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She felt his palm sliding across her stomach to grab her waist.

Her hand moved quickly to remove it by holding from wrist. She didn't stopped in the bed for even a moment after that, sat back, slipped in her night gown and stood up to leave.
A gush of shiver ran through her spine while walking away from her bed, toward the kitchen.

As She crossed living room her eyes fell on wall clock. It was about to struck three of morning.

She reached to kitchen top, and banged her palms on it. Her hairs were hiding her face as her body leaned a bit forward.

A pair of arms slide around her waist from behind and pulled her backwards to hit against a strong male body.

A drop of tear rolled down at her cheek as her eyes got closed itself by the touch of those hands.

"You missed me. Don't you?" He whispered in her ear in his heavy voice while his lips brushed with her earlobe.

Her hands reached to his hands, "leave me!" She said trying to threaten him while her beats increased and she felt her whole body shrinking in his arms and her tone of voice denied to support her.

"Really? Then why your hands, your touch saying something else. Like ... Don't let me go." With these words his arms encircled around her abdomen and he placed a soft kiss on her neck.

It worked like anesthesia on her. Her nerves got relived, her heart stopped beating. For a moment she was transported to some other universe. Which she could see and feel with closed eyes.

A fickle smile appeared on her lips with tears on corner of eye.

He turned her around to make her face himself and cupped her face in his palms. His eyes were flooded more than her's. For a second He observed her beautiful face. He kissed her forehead and hugged her in his strong arms.

As he kissed her forehead his tear rolled down and fell on her eyelid.
With touch of it she felt the pang deep in her heart and broke down into sobs.

Her sobs refreshed his wounds and his hold around her turned firm.
"Please forgive me." He said picking her tear with a kiss from her cheek.

With a flick of second She pushed him hard and stepped back, "Forgive You!... Sorry! That's all what you have to tell me." She busted like a volcano. Her eyes were glaring red with anger and pain.

"Please baby try to give me a chance. Please one last chance." He pleaded stepping ahead to hold her hand.

"Don't touch me! Your touch reminds me of your treachery." She shrieked his hand away and backed out a few steps more.

"I have begged you for a last chance and I will keep begging because I know what I have done three months ago."

"Three Months! Are You trying to make me realize that it's an old thing now! So I should lay by your side! Really!" She screamed at him with disgust.

"Lay by my side! What's wrong with you? Do you think am begging all these days for your body! How can you think of me so cheap?" This time his tone had turned stern with anger. He stepped ahead and held her arm firmly.

"What else should I expect from you. A man who forgot that he has a wife whom he claims to love like anything. A man who forgot that he has a four year old son, a son who thinks his father is a super hero. And what that man did, slept with some random girl. Just to satisfy his lust." She said with all bitterness of her heart and removed his hand from her arm.

"It wasn't like that it was a sheer mistake. Why don't you trust me? I was drunk and I still can't recall that night." Tear rolled down from his eye as he gave his explanation for the thousandth time again.

"You can't recall that night or you don't want to tell me her name! Or You are hiding her identity because She is still in your contact." She pushed him hard but couldn't move him even a bit.

His sight lowered and he wiped his tears by rubbing the face. Looked up at her and said, "You won't believe me because I have broken your trust. I know I deserve this, this hatred, this agony, this pain... But you don't deserve all this. That's why am telling you please forgive me. Don't love me. I know you can't." He felt his heart sinking while uttering those words so he took a pause. She looked up at him with tearful eyes.

He continued with a cough, "I know am not worthy of your love and devotion. Please don't bear all this for me. Let me suffer alone that will be my suitable punishment."

He turned his back at her as his tears were out of his control at the thought of being alone without Her and their Son was another reason to live for them after the love they have been living in from last eight years.

After all they were college sweethearts , after three years of courtship they got married. Had a cute child after a year of their wedding and now when they were celebrating their fifth anniversary, three months ago from the moment.

He confessed that he had spent a night with someone else that too in a drunk state.

She pulled his shoulder and made him to turn around and face herself, " Leave you alone so that you can enjoy yourself with that another woman! No! Not in this life. Am not gonna leave you because it will not only free you but it will affect my son too! Am not gonna let my son suffer just because his father made a mistake." She said looking straight in his eyes with tears of anger.

"At last you accepted that it was a mistake." He said with a bit of relief.

She quickly turned her back on him and wiped her tears as she herself knew how much her husband loves her.

"This is quite enough for me to live That you knew... It was a mistake, only mistake. I never cheated on you. You are the first and last person I have loved in my life." He said with a smile , backing out from kitchen area.

She closed her eyes as She felt his voice going away, "Will you forgive me if I had committed the same mistake?"
His feet got frozen itself. Instead of leaving he stepped ahead to her, Held her shoulder to turn her around,

"What you said?"

He asked in whisper.

"Yes you heard it right. Would you forgive me if I had committed the same mistake?" She looked up in his eyes without any expression.

Without any word he just hugged her tight and started to cry bitterly, "Never say like that. I know you said this to make me realize what you are going through, but the pain of guilt. The hatred I have for myself... you just can't imagine. I can't imagine you at my place."

He started to shiver badly while accruing his feeling. She had to hold him back. When her palms reached his back then only he got strength to continue his sentence,

"You know, the way you looks at me, I feels like, why the hell am alive! I should have died the moment I realized what I had done."

At these words of him she felt her heart breaking a bit more. Yes she was hurt and mad at him but She never thought herself without him. And his death! Would be the last thing She would ever think about.

He was still continuing hugging her firmly close to his heart, "But look at my selfishness I couldn't even die because I have a Son who thinks his father is a superhero and superheroes don't commit suicide."

"for our Son you thought to face circumstances! Not for Me! Is this your love? Where I'm no where on your priority list?" For a moment She forgot about her own anger as now her love was overpowering it.

He pulled a bit apart from her, wiped her tears and said, "You are the reason I breath." His face came closer to Her's to kiss her lips. She closed her eyes to accept it too but the moment she felt his breath on her lips she opened her eyes to find him gazing at her face while tears were still pouring from his eyes.

"If you can't bear it then why you told me about it? Trust me I wouldn't have trusted anyone else even if someone had given me video footage of that night." She said with firmness holding his hand at her own face.

At this he smiled with tears, "I knew. But that would be a cheating. And I can't cheat you. Trust me I took four days myself to trust it. And those four days were worse then these three months. I love you."

He kissed her eyes and continued, " and my love was killing me that I was hiding something from You. You trust me or not but You are the first and last person I have loved in my life." With these words he withdrew his arms from her and left the kitchen to be with their son.

As he left She fell on floor and started to cry bitterly, "I love you too. I love you so much that if you had said that you love someone else I would have died. But I love you so much that it's not allowing me to forget it either what you had done by mistake."

"I know I have burned our heaven to make it a hell for both of us." His voice echoed and when She looked up He was sitting on the floor just in front of her by the wall.

"I Love you so much that I can't either hate you or even bear what you had done. "


There are certain moments in life when you can't say what's right and what's wrong.

Such situations, such emotions are hard to live or decide anything.

So what's your take? What should She do?



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