No. 41

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I woke up that morning with shrill cries of Martha.

It took me a few seconds only to recognize her before rushing toward her room.

When I reached there She was throwing almost everything at others just in order to keep them out of her room and let her cry in silence.

Unlike normal people, She never realized thar her cries were not avoidable at all. It never was. But in last three months She had improved a lot.

As I entered She just threw the only remaining Utensil at George. At the same time I came between and it struck at my forehead.

Her abuses turned into continues apologies as She heard my cry.

"I'm so sorry Sheron, why you came between us. This bastard is trying to take me out to that room. And you saved him!" Martha's voice fluctuated as She looked up between me and George.

"Stop cursing him Martha and help me to get up." I said to divert her mind before she gets another bout of anger and gestured George to leave.

He looked at me with doubts but left as Dr. Wilson gestured him for the same.

Though Dr. Wilson was new here but I think he was more practised when it comes to handling this kind of cases.

He was supportive, caring, understanding and on top of all he called each one here with their respective name not just numbers.

"Dr. Wilson is trusting Number 41 too much." He grunted between lips while leaving. I saw him placing a needle in his pocket, that mean Martha was right. He was trying to inject her and take for shocks.

Why these ward boys thinks themselves The Doctor?

I looked at Dr. Wilson as Martha rushes to me to get me up from floor.

Though I was sitting there intentionally to get her full attention, I took her support and walk toward her bed. Whole room was messed up by her. Clothes, sheets, fruits from the side table even the table and few books She got to read were covering the floor.

I noticed there was no pen or pencil. I felt like a fool to remind myself how badly I fought with Dr. Wilson and Kathleen to get her a pencil at least in case she wants to high light any phrase or word or even want to write something on her own.

But they refused as they thought She wasn't ready, She wasn't out of that phase yet. I can see, they were right. The Last time was before I came here. I heard She had strangle her self with her own scrunchy only, that's when She had to say Goodbye to her long blonds.

"Here is the antiseptic. Can you apply it Martha?" Dr. Wilson said offering the tube to Martha.

"I would have done it myself but as you can see it's almost seven in morning and my shift is getting over. And you both must need some privacy to talk too, so I should leave." He added as Martha reaches him to get the antiseptic.

Dr. Wilson left the room after giving me an assuring smile. I know He wouldn't leave the asylum unless he makes sure that each one here is in control.

Of course there were other doctors too. But it was his nature to care about all as if they were his personal responsibility. And that made everyone connect with him. In last two months, since he had joined there was a clear improvement in conditions of each one.

He allowed to interact everyone, to talk and share their story. Only few critical cases were restrained to their rooms only.

"You shouldn't have come Sheron." Martha said between her sobs whipping the smear of blood from my forehead.

"Why? We are friends. Aren't we? And when a friend needs, a friend have to come. Doesn't matter how late night or early morning it is!" I replied to her teasing .

"You bitch!" She slaps at my shoulder and got back to her cries.

"Ok, you can expect me anytime."

"No, you can't as I don't want to be helped at all. I just want to cry just like last night. I have been crying whole night. But it's still not working. It's still not... I'm unable to cry it out. I'm... I.. am unable to forget what he had done to me." Martha started to cry hysterically.

I hugged her tight before She could start to beat herself. That's what She had been doing all this time since her husband cheated on her and left her after a good thrashing.

Doctors said she was in trauma and the strike She might had got in that thrashing made her mentally unstable but I could see She was loosing her senses as She loved him so much, trusted him blindly and He always loved her back till the night She cought him drunk and in action with her own sister. In her bed.

Then it became a daily norm. Her husband kept her as a slave to serve him and her so called sister. She had to see their dirty dance of lust.

She bore it all for a few days thinking it all just momentary untill He told her that he was having affairs with many others as well. And started to get others too at their place.

She objected and denied to participate in their errotic things. She was suffering it all in hope to get him back as She was expecting their first baby. But that monster kicked her so bad in that thrashing that she lost her child too.

Since then She is here. I heard it had been two years and She still wanted to kill herself attimes.

Poor Martha had no hope left.

Yet from past two months I have seen an improvement in her. May be it's because Dr. Wilson. I think She trusted him. Well can't blame her. Everyone feels a connection with him.

"You don't need to forget just accept it. He is gone. He is past. Let him go Martha." I mumbled in her ear, rubbing her back.

"I can't Sharon. Everyone isn't lucky like you. Everyone isn't blessed to forget her past like you." She said between sobs hugging be back.

Was it a blessing to forget everything?

I guess She was right.

I know that I fell for someone and he ditched me. I couldn't bear it and lost a part of my memory in an accident that night.

At least I know what happened to me. My parents and Dr. Wilson told all this to me once I got senses after going hey wire to know it, a whole month.

I calmed Martha and made her sleep after arranging her bed back to normal. The sleeping pills given by doctors here were amazing, She slept in few minutes only.

Today, it has been two year to that  day.

I met Martha at supermarket. She got married to someone last year.

Of course he knows about her past sufferings. I feel so happy for her, She is expecting again by four weeks I guess.

"Finally Patient number 40 got her happy beginning."

I close my diary after writing about out meeting.

"Are you done honey?" Wilson inquires from behind, leaning a bit over me and places a soft kiss on my cheek.

"Yes, but you stop flirting with me and write your diary while I will check on our little angel in her crib. And yes, don't you dare to read my diary ok." I warn him before getting out of our bed.

I fell for Wilson when he asked me to marry him the day he signed my discharge papers.

He said that he wanted me to be with him forever. He saw some spark in me. I don't know what but he saw.

He encouraged me to pursue psychology which I left in middle for some fool back then.

I got married to him and got this beautiful angel from heaven. I'm pursuing my psychology as well. Wilson has proven himself the rock of my life. I can say I love him with each and every pore of my existence.

I wonder attimes how could I had ever fallen for anyone else. Thankfully, I don't remember, and I don't want to either.


At other side of the same room Dr. Wilson was writing in his Diary.

'Today I saw Martha with Sharon at supermarket. For a second I actually got worried. What if Sheron gets her lost piece of memory. I don't want to loose her to that phase of madness.

It breaks my heart to think about that dark night, four years back. When I saw them at our hospital. Martha was unconscious. That piece of shit, Garry had almost killed her. But for her goodness Sharon arrived there and saved her before he could shoot her.

Sharon had left her studies and family just to know that He was already married and having so many affairs. When She reached at his place to confront him. She saw his cruelty on his wife. In attempt of saving her She shot him. He died at the spot.

Sheron saved Martha but never knew it. She came to hospital, all socked in blood, might be of Garry. But She was a stone, as if lost in some deep thoughts. And all sudden during check up She became violent. She wanted to kill herself for choosing that Garry over her parents, over her self.

We had to send her the same asylum Martha was refered. And look at the coincidence, they got consecutive numbers. I tried my best to cure her but her self loathing was so high that even after twenty-one months of that night, she succeeded to reach the roof of asylum and jumped from their.

On other hand Martha took all these months to stabilize herself. She too tried quiet a number of times to kill herself but Sheron was a lesson for staff. So her case never got to that extent.

Thankfully, Our team succeeded to save her life. And luckily She lost that piece of her life which made her insane.
I suggested her parents to tell her the partial truth so if She ever get that  missing piece of her memory, She can cope with it.

I'm not very sure but yes, there is a chance that I can loose her to that darkness again if that missing piece ever pops up. But I am ready to take this chance, She deserves this chance, I deserve this chance.

I fell for number 41, because She worth it. She is a healer and She will be a great psychologist and I find it only way to keep holding on her. Once She understand it. She will understand that I hide her past for her own good.  '

Dr. Wilson stares at her wife Sharon and infant girl in her arms for a few minutes then placed his diary in his locker safely before going to them and embracing his world in arms.

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