xxiii. Leon Schneider

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  "Welcome all, to this very special ceremony. This day is dedicated to the initiation of Leon Schneider as the new German Military Commissioner. He will be sworn into this honored position in front of the very people his job promises to protect," the lanky woman's voice boomed through the event hall, silencing the whispers among the guests.

Silas and I were growing tired of waiting. It was difficult to stand still in the face of evil. We had eyes outside, on the top floor, and in various spots around the hall. When an agent saw me, they'd subtly brush their nose, alerting me of their loyalties to Arc.

"Callisto," I whispered, swirling the ruby red drink in my hands before taking a sip, "position?"

There was some static on the other end, before Oliver's hushed voice sounded in my ear.

"Your twelve o'clock. With fifty-five."

Agent fifty-five was Lucy.

"Twelve?" I tried to keep my lips as still as possible, smiling at a couple who'd been eyeing us all night.

"Six o'clock." Lucas's voice was clear. He was nearby.

Before I could proceed to ask for more information, I felt Silas's arm snake around my waist.

"Incoming," he muttered through gritted teeth, staring at the strange couple who was now approaching us.

I cursed under my breath, a feigned smile slipping onto my lips when the woman unexpectedly wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Hallo mein Lieber!" she shouted, obviously a bit tipsy from the courteous and endless supply of drinks available to us. "How are you?"

Her husband shook Silas's outstretched hand, adjusting his black tie as his gaze flitted between the two of us.

"You look very familiar," the woman cooed, leaning in to scrutinize my face, "do you work for the commissioner's office?"

I shook my head and chuckled. "No, dear. The German Embassy. Maybe we've met at the Christmas party? It has been a while."

The woman looked to her husband, confusion on her features, before she nodded in realization, slapping her palms together. "Ah! Of course! That was quite a blast."

She turned to Silas, who stood tall by my side. His shoulders were a bit tense, but he was playing along well, falling into political conversation with her husband.

"I'm Joanna, this is Richard. It'll be nice to have some friendly faces around. Your names?" Her blue eyes bore into mine looking for answers. She was one of the few people who didn't have her face covered.

I was quick on my feet, and would've eventually figured out a way to flee from the clingy couple, but I was extremely relieved when a new voice bellowed from the stage, silencing everyone once again.

"Guten Abend! Good evening!" The man was tall and muscular, his dark eyes scanning the crowd, a grin gracing his thin lips, which were framed by a thick mustache and beard.

This was him. Leon Schneider. My body tensed, and we stepped away from the couple without being noticed, weaving through the crowd so that we had a better view of the host.

He was an important man, and it was obvious by the way that guards stood only inches from him, encircling his body. He rested his hands on the podium, this deep and rumbly voice echoing once again.

"I am pleased to see so many supporters here tonight. This night marks the end of a chapter and a beginning of a new one." People cheered, a wave of excitement washing over the crowd. "Before we begin the ceremonies, let us enjoy this night and the beautiful people in it." On cue, the band began to play, the music ballroom style as people congregated onto a makeshift dance floor.

I watched as Schneider stepped down from the stage and took a woman's hand in his. She was probably his companion from the night, as she'd been by his side during the speech as well. The couple made their own way to the dance floor.

"I have an idea," I whispered to Silas, taking his hand and leading him to the floor. He followed without questioning me, and didn't utter a word when I wrapped my hands around the nape of his neck. He realized what I was doing and snaked his arms around my waist as we fell into an easy rhythm, swaying back and forth with the rest of the crowd.

I placed my head onto his shoulder, my lips beside his ear. "I need to get close to him."

Silas nodded, subtly making his way towards the center of the floor, where Schneider danced with his date.

"Callisto, we need a switch up," I whispered, keeping my chin on Silas's shoulder. "Keep your eyes on me and get to the band."

"On it," Oliver's voice sounded in my ear. I glanced over my shoulder to see him approaching the band, most likely requesting what I'd ordered.

"Never thought my first dance would be under these circumstances," the green-eyed boy joked, his eyes speaking volumes about how he was feeling, and for one second, for one split second, I forgot about the mission.

Until my alert gaze fell on one of the suites guards wandering the hall. He looked familiar from his side pose, and when his eyes began to scan the crowd and they almost reached me, my breath hitched in my throat. His baby blue eyes were hooded with determination, a lion tattoo peeking out from underneath his white collar.


I hadn't seen the Jupiter member since he disappeared the fateful night that Mother died. He was with Harris? He betrayed us. He betrayed me...

Right when his eyes were about to land on me, I realized that no matter how good my disguise was, I couldn't risk being recognized by James. I looked up at Silas, and without warning, I crashed my lips onto his. He was taken aback, but soon he leaned into my body, his mouth moving in rhythm with mine. His arms tightened around my waist, and he held me so close that it was becoming difficult to breathe.

And for a moment. Just for a moment. For some stupid, absurd reason, I wished that I could freeze time.

Finally, I pulled away, looking to my left to see that James was gone. I let out a sigh of relief and looked up at the confused boy, whose cheeks were ablaze, eyes ignited with a golden fire that screamed emotions I couldn't place.

"What was that?" he whispered, shaking his head in a daze.

"I needed a distraction," I explained, not proud of how much I'd enjoyed the distraction, and averted my gaze from his. We were close to Schneider now, and just in time.

The music switched on us, and people twirled their dance partners away from their bodies and took others into their arms.

Silas reluctantly did the same, and I angled my body so that I went twirling right into Schneider's firm arms.

He gripped my waist lightly, and I smiled cunningly at the man. His hair was dyed black, almost matching his eyes, and his nose was slightly crooked. His pale lips were curved upwards in a grin. All in all, he wasn't an unattractive man. Just evil is all.

The music sped up, and Schneider and I fell into the rhythm, my arms around his neck.

"I can't say I've seen you before," he said, confusion etched across his expression, "I would have noticed such a beauty."

I smiled bashfully, fluttering my eyelashes at the tall man, making his grin grow wider. "Some things are better left unseen, Commissioner."

He cocked his head to the side, the corners of his eyes crinkling with his smile. "I'm not Commissioner quite yet."

Tilting my chin up the slightest bit, I half-smiled. "A little bit of practice doesn't hurt." I fell into easy conversation with the man, ignoring the temptation to snap his neck then and there. It would ruin the plan. Just a bit.

Somewhere amidst the dancing and talking, I found a chance to nonchalantly reach underneath my hair for a tracking bug. Concealing it between my fingers, I once again wrapped my arms around Leon's thick neck. The music had begun to slow down, meaning I was running out of time.

I placed my chin on his shoulder, my eyes scanning the guards who were watching my every move. Schneider pulled me closer by the waist, and I leaned up so that my lips almost brushed his ear. The timing worked out well, because I found that he was also wearing a earpiece. It was not visible to me, but I was close enough that I heard a barely distinguishable voice ring in his ear.

"Right wing. Fifteen minutes."

Hiding my excitement, I took a deep breath.

"This was a pleasure, Commissioner. Maybe we will have the chance to dance together again," I whispered, running my fingers on the nape of his neck, slowly trailing them upwards until they found soft hair. Swiftly, I planted the bug on the inside of his collar, where it wouldn't touch his skin. Leon shivered under my touch.

And when I pulled away, he seemed like he didn't want the dance to end. He tugged on my arms again, causing me to crash into his body. I remained calm, biting my lower lip to keep from snapping.

"We can afford another song," Leon whispered, his eyes growing dark, desire swirling within. "And I'd like to see what's underneath this mask."

I laughed softly and pulled away from his arms, this time with some force. "People are watching, Commissioner. We will meet again. I assure you."

His hands loosened their grip on my arms and instead he took my hand. "If you have time, Natasha, maybe we can carry on some other place."

My breath hitched in my throat when I realized what he was suggesting, but it was the perfect way to get out of the hall and to the officials. "Of course. It wouldn't be right to deny the man of the hour."

Leon's chest rumbled against my body when he laughed, and he smiled in satisfaction. "In about five minutes, approach the guards at the East doors. They'll let you in."

I knew that my team was listening. The ear he was whispering into was the one where my earpiece was, and I knew that they were already comprising a counter-plan.

I pulled away and smirked at Leon, his predatory skin making my skin crawl. "Of course. But first, please allow me to freshen up." I pulled away from him forcefully this time, and offered a curtsy.

He took my hand in both of his and placed a kiss upon my skin, sending a jolt of anger through my already ignited body. "See you soon."

The song finally came to an end, and Leon twirled me out of his presence the same way I'd made my way in. As I spun, I felt myself being caught by familiar hands and gentler, the cologne that filled my senses one I was actually accustomed to.

I looked up at Oliver, whose eyes spoke a thousand words, some screaming in pain and others in determination. There was something different about his outfit, though. He was no longer in the same tuxedo he'd arrived in. Instead, he was dressed in a way very similar to the guards that were scattered about.

"Where'd you get the clothes?" I asked, walking alongside him as we wove through the guests, even though I was sure I already knew the answer. He seemed like he knew where he wanted to go, so I allowed myself to be led by his arm, which was steering me using my waist.

Oliver chuckled, his gaze meeting mine for a brief moment before he focused back on the task in hand. "Took two guards down. One suit for me, one for Simon. We can't let you go alone with that bastard. I know you can take care of yourself, Ganymede, but I'm not ready to..."

I raised my eyebrows, waiting for him to finish his sentence. Instead, his face fell serious and he shook the thoughts out of his head. "Never mind. The point is, you're our ticket in."

He looked down at his watch and shifted screens so that we could see our team as well as Leon's trackers moving about. They were all different colors, and now, I wasn't on the screen any longer, as Leon had taken my place. The red one caught my eye: Silas. It seemed like we were headed his way.

"Fifty-five and twelve are surveying the rooms upstairs. They got through with the help of some Arc agents. We need to get you to the East doors," he spoke, his words whispers, and I kept a wide smile on my lips, so that to spectators, it seemed like he was whispering sweet nothings into my ear.

I looked down on my own watch to see that Schneider was exiting the room. He was expecting me to follow, so I couldn't waste much time.

"Let's go," I whispered to Oliver, who turned to the right abruptly and discretely tapped Silas, who was conversing with some women. He was also suited in the same manner as Oliver: all black, with a Bluetooth in his ear, and his mask missing as well. He fell into step a few feet behind us, and I felt myself glancing over my shoulder to offer him a reassuring smile. He nodded in return, but made sure not to make eye contact for long.

As we neared the East doors, the two guards at the entrance straightened their shoulders at the sight of the men beside me, placing their hands on their guns.

"Schneider asked us to escort the lady," Oliver said confidently, and Silas nodded along.

The guards shared looks before looking back at us. Oliver, noting their suspicions, rolled up the sleeve of his jacket to reveal a lion tattoo. The guards nodded, then turned to Silas.

Gritting my teeth together, I internally panicked. How was he going to fake his identity?

His expression set in stone, Silas held his hand up to reveal a gold ring shaped like an arrow gracing his middle finger. Vector's ring. He'd probably taken it from the same guard he'd robbed of the clothes.

The guards nodded and stepped aside, one of the swinging the door open for us, revealing a long hall with about three doors on each side. "First door on the right," one of them said under his breath.

With Silas on one side and Oliver on the other, I walked in and faced the door that was set slightly ajar. These rooms were most likely residence rooms for guests, judging from their proximity and style.

I knocked on the door and it opened on its own, revealing Leon, who was missing his coat jacket. He was pouring a drink from a wine table in the corner, another glass already full set beside him.

"Meine Dame," he smiled, beckoning me in. I complied, and Oliver and Silas stepped inside with me. Slowly, I walked over to Schneider and wrapped my arms around his neck in an embrace. I looked in his ear to see that the earpiece was now missing from his ear and instead resting beside the wine bottle. He gladly reciprocated, but frowned when he noticed the presence of my companions.

"You two have a job to do. Let us be," he spat. I leaned away from him, keeping one arm around his neck and the other by my side. I watched as Oliver kicked the door shut behind him at my signal.

"What the—"

Leon's words were cut short when I pressed down at the pressure point in his neck, causing him to buckle his knees and crumble to the ground. I kept one hand covering his mouth, and Oliver was quick to pull out a pistol from underneath his coat. He walked over to Leon's other side. Silas locked the door behind him.

Placing the pistol on Leon's temple, Oliver bent to his level. "She's going to remove her hand now. Say another word, and you're dead. Got it?"

Schneider groaned and stopped resisting against my grasp. Instead, he glared at me, his forehead glistening with sweat. Finally, he nodded.

"Silas, check his mouth," I ordered, my hand digging into his pocket to see if he possessed any devices.

During our training, we'd taught Silas about the cyanide pills many agents hid in their teeth. He was familiar with them because of his own encounter with Clinton. We taught him where to look and how to extract them.

Silas nodded and reached into Leon's mouth, wincing with disgust. Within seconds, he retracted his hand, which held a small silver tooth, and threw it aside. "Done."

We pushed Leon onto the bed and Oliver kept the gun against his head. I knit my hand in his thick hair and tilted his head back, watching as he grimaces in pain. "Whose orders are you following?"

Schneider laughed cynically, but the sound was cut short when my fist met his cheek. He spit out some saliva mixed with blood and grunted.

"You won't kill me," he muttered, his eyes dark and daring, "you need me."

I sighed and found myself having to do this sooner than expected. With one movement, I undid the huge cage bottom of my dress, tearing it off and throwing it aside, so that all was left was a cocktail-style dress that hugged my body. There was a flap, however, that concealed the waistline. Underneath the flap, a belt.

I lifted the fabric up and revealed the belt to Leon, and his eyes widened when I reached for my switchblade. Beside it were two guns, more knives, sprays of sorts, and some more weapons. "You're overestimating your importance. Choose your poison, or tell us who you're working for and where you're supposed to meet them."

He was a coward. I could tell by the way that he put himself and his desires for me before the mission, something that good agents never did.

"Third floor. Sky room," he muttered under his breath when I began to approach him with my knife.

"Good boy. And names?" Oliver inquired.

"Harris. I swear—I swear I don't know anything else. The rest of the orders were going to follow when the ceremony ended. There's something about some codes and formulas, but I don't know. I swear." Leon shut his eyes in disappointment and his shoulders fell.

Oliver and I exchanged a look and I nodded, answering his silent question. The fact that I now knew that I stood in the same building as Harris was electrifying.

I watched as Oliver removed a needle from his belt and inserted it in the man's neck, rendering his body limp and lifeless within seconds. I noticed Silas turn around and dig his hands into his pockets so he wouldn't have to see.

Quickly, Oliver dug through Leon's pockets for any devices and when he found a cellphone, he slipped it into his own. He effortlessly picked the man up and carried him over to the closet before throwing him in and shutting the door.

"Are you okay?" I directed the question towards Silas, who looked paler than usual as he stared at where Leon's body was. He snapped out of his trance and shook his head.

"Yeah. Let's go."


AHH things are getting crazy! 

Thoughts on that Zara/Silas moment?



Sadly, this story is coming to an end. Less than 10 chapters left!! Thank you so much for every read and vote and comment. It truly means the world. 


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