surprised the four jedi, even Mace Windu. The Mandalorian then activated the lightsaber which was a bright blue.

Mace : "How are you able to use the force?"

Male Mandalorian : "Our clan has a strong connection to the force and we have multiple artifacts that are from the Jedi, Sith and other force artifacts."

Shaak Ti : "Well that explains that question."

Female Mandalorian : "The person that you seek is here, but there is a problem."

Oppo : "And that is?"

Male Mandalorian : "The problem is that, the very person that you seek, is out son."

The Jedi's eye widened.

Male Mandalorian : "Our name's are D/n and M/n L/n. Our son is five years old, and it seems an opportunity has presented itself today, I'll give you an offer."

Plo Koon : "What is your offer?"

D/n : "We'll let you take our son to train him in your jedi ways, and in exchange an alliance will be made between our clan and your Jedi order."

Mace : "With all due respect, your son may be to old to become a Jedi."

Plo Koon : "Master Windu, we cannot turn down an offer such as this. This could be our chance to create an alliance and make peace between the Jedi and Mandalorian's."

M/n : "There is also another term to this offer."

Plo Koon : "Go ahead."

M/n : "We want our son to be able to see us every two months, when he is being trained. How does that sound."

Plo Koon : "We accept, the terms."

Shaak Ti : "Plo, do you think this is a good idea?"

Plo Koon : "I believe so. D/n, M/n, I will train your son."

D/n : "Thank you, Master...?"

Plo Koon : "You can call me, Plo Koon."

M/n then went to get her son, and came back holding him in her arms, he then walks to Plo Koon with his parents.

D/n : "Y/n this is Jedi Master Plo Koon, he'll be taking you to the jedi temple to train you."

Y/n then turns round to look at his parents with nervousness in his eye, his parents then take off their helmets and they both had smiles on their faces.

Y/n : "Mama, papa, will I see you again?"

M/n : "Of course, you will honey."

D/n : "We will always be here for you."

They both hug Y/n, he then starts to walk towards the jedi. Plo Koon kneels down and outstretches his hand, Y/n then reaches for him and smiles.

Plo Koon : "Don't worry, you'll be safe."

End of Flashback

Y/n : "And that's how my family made peace with the jedi."

I looked at Ahsoka and saw that she had wide eyes, I laughed at her and we then eventually made it to the hanger. I saw a lot of members of my clan were here, with my parents. I also saw a number of jedi master here as well, such as my master, Yoda, Mace Windu, Shaak Ti, Aayla Secura Obi-wan, and Anakin, and in front of them were my parents. My mom then saw and gave me a hug.

M/n : "Y/n it's so go too see you again!"

Y/n : *Struggling to Breath* "Thanks mom, it's go too see you too."

D/n : "Congratulations on your knighting, we actually came to give you a few things."

Y/n : "Really what did you bring."

A few members on my clan bring a box and I opened it, It had three holocrons and a lightsaber connecting piece, with a few scrolls as wells, two holocrons were square shaped while the other one was a triangle shaped one, the triangle one looked like a Sith holocron except it was purple and one of the square holocrons was yellow. The scrolls look to be from Sith and Jedi

Y/n : "What are the holocrons and scrolls for?"

M/n : "These three holocrons are on three of our ancestors Satele Shan, Bastila Shan, and Revan. The Lightsaber connection piece is for when if you want to turn your lightsabers into a double bladed lightsaber. And the scrolls are from the ancient jedi and sith as well, just to make sure the jedi aren't teaching to be one sided."

All of the jedi that were present, all of their eyes widened at what my mom just said

Mace : "I beg your pardon. Wait? Did you just say your ancestor was Revan?!"

D/n : "Yes he was, that is probably the reason why Y/n is so powerful, and skilled. Due to him and us having powerful ancestors."

Aayla : "That would also explain all the force abilities that Y/n is able to master. And him being so capable about mastering quite a few lightsaber forms."

While the jedi were  talking about us, I introduced Ahsoka to my parents.

Y/n : "Mom, dad, this is my friend Ahsoka Tano."

M/n : "It's very nice to meet you."

Ahsoka : "T-Thank you."

D/n : "Well, I believe it's time for us to depart. Well see you in a few months." 

I then hugged both of my parents, and they both got onto their ship, were their guards following them. The ship then took off and left the landing platform. The master then look to each other then to me.

Mace : "Y/n, take your things to your room, Ahsoka help him."

Ahsoka : "Of course, Master Windu."

Ahsoka then helps me pick the box and we leave why the masters watch us.

Mace : "I think we should have a council meeting about Y/n."

Plo Koon : "Agreed."

3rd POV

The members of the Jedi high council were called to a meeting by Mace Windu, they were discussing the situation about Y/n and the artifacts he was given.

Mace : "I am worried about the items that his clan has given, especially about the holocrons and scrolls."

Plo Koon : "But Y/n has never show any sign of being drawn to the dark side. Even when he was younger, I did allow him to study a few things on the sith and dark side. But not so much for him to drawn to it."

Aayla : "That's actually very smart, Master Plo. But maybe Y/n being Revan's descendent has something to do with it as well. In legend it was said Revan did not fall to the dark side, but chose it. Y/n in time may do the same, with the proper training."

Kit Fisto : "Some of us did help him train in a way and since Master Windu taught Y/n his lightsaber form Vaapad, so Y/n is capable of harnessing his emotions to empower him."

Mace : "That is what I fear, him falling to the dark side. If he does..."

Plo Koon : "It will not happen, because I believe that there is something that ties him to the light."

Mace : "And what might that be?"

Plo Koon : "I believe Y/n and Ahsoka might be closer than you think."

Everyone's eye widened at that.

 Shaak Ti : "Are you saying that Y/n has feelings for Ahsoka?"

Everyone turned to look at Plo Koon.

Plo Koon : "Yes, but we should leave them be. Because due to that connection Y/n not only has an anchor to the light. But that connection fuels him, makes him stronger."

For the first time Yoda speaks.

Yoda : "Agree with Plo Koon, I do. See what happens, we must."

The council then agree with each other. Back with Y/n and Ahsoka they were currently in Y/n's room laying in bed, they were both cuddling each other. They then look at each other, Y/n kisses Ahsoka's forehead and she smiles. They then close their eyes and fall asleep.

To be continued

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