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Narrator - Clone Force, rally. As the war escalates in the Our Rim, the Jedi Knights are spread thinly across the galaxy. Many new clones are rushed into service t support their Jedi generals. Unfortunately, because of the relentless demands of battle many young clones must join the struggle before their intensive training has been completed. These clones, manning a vital network of tracking stations, are all that stand between the Republic and invasion.

3rd POV

It has been a four weeks since Y/n's parents visited him at the temple since then, Y/n has studied the holocrons and scrolls. The scrolls were of various ancient Sith lords such as Tulak Hord, Kreia, Darth Nox, Darth Malgus and Darth Nihilus. Y/n was very careful when reading the scrolls since he knew that sometimes Jedi could be corrupted by the Dark Side and he was not immune to it as well. Y/n has also been teaching himself the lightsaber style of Bastila and Satele Shan, while also lightsaber combat and learning battle tactic's from the holocron of Revan, but Y/n had also started learning another force ability, but it was difficult since it was a ability that Satele Shan used. 

But Y/n was also given a fleet of his own three weeks ago, he call's it the 352nd Legion. But there was something special about Y/n's legion, due to it being an armored legion, the 452nd legion having a large number of heavy walkers, artillery and having fast, nimble, powerful fighters. Due to number of ships, victories and Y/n's tactical brilliance, his Legion has gained a reputation for hitting his enemies hard, by striking their weaknesses and crushing them quickly, gaining the Legion's nickname, 'The Shadowed Blade'.

(Best Legion name I could think of if you guys have something better, comment)

In a Republic fleet, Obi-Wan watched as Anakin stared at a tracking hologram coming from a holoprojector. Y/n stood next to him, looking worried. BD was currently on Y/n's shoulder.

Obi-Wan : "Still here, Anakin? When was the last time you slept?"

Anakin : "I'll sleep after we find General Grievous. Clone intelligence spotted him in the Balmorra system. That was weeks ago. Since then, he vanished."

Y/n : "Come one, Anakin. You need to rest. I'm sure Grievous will pop out somewhere soon enough."

Anakin : "That's what I'm worried about. Who knows what kind of weapon he's going to have when he decides to appear."

Y/n : "I think Grievous is probably sleeping somewhere." 'If he even sleeps.'

Obi-Wan : "Yes, Anakin, unlike you, maybe he's getting some much needed rest."

R2-D2, who was standing next to the Jedi, beeped in agreement. The admiral then walked to all three.

Yularen : "Excuse me, Generals. Incoming transmission from Commander Cody."

A hologram of Commander Cody appeared on the holoprojector.

Cody : <Hologram> "General Kenobi, General L/n, General Skywalker."

Obi-wan : "Cody. How goes the inspections?"

Cody : <Hologram> "The tracking station in Pastil is full operational. Captain Rex, Apex and I are proceeding to the outpost in the Rishi system,"

Obi-Wan : "Good. Report back once you've arrived."

The hologram of Cody disappeared. Anakin then looked back at holoprojector.

Obi-Wan : "Don't worry, Anakin. If General Grievous comes anywhere near this quadrant, we'll know about it."

Separatist Fleet

Inside one of the Separatist cruisers, General Grievous was talking to a commando droid on a hologram. The commando droids had  just taken over the Rishi clone station.

Commando Droid : <hologram> "The outpost is secure, General. We shut down the alarm and turned on the all-clear signal."

Grievous : "Excellent. Keep the signal alive. I don't want the Republic to find out we're coming." 

The hologram of the commando droid disappeared.

Battle Droid : "General, our spy on Kamino is making contact."

A hologram of Ventress then appeared. 

Ventress : <hologram> "All the preparation for your invasion are in order."

Grievous : "Good. Our fleet is approaching the system. We are almost at the rendezvous point."

Ventress : <hologram> "Very good, my lord. I will await your arrival."

Grievous : "The destruction of Kamino will stop their production of clones for good."

Near the Rishi Moon

A ship carrying Cody, Rex and Apex flew towards the moon next to the plant Rishi. Cody was trying to contact the Rishi outpost.

Cody : <into comlink> "Rishi outpost, this is Commander Cody. Do you copy? Rishi outpost, please respond."

Apex : "Why are they not responding?"

Rex : "I hope something bad didn't happen."

Cody : <into comlink> "Rishi outpost, come in."

Suddenly, a video of a clone trooper helmet came on.

Clone : <video> "Sorry, Commander. We're, um, experiencing technical difficulties."

Apex : "This is the inspection team."

Rex and Cody rolled their eyes.

Clone : <video> "Inspection? Negative, negative, We, uhm do not require an inspection. Everything is fine here. Thank you."

Cody : "We'll be the judge of that. Prepare for our arrival."

Clone : <video> "Roger, roger."

The video cut out.

Rex : "Well, that was weird."

Apex : "Yeah, something's not night here."

Cody : *to Apex* "Well, good luck. I'm putting you in charge of this one."


The ship landed on the docking bay of the outpost. The three clone commanders got out of the ship and began walking towards the outpost.

Cody : *Looks around* "This is not good. I don't see the deck officer anywhere."

Apex : "These boys are sloppy. There should always be an officer on duty."

Rex : "I'm starting to get worried."

A clone trooper walked out of the base.

Cody : *Looks at the others* "I have a bad feeling about this."

Clone : "Welcome to Rishi, Commander. As you can see, the outpost is operating at peak efficiency. Thank you for visiting, and have a safe trip back."

Cody and Rex looked at each other.

Cody : "We need to inspect the base just the same."

Clone : "Uh, there is no need. Everything is fine and fully operational."

Rex : "Take us to the sergeant in command."

Clone : "Roger, roger."

The clone turned to walk, but Apex stopped him.

Apex : "Hold it. What's your designation?"

Clone : "Uh... 1... 2... 3... 4... 5..."

Apex : "So your number is 1 2 3 4 5?"

Suddenly, a red flare was shot into sky. Everyone turned and looked at it.

Cody : "A droid attack flare?"

Apex then suddenly shot the clone trooper in the head, shocking Cody and Rex.

Cody : "What the-"

Rex : "Whoa! Apex! What the are you doing?"

Apex kneeled beside the dead clone.

Apex : "Relax, both of you."

Apex then takes of its helmet, revealing a commando droid underneath it.

Apex : "Just as I thought. Looks like one of those new commando droids."

Cody : "That flare must have come from the survivors."

Suddenly, blasters fired on the three clone commanders. A group of commando droids revealed themselves.

Rex : "Ambush!"

Apex, Cody and Rex took out their blasters and started firing back. Cody shot a commando droid a few times, but it just shrugged it off and continued to shoot.

Cody : "Aah! Those clankers have tough armor!"

Three of them hid behind a group of storage boxes.

Rex : "We're cut off."

A commando droid then threw a thermal detonator at the clones.

Apex : *Looks at the grenade* "Dammit!"

Rex : "Off the platform!"

Suddenly, more commando droids threw thermal detonators.

Cody : "Copy that!"

The thermal detonators rolled over to the ship. The three attached cables to the side of the landing dock and climbed down. The thermal detonators then went off, causing the ship to explode. The three lowered themselves to the rocky canyon beneath the outpost.

Rex : "Well, that sure complicates things, Commander."

Rex looked at the debris from their ship.

Rex : "No worse than that time on Tibrin."

Cody : "Well, we had Jedi with us on Tibrin, but we don't have Jedi with us now."

Apex : "We'll have to get ourselves out of this."

Apex then hears something and takes out his blasters and points them in the direction of the noise. Suddenly, three silhouettes of clones appeared. Rex then also points his blasters at the silhouettes.

Rex : *to the silhouettes* "Hands above your heads. Take your helmets off."

The three clones put their hands up.

Clone 1 : "Uh... sir?"

Rex : "Take 'em off! Now!"

The three clones took off their helmets, revealing three actual clones.

Cody : "Well that's a relief-"

Cody was cut off when, suddenly, a huge Rishi eel appeared and roared fiercely at them. Apex quickly shot it in the eye, killing it, and causing it to fall to the ground dead. Rex took off hos helmet and walked over to the corpse of the Rishi eel.

Clone 2 : "Nice shot."

Rex : "The name's Rex." *puts his hand on the Rishi eel's eye, getting some blood on his hand* "But you can call me 'Captain' or 'Sir'."

Clones : "Sir, yes sir!"

Cody : "I'm Commander Cody, your new boss."

Cody took off his helmet.

Clone 1 : "My designation is trooper 27-5555, sir."

Clone 2 : "We call him fives. I'm Hevy." *points to the other clone* "This is Echo."

Apex : "Nice names."

The three clones looked at Apex, he took off his helmet revealing he has a scar on the bridge of his nose.

Fives : *excited* "Your Commander Apex, second in command to General L/n."

Apex : "That's right. That's me."

Cody : "Where's your sergeant?"

Echo : "Dead, sir. We're all that's left."

Rex : "Looks like we got ourselves a batch of shinies, guys."

Echo : "Shinies, sir?"

Rex : "That's right. Your armor, it's shiny and new, just like you."

Rex put his hand covered in the Rishi eel blood on Echo's chest plate, leaving a blood stain on it.

Apex : "Not shiny anymore."

Hevy : "Sir, me ad my batchers are trained and ready. We'll take back our post, shiny or not."

Rex : "There's hope for you yet, rookie."


The clones climbed up the canyon until they reached a ledge.

Rex : "Look sharp, rookies. As long as those tweezers occupy this outpost, our home planet of Kamino is at risk."

Echo : "But there's so many of them."

Apex : "That doesn't matter. If we want to protect our home, we have to retake this base."

Rex : "That's right. So we will retake this base."

The three rookies loaded their blasters.

Cody : "How do you propose we get through those blast door?"

Rex : "I think, I have an idea."

Apex : "Oh, god."

Once the clones reached the landing dock, Apex quickly used a knife to cut down the commando droid guarding the door. Rex then began to walk clumsily over to the camera on the door. A commando droid's voice was then heard coming through the camera.

Commando Droid : "Unit 2-6, is that you?"

Rex : "Roger, roger."

Rex ducked and put the head of the destroyed commando droid in front of the the camera.

Cody : *quietly* "This is never gonna work."

Rex : *quietly* "My plans always work."

Apex : "Not always. Commando droids are way smarter than normal droids. They'll never fall for this."

As Apex said that, the door opened, revealing three commando droids.

Apex : *Surprised* "I stand corrected."

Rex aimed his blaster as the commando droids.

Commando Droid : "Clones!"

Rex : "Roger, roger."

All of the clones then ran out and quickly destroyed the three commando droids.

Rex : "Right, let's move."

Apex ran in first and the rest of them followed him. The entered the control room and began to destroy the commando droids in there. Unfortunately, one commando droid shot Fives in the shoulder.

Echo : "Aah! Fives!"

Apex rushed to Fives side, while shooting the commando droid. Soon, only one commando droid remained. Hevy and Echo shot at it at the same time, destroying it.

Echo : "I got one!"

Hevy : "Sorry, Echo. I junked that one."

Echo : "Like hell you did."

The clones took off their helmets, Hevy walked over to a destroyed commando droid.

Hevy : "Not so tough now, are you, Sparky?"

Cody walked over to the control panel and pressed a button.

Cody : "Get to the window. It looks like we have more visitors."

The group hurried over to the huge window. Echo used the binoculars on his helmet. He saw Separatist ships in the sky.

Echo : "Looks like a separatist fleet."

Cody : "That's why they commandeered the outpost."

Apex : "They're mounting a full-scale invasion."

Fives : "We have to do something."

Rex : "We have warn command."

Echo walked over to the control panel and pressed a few buttons.

Apex : *to Echo* "So what did the droids do?"

Echo : "Looks, like those clankers sabotaged our transmitter, and they hard-wired the all-clear signal. It'll take time to repair."

Rex : "We don't have time."

Hevy : *pointing at a Separatist ship landing in the docking bay* "Look."

Fives : *To heavy* "Well, buddy, you always said you wanted to be on the front lines."

The ship landed and a huge army of battle droids and supper battle droids marched out of the ship.

Fives : "That's a lot of droids."

Cody : "We can't protect the outpost long against that army of clankers."

Apex : "Then we'll destroy the outpost."

The clones all looked at Apex in shock.

Echo : "But, Commander, our mission is to defend this facility at all costs."

Apex : "We have to warn the Republic about the invasion. They'll take notice when the all-clear signal stops."

Fives : "That's right. When they stop receiving our beacon, they'll get the message something's wrong."

Rex : "We'll need every thermal detonator in the inventory."

Hevy : "It'll take more than a few detonators to destroy this outpost."

Echo : "We can use the LT. This moon freezes for over half the year. We use liquid tibanna as fuel to heat the base."

Apex : "Isn't that stuff highly explosive?"

Cody : "Yep. It's just what we need."

Rex : "Good." *Looks at the rookies* "Bring the tank here and prime the detonators."

Rex then gathered the rookies around him. Apex and Cody watched him

Rex : "All right, listen up. There's only one target of interest in this sector, Kamino. It's the closet thing we clones have to a home. Today we fight for more than the Republic. Todya we fight for all our brothers back home. Understood?"

Fives/Echo/Hevy : "Sir, yes, sir!"

Apex : "That was a great speech. Rex. What should me and Cody do?"

Rex : "We need you two to keep watch of the clankers. We don't want them to infiltrate the outpost while we're getting supplies."

Apex : "We can do that."

As the clones gathered supplies, Apex and Cody stayed in the control unit, looking out the windows. Rex was busy setting the bomb, and Echo was activating the controls.

Cody : "They're about to enter the outpost."

Apex : *Grins* "Good. We'll give them a welcoming surprise."

The both of them then heard blaster fire. Then, the Rookies ran into the control unit.

Rex : *Holding the controller for the bomb* "The handset isn't linking up with the detonator."

Apex : "That's not good. We have to hurry

Rex : "Hevy."

Hevy : "Yes, sir."

Rex : "This detonator isn't working."

Rex handed the controller to Hevy.

Hevy : "I'll take care of it. It'll be fixed in no time. You guys get out of here."

Rex : "Just make it fast. Those droids are getting close."

Apex : "So what are we using to escape?"

Fives : *Opening a maintenance pipe* "This maintenance pipe. Careful, there's a really bad smell coming from it. Just try to hold your breath."

Apex : "Great."

All the clones, except Hevy crawled into the pipe. After a few minutes, everyone got out of the pipe and into the canyon below the outpost.

Apex : "Blow it."

Rex : "Hevy, hit the-"

Hevy : <from Rex's comlink> "I'm on it, sir."

Rex : <Into comlink> "Hevy, get out of there."

Hevy : <comlink> "The remote isn't working. I have to detonate it manually."

Apex : <Into Rex's comlink> "Are you crazy? You'll go up in the explosion!"

Suddenly, blasts were heard from the comlink.

Rex : <into comlink> "Hevy!"

Fives : "We've got to get up there."

Rex : "Back to the maintenance pipe"

Cody : "Let's move."

Hevy : <comlink> "It's no use. I know what I have to do."

Rex : <into comlink> "I don't like your tone, rookie."

Apex : "Let's head back to the pipe! Come on!"

The group began to run back to the maintenance pipe.

Rex : <into comlink> "Soldier, come in! Respond! Talk to us!

Apex : "We're almost there!"

Suddenly, the entire outpost, causing pieces of it to go flying everywhere, and the Separatist ship to fall deep into the canyon.

Apex : "We're too late."

Echo : "Hevy always did hate that place."

Republic Fleet

Yularen was talking to a clone trooper, who noticed that the all-clear signal from the Rishi outpost disappeared.

Yularen : "The all-clear signal has been disabled?" *To Anakin, Obi-Wan and Y/n* "The Rishi base has stopped transmitting."

Anakin : "Grievous."

Obi-Wan : "Sound the invasion alarm. Let's get the fleet under way."

Y/n : "Summon my fleet."

Separatist Fleet

Grievous watched from a camera that the Rishi outpost was destroyed.

Grievous : <Roaring angrily> "I didn't tell them to blow up the station."

Droid : "But isn't it good that the base is destroyed?"

Grievous : "Idiot!"

Suddenly, the Republic fleet came out of hyperspace and immediately began firing on the Separatist ships.

Grievous : "The Republic fleet. We're outgunned. Get us out of here."

The Separatist ships began to quickly jump to hyperspace.

Rishi Outpost

While the rest of the group looked at the destroyed base, Echo saw through through his binoculars that the Separatist ships were retreating.

Echo : "We've got those tinnies on the run."

Fives : "Thanks to Heavy."

Apex the noticed Republic gunships entering the moon.

Apex : "Gunships. We're getting off this crater, boys."

The gunships landed next to the clones, picking them up.


In a Republic cruiser, Echo and Fives stood in front of Obi-Wan, Anakin and Y/n. Apex, Rex and Cody stood behind them.

Obi-Wan : "On behalf of the Republic, we thank you for your valiant service, and we honor your comrade's sacrifice."

Anakin : "Your new unit is lucky to have you."

Anakin and Obi-Wan placed medals of Fives and Echo's chest plates.

Anakin : "I'd be proud to fight beside you anytime, anywhere."

Y/n : "I'm sure we'll get another chance to work together in the future."

The three Jedi bowed as the two clones saluted them. The jedi walked away, leaving Apex, Rex and Cody to congratulate the two on not being 'shinnies' anymore.

Y/n : "So, how does it feel when you finally found Grievous?"

Anakin : "I feel relieved. But now he's disappeared again."

Y/n : "Anakin, do yourself a favor and get some sleep. You need it. You look even uglier than usual."

Anakin : "Hey!"

Y/n : "I'm just kidding. But, seriously, you look like a vampire."

Obi-Wan : "Y/n is right, Anakin. Get some rest."

Anakin : "All right, fine."

Anakin, walked away, yawning. Y/n then walked to the clones speaking to them and making sure they are all aright.

To be continued

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