Chapter 12 : 🚃1st Day of Trip🚃

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Dedicated to my dear friend _Gray_fullbuster

Hey Guys

I'm eagerly waiting to write this part so without further ado let's go~

Between this chapter is also dedicated to Lina-Mizusuki
This chapter will be in Lucy's Pov


I woke up due to hearing an irritating sound,my phone's vibration.I had a wonderful dream but what was it about??Huh I couldn't remember maybe I'll remember it afterwards.

I don't want to wake up somehow I feel warm,content and safe.And since when pillows are warm.I dragged my hands across the pillow to feel something beating huh??Weird.I lifted my head to see "NATSUUUUU..."I whisper-yelled.

My cheeks started burning up.I can't believe I was cuddling Natsu in my sleep.His arm was wrapped across my stomach,my face was on his chest and our legs were tangled.If our friends sees this,then there would be no end to their teasing.I tried getting up but he wrapped his arm across my waist tightly.The more I tried to wiggle out, the more he tightened his grip.

I sighed,my eyes travelled over to his face.I pushed back his salmon bangs that covered his eyes.

His black onyx eyes is mysterious yet beautiful.His whole features is mesmerising.He is sweet,kind that's what makes him 'the prince' and that's the thing that makes girls fall for him.

My eyes continued its travel towards his clothed chest.I could till make out his muscles he's so built.My eyes followed his tongue when licked his lips in his sleep it looked rough would it be soft?How would it feel if I ---

My eyes widened,I can't believe I was checking out Natsu when he was sleeping well it's true he's hot but my dirty mind arghhhh...I tried again to get out of his grip but he didn't loosen his grip.I only have one way it would be embrassing but still if I can escape from my friend's teasing that's better.

I started shaking Natsu,"Natsu...Natsu...wake up" I whispered 'coz you know everyone is still sleeping. He just grumbled and turned over bringing me along with me.If someone saw my face definitely they would have mistaken me for a tomato.

I was laying down on my back where Natsu's face was in my neck and his arms around me.His breath on my neck made shivers run down my spine.Oh God someone save me if he keeps this up I'll be the first person to die out of blushing and definitely I don't want that.

Suddenly I felt something wet in my right side of the neck.Did..Did he just l..lick me??

"Sm..lls n..n..ce..." Ahh...I'm gonna die why Natsu why..Why me??..Huh??But pratically thinking I don't want him to do this to any other girl.Wait what the heck??My mind is out of controll.I'm not thinking all this but it's my mind
.Does that mean I'm thinking??Arghh..This is all because of this handsome devil on top of me.Really again??😑

Okay let me try again,I pushed him harder than before he opened his eyes and looked at me.He smiled then I watched as his eyes clouded with confusion and then widened after seeing our position but still he didn't budge.

Okay Lucy girl-up don't show that you're embarrassed.But how can I do that??Simple just ask him to move.Yep that's great idea,Thank you.Wait who am I thanking here?😰😰I'm going crazy😟

"um..uh..Na..Natsu c..could m..move?" He blushed and jumped back making him to hit his head on the table"Owwww..😵" I rushed up and checked his head for any injuries.

I glared at him"Natsu you should be more careful.You could have been hurt." He just scratched his head and smiled sheepishly.

"Natsu it's already time.You wake the boys up and I'll wake up the girls" Natsu nodded and we both went to deal our task at hand.


Right now we all are standing in front of our buses totally there are two buses.We all wore comfy clothes like sweats.It's freezing out here.

I saw Master and Ms.Mirajane walking towards us.

"Good morning students.Ok I'm not going to say anything just have fun but don't get into problems.I can't deal with more financial issues.Is that understood?" I saw Master saying this specifically to Natsu and Gray.

I laughed at this making them to glare at me.I rose my hands in surrender.

"Okay children.For this trip Ms.Mirajane and Mr.Laxus will accompany you" On hearing Laxus name everyone stiffened.He's the strict teacher of all.

Master wished us safe journey and left the place.Ms.Mirajane stood in front of us and called out the seating arrangement.Everyone went and sat in their alotted seats.I sat in between Erza and Lisanna.Levy sat in between Juvia and Cana.Natsu sat in between Gray and Gajeel.

The minute bus started everyone dozed off to sleep.Who could blame them I'm sleepy too it's freaking 5 in the morning.I closed my eyes leaning against Erza 'coz it's a long trip to Rhenoke Forest.


The bus jolted making us all to wake up from our slumber.

"Okay students right now we're going to stay in a hotel in Crocus.Later we'll go from here.Now everybody get up and come" informed as Ms.Mira got down from the bus.Everyone followed her.

I got out of the bus and shielded my eyes from the sun.I looked over to see where we're staying"Scortz Inn".I went and stood near my friends.Everyone looked sleepy.

I checked my phone to see it's "9:00am" and ten missed calls and fifteen messages from Luke.

Oopsie I totally forgot to inform him after getting on the bus.He's gonna kill me the next time I talk to him.I quickly sended a message to him.

To: Doofus

Hey Luke sorry I was so sleepy.So I just kinda forgot to inform you.We just reached here.We're staying in "Scortz Inn".I'll call you later.Cya

P.s.Don't be angry😜Love u❤.

We all went inside and stood in front of Laxus.Ms.Mira was talking to the receptionist.

Ms.Mira turned and smiled,"Okay guys I talked to them and we'll be staying here today and tomorrow.There is single bedroom on 1st floor for 2 or 4 members if you want to stay with 5 or more people you can take the room which is on 2nd floor right side down the hallway.You can chose you're roomates"

Everyone high-fived their friends including us.We all get to stay together in this trip.I heard Laxus clearing his throat,"You guys heard what she said.I don't want to see you guys breaking anything or making out in the hallways" Ms.Mira slapped his arm and pouted,"Don't be a killjoy Laxus" Laxus crossed his arms and turned away.

"You guys do whatever you want.You can address us by our name in this trip.We all came here to enjoy"Mira smiled,"And I want all my ships to sail" smirked at us making us shiver in fear.

Ms.Mira is sweet but when you mess with her couples and her shipping you're dead.She's just like another Erza.

"Now you can go and rest.I'll meet you all at 2 after your lunch don't be late.
Another school will be joining us in this trip" Ms.Mira and Laxus walked away.I think they're staying in one room,rumours had been going on that they are dating.

We reached the 2nd floor room which were allotted for us.We all had separate keys to it incase if someone forgets to bring it.

Lisanna unlocked the door,we were shocked when we entered.This place looked wonderful.It's a big room with small kitchen and three bathrooms.It had three sofas in the center of the room with LED TV on the wall .At the corner of the room there were roll up beds.There was a big window from which we could see outside clearly.

I took my roll up bed and dozed off.I couldn't get a wink of sleep in bus😪😪

-----Line break-----

I felt someone shaking me,I opened my eyes to see Levy staring at me.

"Lu-chan wake up its time" I looked at the watch as Levy walked away.It's 1:00pm many hours have I slept?? I got up and cleaned my bed.I saw everyone was already up and ready,

"Looks like I'm last huh??" I asked them as I walked to my bag to take clothes out.

"Yea!Are you feeling better now??" I turned and smiled at Natsu's concern,"Feeling good as new" He grinned back.I got inside the bathroom and showered.

15 minutes later I came out fully dressed up👇 and my hair flowed freely.I clipped the bangs to the side with a star shaped clip.

We all had breakfast with Ms.Mira and Mr.Laxus downstairs in the hotel dining room.When we reached lobby it was crowd.Students were surrounding someone and from here I can hear Flare's voice.She's shouting at someone poor child who is it this time.

"This girl never stops" I heard Ms.Mira muttering under her breath.We all went with her to see who was the victim.

A girl who wore her blue hair in two pigtails covered in a corner in fear.I could see her shaking.

"Do you understand girl don't mess with people you don't know?" The girl shook in fear.I felt bad for her b'coz I had been in her place too.I couldn't see her face with her hair covering her face but she looks familiar.

Flare took her by her hair when I saw her face my breath caught in my throat.What is she doing here??It was -- I saw Flare raising her hand to slap her my adrenaline kicked in,I caught her wrist before it could make contact with her cheek.Everyone became silent to see what is going to happen.

"What do you think you're doing nerdfilia.Leave my hand" tried taking her hand from my grip.

When she tried slapping the girl,I slapped her.I heard everyone's gasp.I didn't care she tried hurting her.

"Don't you dare try to touch Wendy" I glared at her.Little arms wrapped around my waist.I tuned and kneeled in front of her"Wen what are you doing here??" I asked while brushing away the remaining tears.

"I came for my school trip Lucy-nee" The minute she said this,I heard everyone shouting,"LUCY-NEE"

I sighed and stood up,"Yep meet Wendy Marvell everyone" I saw everyone grew confused probably by the last name.I took deep breath and continued,"She's not my younger sister by blood but we're sister's by heart" I smiled seeing Wendy interact with others happily.I turned and glared at Flare.I need to talk to Luke right now but how??Everyone's here.I'll text him later.

Looks like Wendy's school Lamia Scale is also joining with us.We got inside our separate buses.I pecked Wendy's forehead.I turned to see my friends smiling at me.I rose my eyebrows for which they shook their heads and got inside the bus.I shrugged and went along with them.

This time I sat in between Natsu and Erza.Ms.Mira stood and said,"Okay students now we all will be going to Crocus Museum"

Everyone groaned at the mention of museum. Ms.Mira giggled,"I know guys but we have too look at some antiques here.It'll be over before you know it"

Natsu groaned"Ugh...Do we really have to go to some boring place" I elbowed him in his ribs"Shut up Natsu it'll be nice.It has rare antique"

"See that spells 'b-o-r-i-n-g' " Quoted the last word with his hands. I know what will interest him,"You know Natsu,Crocus is the only place which has dragon scales" I smirked b'coz he's obsessed with dragons like I'm with stars.

"Like real dragon scales" I looked at his excited eyes.Was his eyes sparkling??Yep it is.I nodded my head giggling.

"REALLY..THEN ARE WE STILL HERE??DRIVER TAKE THE BUS RIGHT NOW!!" Natsu shouted at top of his lungs.Gray who sat back of us hitted Natsu on his head.

He was so excited I could see him fidgeting in his seat.I giggled at his childish behaviour.

The rest of the ride I tried to make Natsu sit in seat but he was practically jumping.I gave up after some time.When the bus stopped at the museum he ran out.We all stood out in front of Mira.

"Okay students.This is Crocus museum,it has most antique things in the world.It has many rare and special things which we could not see anywhere" Our mouth dropped at the marvelous building before us.I have heard about this museum before and the things inside it but never got the chance to visit.

"Okay everyone you all can split up and look at everything.We all will meet again right here at 7.Is that understood??" Laxus glared at everyone.Everyone nodded their heads.

We walked inside to see Natsu standing near entrance scratching his head.

"you couldn't find it right?" Natsu's blush answered I was indeed correct.We laughed at him and walked in.This place was huge it's like we're walking inside a palace.We could easily get lost.

Gajeel pulled Levy and went alone.Levy looked at us to help her.We in turn smirked and waved at her.

"What's this box why it's here??" Lisanna asked while touching the glass.

I turned to see what's she's pointing at,"It's a Pandora box Lis"

"What's a Pandora Box Luce?" Natsu looked at me.

"You see its a Greek mythology Natsu.It says that this box was given to a Pandora by King of Gods Zeus, to seek vengeance on Prometheus who stole the fire from heaven.When Pandora opened the box all kinds of evil entered the world."

"Ohhhh.." Everyone said in sync and looked at the box more closely.

"Why does she have to open that is she that stupid" Natsu questioned looking at the box"yeah just like you Flamebrain" Gray snickered at him.Natsu raised his fist to punch him but one glare from Erza shut him up.

We saw many paintings and ancient things that had been used by our ancestors.I explained to everyone whenever they asked me questions even Natsu did too.

Erza looked mesmerised by this armour"It's Leather feather.Nothing in this world could break or harm this armour." We all nodded at her explanation.

Next we have reached Natsu's favourite place.We waved at Gajeevy(Gajeel and Levy) who were heading to the same place.I noticed that they both were blushing so something must have happened.I'll ask her later.I turned to everyone,"I hereby present you the dragon scales" said in a Ta-Da motion.

Everyone squeezeed their head on the glass to get a good look at the scales.

"Luce why are they white??" Natsu asked looking at the scales.

"Because Natsu when a scale falls from a dragon it looses it colour and turns white" Everyone nodded their heads.I continued,"But you see here this scales are black and multicoloured.Some say that this scales belong to an elemental dragon" pointed to another box.

"What's an elemental dragon bunny-girl?" I sweat dropped at his remark.This guy is not going to stop calling me bunny girl right??

"Elemental dragon is believed that it can use all elements on earth Gajeel" Levy answered him instead of me while he smiled at her.I smirked something is definitely going on between them.

Juvia suddenly took off to a random box.We followed her to see what is she looking at it.

"Love-rival what is this??" I sighed,"Juvia it's the tear of a mermaid.They say that this tear can heal any fatal wounds in this world but some also say that this could bring bad luck"

Erza looked at me"Why bad luck Lucy?" I looked at the tear,"Because this tear was the last tear she had shed before giving up her life for her love"

Juvia looked mesmerised by this and looked at the tear with sparkling eyes.Someone nugged me,I turned to Natsu who pointed at Gray who was looking at Juvia with a blush on his face.We both giggled.Everyone looked at us weirdly we shrugged off and came out of museum since its already time.

Natsu dragged me to a ice cream stand.Everyone followed us and ordered their favourite ice creams.Later everyone got inside the bus and drove off to hotel in which we were staying.On the way back we sang songs,danced and enjoyed.

We reached our room and got into our pajamas.Since we had time we taught we'll play something.Everyone voiced out their thoughts.

Lisanna stood up,"We're playing truth or dare and that's final" We all gulped because she had her matchmaking face.and no one can say no to that face.

"Okay.I'll go first.Erza truth or dare?" "Truth" We were shocked we never thought she'll choose truth.Lisanna seemed to be in shock too then she composed herself and asked"Do you have crush on someone that we know?" Erza blushed,"Y-Yes he's from childhood"

"Erza crushing on someone will he be??" I elbowed Natsu when he mumbled this.

"Okay Gray truth or dare?" Gray stuttered because it was Erza who asked him,"T-Truth M-Mam"

"Scaredy cat" Natsu snickered while Gray glared at him.

"Okay Gray tell me do you have like someone in our class" "Y-yes"

I giggled bcoz I have an idea who Gray likes.Juvia's eyes saddened.Oh girl...

"Juvia truth or dare" When Juvia heard Gray's voice she stood up straight. "Juvia chooses dare" "Ok I dare you to stop clinging to me" When Gray said this Juvia's eyes lost its flicker.We all glared at him where he bowed his head down mumbling something under his breath.

It was silent.Lisanna looked at Gajeel,"Gajeel truth or dare" "Dare I ain't no pussy like others" Lisanna smirked,"I dare you to have Levy on your lap till the rest of the game" Gajeel blushed but he picked up Levy and made her to sit on his lap.

I asked"Levy truth or dare" I smirked because whatever she chooses I have a perfect idea for it.I think she found it because her expression changed to fear "T-Truth"

"Levy what happened in the museum when you two went alone" Levy and Gajeel blushed.We all looked at them for their answer.

"Um..we..we...k-kisse-ed" Everyone congratulated them.They both blushed so much that I could see steam coming off their heads.

"Lisanna truth or dare" "Dare" "I dare you to kiss the person you like" Lisanna got up and went out.We all followed her.Bixlow,Evergreen and Fred were standing and talking in the hallway.Lisanna walked up to them and kissed Bixlow.She came back and went inside the room.

We all went inside,she asked Natsu,"Truth or dare Natsu" He shouted"DARE!!".She smirked looking at Natsu and me.Oh no this is not good.

"Natsu I dare you to kiss the person you like" Natsu blushed.I felt something soft on my cheeks I realised Natsu kissed me.I know that my face looked like a tomato now and his face was red.

"Hey come on kiss her lips" Lisanna pouted at him.He grinned at her"You didn't say where so I did what I want now" Lisanna stuck her tongue out at him.

It was Natsu's turn and I picked truth.

"So Luce why did you wear baggy clothes before" I sighed this was the question I was afraid off.I think it's time to say them.

I took a long breath,"You see in my old school which is Floss middle school.....


It was dead silent again.I told them the story which had been haunting me forever.Someone lifted my head by my chin.I looked into onyx eyes that I'm starting to crush on.

"Luce we'll never be like them and I promise no one will hurt you again." I didn't notice that I'm crying till he wiped them with his thumb"If only I get my hand on that bastard.." He gritted his teeth together and fisted his hand.I unfisted his hand and holded them in my lap.

My body flooded with warmth when everyone hugged me.

"Don't worry Lu-chan we're there for you"
"Yeah don't worry bunny girl I'll beat him up"
"Juvia feels sorry for you love rival" "Lu stay strong"
"I'm sorry for your loss Lucy"
"Gurl I'll never leave you alone"
"Luce we're in this together.You can count on me when you need me. I'll be there"

After hearing all this I couldn't hold I hugged them tight and sobbed into their shoulders.Later we all called it as night and slept.

I could never be content as I'm now.I'm happy where I am with them,my friends.I dozed off into sleep without any past memories haunting me.


Yayy!!Completed 13th chapter.

So you guys liked it.I hope you guys did.

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~Riya out😉

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