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"Bring it on!!"
"Come on Dude make it fast!" She banged her fist on counter.

"Enough Rose! You are already very drunk!" Her best friend held her hand before she could gulp it down.

"Am I Clair?" She smirked at her, "then why I still can see His cute face infront of my eyes? And she pour it down in her throat in one go.
"Wooohooooo!! That was a nice one Bro! Make it bit large !" She smiled at bar attendant and pushed the glass towards him.

He poured another glass of whisky.
She almost jumped at it. But again Clair held her hand.

"Enough is Enough Rose not a single drop of alcohol for you. You getting me!" She grabbed her glass and placed it back on counter.

"Ok ... Ok if my best friend insist. No more alcohol for me ok buddy!" She winked at attendant.

"Now it's time for some fun... as he told." She said while stepping backwards to the dance floor.

"Rose... I can't let you ruin yourself for that good for nothing guy!" Clair clenched her teeth.

She dialled a number on Rose's cell phone. Someone picked it before first ring could have ended.
"Rose where the hell are you!" He almost shouted.

"Where you wanted her to be!! In Hell obvious! You happy now?" Clair groaned at him.

"Where's She Clair! Tell me now! Am getting mad here searching her and you talking all this non sense." He shouted at her more loudly.

"You must want to enjoy your victory that's why you are searching her. Isn't it? Mr. Advait!!"

"Where is Rose Clair? Tell me now?"

"Club Roxx! Come and watch her destroying herself and her self respect." And she disconnected the call.

He took a U turn and accelerated his car. His hand were shaking while he was trying to compose himself.

"Please Rose don't do anything to yourself. Punish me, not yourself."
A tear formed in his eye but he controlled himself well.

He reached at the club in no time.
As he entered, he headed toward drinks counter. Clair was sitting there with fixed gaze at dance floor. She was fuming by that time.

"Where is She Clair?" He stood infront of her.

Clair choose to keep mum and a smirk appeared on her lips corner.

"Answer me Clair! Where is She?" He held her arm firmly to make her look at him.

"You told her that she's not your type of girl as she likes to go pubs, enjoys parties with her friends, drinks beer! So She must have boyfriends too.
Well let me tell you one thing. She never had any boyfriend. Because she is very emotional and pure soul. She never felt for anyone the way she felt for you." She started to shout at him while tears started to flow from her eyes.

"Clair! Stop all this. I didn't mean that what I said that We can't be together as our life styles are poles apart." He tried to explain and calm her. "Tell me Clair where is she?"

"Turn around and find her yourself, am leaving. I can't see my friend in such terrible state." She pointed her finger towards the dancing crowd at floor and left it wiping her tears.

"I hope you will accept your feeling for Her Advait before its too late. Or atleast you feel her pain and suffer it with her. You deserve it!" She muttered to herself while leaving him behind puzzled.

He started to search for her, but couldn't find her on dance floor. He took his cell in palm and started to show people one by one as her picture was his wallpaper on cell.

After searching few minutes a waiter recognised her and told that he saw her with few guys going out of pub just few seconds ago. He also added that the girl was almost faint may be due to high intake of alcohol.

It made Advait more restless. He knew well that Rose never drinks hard drinks, she can't bear it. And as the waiter said she was accompanied by few guys. He knows well her friends and none of them was there in pub as he had called all of them one by one before getting call from Clair.

He rushed out without wasting a second. As he was rushing to parking lot he heard some rustling from bushes.

He increased brightness of his cell and entered bushes, now he was able to hear some kind of noise as if someone is struggling.
"Rose! Rose! Are you there?" He screamed in hope of any response and fear that it could be Rose in some deep trouble. He was screaming and frisking bushes when some clear sound of moaning in pain.

"Adi... were you calling my name?"

Advait turned to find Rose standing in bushes with an innocent face and blank expressions.

Advait grabbed her in his strong arms in no time, and started to cry. All the tears he was controlling for long knew no boundaries at the moment. His heart was striking hard against his own ribs with fear of possibilities that could have happened with Rose.

He was hugging her tight while she was standing there like a statue without any expression. A fickle line of curve appeared on her lips while tears got more visible in her eyes. She patted his back twice lightly.

"It's Ok buddy. You may leave me now. " She said and pushed him away and stepped ahead toward the parking lot leaving him behind.

As She left his hand, he felt bit more broken somewhere inside. But he gathered his courage to face her. As he made his mind and raised his head to turn around he saw a man laying on ground moaning in pain while two other guys appeared there from bushes.

"Dude you let her go!" First one shouted at the one who was moaning.

"That B*t*h kicked me there!" He gasped.

"Let me catch her once!" Another short one clenched teeth and stepped ahead to go after Her.

Advait kicked him in stomach, punched the first one hard.
Both fell down on ground in his one shots only. But it was not enough for Advait, he started to thrash them well with kicks and punches until they started to cry for help. Then he pulled out his gun.

The one who was moaning earlier got up and ran away in bushes as he escaped the thrashing.

Advait pointed it on short one who stepped first to catch her. His eyes were red with anger and disgust, without a single word he was about to pull trigger when he felt Her touch on his hand.

She stepped infront of him, holding his hand with gun. She bent his arm around her waist and encircled her arms around his neck, Look straight in his eyes and said, "Why this much anger Adi?"

She was totally leaning on him by now.

"They dared to touch you!" He said grinding teeth.

"So wat? Am like that only. Isn't it?" A tear rolled down her cheek. While her finger glided on his jaw line.

"They..." he tried to find words.

"They did nothing new. They were just..." and she laughed aloud releasing his neck.
He had to grab her by waist or else she would have fallen on ground.
By now his eyes were flooded again at her state. He knew well how much his words have hurten her.

"Hey you! Morons!" She twisted her neck to look behind at those men to find none of them there.
"Ha ha ha ran away! Wooo my bodyguard is the best!" She grabbed his shoulder while staying in his arms only.
"Aren't you Adi??" And she placed a peck on his cheek, raising on her toes.

"Why you didn't let me kill them?" He closed his eyes tightly and said with lots of efforts to control the anger and sensation both that her peck ignited in him.

"Awww... my handsome bodyguard still thinking about those morons." She pulled his cheek a bit, "trust me Adi only you can do this."

He looked at her with tears in his eyes.

"Yes only you can touch me, hold me, kiss me. I will never allow anyone to get closer like this." Her eyes started to flow again while she hugged around his neck tightly.

"Don't do this to yourself Rose. You deserves the best. Am employee of you father. Its my duty to guard you and your honour." His palm raised to pamper her head while other hand with gun stayed at her back only.

"You did it well. Ha ha you did it really well Adi." She laughed historically and pushed him away, "you taught me to defend I tried those tricks only and see none of them could touch me." She smiled in tears, stepping backwards and suddenly she tumbled and fell on ground.

His heart was sinking to see her in that state. He wanted to hug her tight in arms and cry his heart but how can he when Her father have shown him his place.
Yes he could bear his own disrespect but he can't let her be in any danger. He can't quit from this job as it's the only way to be with her. She was his dream and she will be. For her he chose to be her servant and today that bloody status was killing his heart.

He stepped ahead and picked her in arms without a single word. By now her eyes were closing due to over dose of alcohol. Yet her arms went around his neck and her head was resting at his heart.
"Awww... my Hero saved me." She mumbled, "Don't leave me hunn."

He reached to car and opened back door to place her as he thought her slept. As he leaned in back seat to place her, her hold around his neck turn more firm, "I just told you, Don't leave me ok. Because am not going to leave you." She murmured in his ear.

Her closeness and that love in her voice compelled him. A tear slide down his cheek and he placed a tight kiss on her forehead.

"Neither I."

He said and stood back out of car holding her in arms. He stepped ahead to the front seat and placed her next to himself. She was still not letting him go.

"Adi don't go please. I know you will leave me alone." She murmured holding on his shirt tight.

"Shuu... am here only hold my hand." He said and rushed to driving seat. Before she could get some sense and search for him he sat in and started to drive with on hand as in his other hand he was holding her hand firmly.

She held his hand more firmly with both of her hands while leaning on his strong shoulder.
"You will never leave me. Will you?" She murmured and placed a kiss on his shoulder.

He looked at her and clenched his jaws a bit.

"Answer me Adi." She pulled his arm a bit and placed it in her lap while curling on her seat.

"No" he just uttered and went silent again.

"Good. You will not let anyone touch me. Will you?"

"No" he said blankly.

"But you will not accept the fact that you love me. Will you?" She looked up at him with half open eyes and reachd to kiss his cheek.

He pulled breaks hard and stopped the car with the force of sudden break she slipped over him, in his lap.

He held her firmly by taking her waist in one arms and placing his palm around her head.
"Rose! Are you ok?" He inquired quickly hugging her in his embrace.

"Am in heaven. Just don't wake me up." Her arms went around chest and hugged him tight and with these words she lost her remaining senses.

This was just unbearable for him. He hugged her back firmly and started to cry badly.

"I can't... I can't take this privilege Rose. Am your's and only your's." He pampered her head and looked at her face close to his heart. Her mascara, liner, lipstick everything was messed as she had cried alot and must have struggled too with those morons.

"I wish I could tell you how much I love you. How much I need you but right now I can't." He caressed her cheek and wiped it with his thumb.

"You never knew, but You were the reason I left all my riches behind and took up this job, just to be around you. My luck worked and you felt the same for me." His thumb touched corner of her lips and a fickle smile ran on his lips.

"I would have told you everything. I would have accepted your love proposal today instead of insulting you if I haven't heard your Dad." He took her closer.

"I heard him and got to know your life is in danger. I can't trust anyone for you not even your gangster father." And he kissed her forehead tight.
"Am here Rose. For you! And I will be. But will not accept what I feel for you until I makes sure that you are out of danger. I will finish them all. If I confessed my love and died in this battle you will suffer the pain. And I don't want it. Yes am heartless because you are my heart. And I will be heartless unless I make sure My heart is safe."

He said with determined eyes and started the car to drive back to her place. She was unaware of His truth that her love loves her back even more then she could imagine.

Yet she was sleeping peacefully in his arms.




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