Chapter 11: 😪Sleepover😪

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Hii guys.Liking this story so far??Thank you all for being an amazing supporters.

This chapter is dedicated to my friend MissLacybee My musketters puneet_sekhon NaomiWrites01 and My frenemy bud xyash-2k

Ok in this chapter we are talking about one week later.Just to let you guys know.And this is a long chapter I hope you guys will stick with me till the end.

Now onto the chapter~

"Thoughts" -- in this font


One week had gone just like a second, Lucy started to enjoy her high school life.She woke up everyday excited to go to her school just to meet her friends and also the study thing😅.She felt truly lucky to have them.

At school,Lucy's popularity have raised now she's the buzzing talk among every students.Everyone loved Lucy.She has her own fanbase with mostly boys.But she never let all this popularity reach her head like Flare.

Lucy and her friends had gotten more close.Everyone felt as if Lucy was with them from the beginning,she just clicked within them.The girls adored Lucy,they became best friends.But about Juvia yeah she's another story😅she likes Lucy even adores her but in winning her Gray-sama's love,she still sees Lucy as Love Rival infact she even calls her that😅

Gray,Gajeel had become protective of Lucy.They never let new people come near her.Gajeel never shows his feelings out in public but in Lucy's matter that's a total opposite and he still calls her as bunny girl😂

Natsu and Lucy had become more close.They are always attached hip to hip.One can't see Natsu without Lucy and Lucy without Natsu.By this time,Natsu realised he had crush on Lucy but he doesn't know what she feels so he didn't say it out.Lucy realised she also had crush on Natsu but she feels that he'll never like her.

(A/N : Dense idiots😑😑)

Boys would always come and ask Lucy on a date but they never stay around to hear her answer 'coz around Lucy there's always Natsu or Gray or Gajeel.They would glare at them to make them run for the hills.Poor boys😂

About Flare yeah she's just a bitch like always.She's jealous of Lucy as she gets more attention than her.True,she agrees that Lucy is attractive not that she's going to admit it loud to others.Even her fanbase had reduced.This angered her,she tried many times to humiliate her in front of the whole school but Lucy's friends were always with her especially Natsu to watch her back.But she waits for the day where she'll get her revenge on her for stealing her popularity and her boyfriend.

(A/N : Really😑Man!!This girl never changes😧)

Right now,Lucy walked through hallways everyone smiled and greeted her.She smiled back at them and greeted back.

"Lu-chan" She turned to see her friends coming over to her.She waved at them,they waved back.

Lucy smiled and greeted them,"Good morning guys😊" "Good morning Luce/Lu/Love rival/bunny girl/Lu-Chan" greeted her back with their own nicknames for her.

[A/N : You guys know who said what right about nicknames if not I show you guys

Luce - Natsu, Lu - Gray,
Love rival - Juvia, Bunnygirl - Gajeel
Lu-chan - Levy

You're not confused right??😅 ]

Lucy noticed Erza was missing,"Guys,Where's Erza?" "Oh!She went to Master's office she said she had some important matter to discuss with Headmaster", Natsu said nonchalantly while shrugging his shoulder.

Everyone walked down to their separate class.Everyone had different schedule and different classes.That's the only problem,they get to meet each other only at intervals.

Girls walked at the front talking where boys came back of them arguing.Suddenly Lucy realised something,"Guys!!" turned to the boys,"I forgot to inform you all about something??" Everyone grew confused at this they looked at her asking her silently to go on.

Lucy stood in front of them and opened her mouth to speak but she saw Erza sneaking behind them.Erza kept her fingers on her lips asking Lucy to be silent.Lucy smirked (Oh this is gonna be fun😏)

Everyone grew confused.Levy raised her eyebrows,"Why are you smirking Lu-chan?" Lucy just shook her head and giggled.

"AHHHHHH!!!!"Erza shouted in their ears making everyone to sprint apart.Erza and Lucy started laughing but when they noticed the position they couldn't hold,they fell down and rolled in laughter.

Lisanna was hugging a pillar with her one leg up,Juvia fell face-planted on the floor with her hands and legs wide open.Gajeel fell on top of Levy squeezing the life out of her but she had a noticeable blush on her face and finally Natsu and Gray was hugging each other with their faces so close if they turned their head they will kiss.

"Oh my goodness," Lucy wiped her tears "Haha😂😂" Erza was doubling her laughter.

Finally everyone except Natsu and Gray got up from their positions and glared at the laughing duo.

"Cut it out girls,"Lisanna glared at them,Lucy and Erza closed their mouth with their hands and giggled.

"Lu-channn~"Levy dragged Lucy's name embrassed with a blush on her face.

"AHHH!!! Why the heck are you hugging me flamebrain/icepants...Ewwww...What..Stop copying me...(points at each other)no you stop..Arghh..." Shouted Natsu and Gray is absolute sync.

Everyone in the hallway laughed at this.Natsu and Gray launched at each other.They both rolled on the floor and were fighting while throwing insult at each other.Everyone in the hallway went back to minding their own business where Lucy and other's sweat dropped at this😥.



"Tobasco freak"



Natsu and Gray were in a headlock.Suddenly they both freezed and everyone grew confused.

Natsu and Gray turned their heads to see Erza standing there cracking her fingers with a devilish smile.Shiver ran down their spine.They both hugged eachother and said,"We're the best buds in the whole world" in absolute sync.

Erza smiled at them and looked at her others.Natsu and Gray looked at each other and glared when Erza wasn't looking.

"Everyone I have a delightful news before that drum roll please" Erza waited for drum roll but didn't get it.She looked at Natsu and Gray and gave them her signature sinister smile.

Natsu and Gray flinched and made,"💫Drum roll💫"

Erza smiled at them,"Thank you Boys" They both murmured,"Scary😱"

"Did you say something Boys" looked at them with her eyebrow raised.They both straightened up and shouted "NO MAM😨"

"Okay back to what I was saying we all have different classes right so we couldn't see each other a lot--" Natsu cutted her off,"Way to rub it in Erza".Erza turned and glared at him making him to raise his hand in surrender.

"Okay were I was before I got rudely intruppted??(Glared at Natsu)Yeah about Different classes right? I talked to master and he said we all can have the same schedule" "Ahhhh!!Really oh that's amazing" The girls hugged eachother and started jumping in excitement.

The boys glared at each other,"Ugh!!I have to be in every class with these two Idiots..hey stop copying me (pointed at each other) not me you Errrr.."Shouted Natsu,Gray and Gajeel in sync.They glared at eachother where the girls were cracking up looking at them.

The warning bell rang making everyone to rush to their Literature class.Everyone sat in their seats.

Lucy sat in between Natsu to her left and Levy to her right,Gajeel sat near Levy who was to his left and Erza to his Right.Gray sat behind Lucy with Juvia to his left and Lisanna to his right.Totally there were 35 students in this class.

Kinana,Literature teacher came in greeting her students with a smile.Students greet her back enthusiastically (not)


After senasai left the classroom after hearing the bell,Lucy took her notebook and started beating Natsu with it whereas Natsu was laughing while trying to block Lucy's hits.

"Luce!Luce!" tried to block her hits.

Lucy didn't stop she continued hitting him.Finally Natsu had enough he caught her hand making her to stop,"I told you to stop Luce" Lucy look at him.That was the mistake.While hitting Natsu,Lucy didn't notice that while hitting him the distance between them had reduced.

They both looked at each other eyes.They forgot they were in middle of class with their friends watching them.They felt gravity pulling them towards each other.

"Ugh...What are you two doing😩?"

"Gajeel...You idiot you totally ruined it😳" Levy and Lisanna looked at him irritated.Gajeel just huffed.

Natsu and Lucy sprang apart with blush adoring their faces.They packed their bags and were ready to leave for their next class.

Gray looked at them,"Lu why were you hitting Flamebrain.What did he do😐?"

Lucy looked at Natsu annoyingly,"He wouldn't stop poking me during class hours😤" where Natsu just smiled sheepishly.

Erza glared at Natsu,"Were you disturbing Lucy during class hours Natsu😡" Natsu stood firm in his place he was shaking,"N..No Mam😵"

"It's okay Erza leave him" When Lucy said these words Erza cooled down.Natsu felt that he had escaped from the clutches of the devil which is true for him.

Natsu nodded at Lucy and Lucy smiled at him.Suddenly a smirk over came his handsome features,"Between Lucy," Came near her ear.His breath on her ear made shiver run down Lucy's spine," you're hit were pathetic.I could even feel a hit it was like a fly trying to get my attention😌"

When Lucy realised what Natsu said she looked at Natsu but he understood what she was trying to say with her eyes"You better run😏" and that's what he did.He ran out of the classroom with Lucy hot on his heels with her notebook in her hand.Their laughter could be heard in the hallways.

Their friends shook their head and followed the duo to their next class.They both are the famous duo in their school.


Finally Lunch time came,Everyone came out of their classroom and walked towards cafetaria.Natsu and others were waiting for Lucy in rooftop.They all were sitting on the ground in the form of a circle.

The roof top door opened to reveal Lucy carring big steel boxes.She kept it in center and turned to her friends.

"You all have been my friends for two weeks now.You guys are so caring and loving.So I want to show my gratitude by this " Motioned to the boxes.

"Hey..(Sniff) (Sniff) Where is this smell coming from??" "That would probably be from here" Lucy opened the boxes to reveal "LUNCHHH!!!" Natsu shouted excitedly.

Lucy smiled at him.Everyone started eating the lunch Lucy bought for them.

"Iws wo wolicious" "Ewww...Flamebrain don't talk with your mouth full" Gray looked disgustingly at Natsu.He looked at Lucy"Yeah Lu it's so delicious where did you order it"

Lucy just giggled at Gray"Actually I did it" Everyone looked wide eyed at her except Levy as she already knows Lucy's cooking.

"Y..yo d..did b..but" Natsu looked at her baffled.

"Yep.I got up early in the morning and cooked it.And I asked my friend to come over so she could bring me here at Lunch.I don't know if you guys--" Her sentence was cut off when Lisanna launched and hugged her,"Are you kidding me girl.This is the best food I have ever tasted"

"These are the exact words I told when I ate her bacon rolls at the library" Levy said while eating.Lisanna shook her by her shoulders,"You betrayer how dare you taste Lucy's cooking before but didn't have the decency to tell us"

Levy felt she would throw up from the amount Lisanna was shaking her."L..Lis..Lisanna i..if w..won't stop i..I'm g..gonna p..puke on" Lisanna took her hands off and took steps back from her shouting"Ewwww"

Others just laughed at them.Everyone were enjoying their lunch by chatting and joking around.They really loved Lucy's cooking and the best thing she prepared their favourite dishes.

"Ahh..What a marvelous (burp) lunch.Thank you Lucy." Natsu said while rubbing his full stomach.

Levy hugged Lucy,"Youre my best friend Lu-chan" Suddenly Lucy was yanked out of her hug by Natsu,"No she's my best friend" said while hugging her side.Levy got up and yanked Lucy's other hand shouting,"No she's my best friend"

Natsu and Levy pulled Lucy hand's to their sides shouting she's their best friend.Lucy thought that Erza will save her but she turned to see Erza was in her own world eating the Strawberry cake she made.

Lucy had enough,"Okay okay stop you too..How about this? Levy is my best girl friend where Natsu is my guy friend" Lisanna smirked and muttered"More like Boyfriend" Lucy and Natsu heard it and blushed.


The rest of the day went like a flash.Right now everyone are seated in the auditorium as Head master(Makarov) asked them.Makarov climbed on his stool and cleared his throat to begin his speech.

(A/N : If you guys are wondering why he climbed on a stool it's because he's short)

Now where was the story oh yeah speech😅

"Good evening my dear children.You are confused now why I asked you all to gather here right.." A series of "Yes" rose in the air "You remember last week you a wrote a exam I heard it was tough but I'm shocked to see you all have passed and scored good marks.The list will be put up in the noticeboard and to celebrate this you all will be going on a 2 day trip to "Rhenoke Forest" tomorrow", He paused so everyone could stop their shouting but it looked like it'll never stop.

"EVERYONE BE QUIET" The mighty titania shouted aka Erza.The whole auditorium was dead silent.She sat down in her seat.

Makarov smiled gratefully at Erza and continued,"Okay so tomorrow you all will be here at 5:00 am.Only if we start early we could reach there soon.Bring all you're requirements which you need.Other things will be explained on the way to forest.Did I make myself clear??"looked at everyone as they were dead silent.

Erza got up again,"Did he make it clear??" Everyone stiffened and shouted,"Yes Master"

Master sweat dropped at this as excepted from the mighty titania she got this name from other students as everyone is afraid of her anger.Well they would be b'coz they see Natsu and Gray get beaten up by her.

Everyone dismissed and walked out of school.Suddenly Lisanna got an idea,"Hey girls why don't we all go to Lucy's apartment so we could have like a sleepover then we all can come together tomorrow" looked at her friends hoping that they'll say yes.Everyone nodded to it.

Lucy nodded her head she never had a sleepover but she had a feeling it's going to be great.Boys glared at girls,"You remember we all here to right?" Lucy laughed at them,"Of course you guys can come too"Boys face lit up after Lucy's words.

"Okay then we'll pack everything and go to Lucy's apartment now time is 5. so like in 2 hours." Erza said while looking at everybody.Everyone nodded and went to their respective dorms to get ready.Lucy went to her apartment to pack for the trip and to get ready for the sleeover.

After two hours~

Everyone packed their requirements and waited for Natsu to come.Just then Juvia realised,"Juvia wants to know if anyone knows where's Lucy's apartment" Everyone froze they were so excited that they didn't ask for her address.They felt like stupid which in this case they are😂

"Don't worry.I have her address" Natsu said behind Gray.

"Oh shit you scared me" Gray kept his hand over his heart.Natsu rolled his eyes.

Lisanna started to smirk,"Why are you having Lucy's address Natsu.Are you her stalker??"

Natsu blushed and remembered why he went there it was 'coz of that bastard Booker.

"Well.."He looked at everyone who was waiting for his answer and Erza was also looking at him.He should answer soon otherwise he would dead meat Ahh meat 😌that would be nice now😄 Natsu felt his mouth watering.He shook his head to clear those thoughts.Everyone looked at him weirdly.

" s..see Once I was w..walking through the Neville street that time I saw Lucy entering her apartment she even saw me and waved?" Everyone looked satisfied with his answer.Natsu sighed Thank Mavis he's saved.

Everyone went near to Lucy's apartment with Natsu leading them.Lucy apartment was big but not too big it was a middle range.They knocked the door and waited for Lucy to open.The door opened to reveal Lucy in her red shirt and black shorts with her hair down.Natsu turned his face so no one could catch him blushing but Levy and Lisanna saw it already😏.

They all went inside and looked around her apartment.The place itself felt like home.Natsu jumped on her bed"'s so comfyyy" moaned delightfully.Gray stripped off his shirt and sat in her dining chair.

(A/N : Gray has this terrible habit of stripping don't know why and he's resistance to cold just like Natsu who is resistance to hot )

Juvia looked at Gray with dream eyes and took his shirt and hided it in her bag without anyone noticing.

Everyone ate and played many games.They all chatted and suddenly Lisanna started smirking.Everyone knew Lisanna is just like her sister (Mirajane,their homeroom teacher) a matchmaker they all felt something is going to happen.So Lucy got up and switched on news in her Tv.

Everyone left a breath of relief even Erza.Suddenly the mood of the evening changed when they watched the news.

"Two hundred people have lost their lifes today due to Nebula virus.Scientists couldn't find a cure to this virus.People in Peru are suffering.They have also found that this virus is spreading fastly nowadays.People are asked to take extreme measures to avoid infection.Here are some footages" showed many people sitting and laying down with wounds on their body.Their whole body was covered with wounds.Some had puss and blood over it.Over a deadbody a crow was sitting and digging his wounds.Little children were crying.There were dead bodies all around.

Lucy thought it was enough so she switched off the Tv.Silence overtook all of them.Girls has tears in their eyes where boys looked at the ground sadly.They want to do something but how can they,they can only hope for some miracle to happen.

Natsu hated looking at his friends sad faces.He saw a pillow near him.A blub lighted up on top of his head.He took the pillow and throwed at Gray.Gray took it back and beated Natsu with it who again blocked with a pillow.And later everyone joined in and Lucy's room was a mess with pillows and blankets everywhere.

Suddenly everything became silent,the girls were leaning on each other and sleeping.Boys smirked they took a pen and started scribbling on their faces.Natsu took a selfie so they could remember this day.

Sometime later,the girls woke up to see they're face scribbled they took the pen from boys hand and scribbled on their faces snickering.Lucy took a selfie to show them in morning and laugh in their faces.

At 12 they all hit the made up bed on the floor.Lucy's intuition was correct she had the best sleepover with her amazing friends but still she felt bad for the people of Peru who were infected by virus.She hoped someone would find a cure soon.Thinking all this Lucy dozed off to a peaceful sleep.

Meanwhile somewhere,a black haired man of thirties were standing near the window of his office.He heard someone knocking on his door,"Come in" His secretary walked in with some files"Sir FTHS students have passed the exam with good marks"

The black haired man glared at him,"How can they pass? I personally made their question paper tough" shouted angrily while throwing things down from his table. The Secretary bowed down his head and was shivering like a leaf in fear,"I don't know Boss and I also heard that they're going to "Rhenoke forest" tomorrow to celebrate this" His boss smirked,"Celebration huh?? Let them celebrate as they can.Soon everything will be destroyed" laughed madly where the Secretary bowed down and left his office."Wait Makarov I'll destroy everything" glared at the FTHS school from his window.


😊Thank you for reading😊

I hope you guys liked it.Who do you think was at last??Let's say things are getting heated up😈.

🔥Vote,comment and share🔥


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