Versailles Today: Special Edition - Paper Faces on Parade

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Inaugural Versailles Masquerade heralded by all in the palace as a success and the dawning of a bright new age

Lea Zhang | VT

British composer and lyricist Andrew Lloyd Webber said it best: "Masquerade, paper faces on parade, masquerade. Hide your face so the world will never find you."

Some in the court may argue that everyone wears a mask so that they can conceal their true intentions. But on the night of the Royal Versailles Masquerade, the opening event of Crown Princess Gabrielle and Prince Enzo's Selection, each of those masks became concrete.

Everyone, including the lords and ladies of the Selection, donned a costume and a mask before stepping foot into the ornately decorated ballroom.

Quite a stir was caused by the abrupt disappearance of His Royal Highness Prince Enzo, who, it was later discovered, found company in the palace library with Lady Rai Lu. A friendship? Or something more?

Missing prince notwithstanding, Queen Elise and family declared the first official event a success. In a brief interview, Her Majesty issued the following statement:

My daughter, Elena, and I were pleased to finally and formally meet the ten Selected. Each presented him- or herself well and comported him- or herself with dignity befitting a future prince or princess. We look forward to spending more time with each.

Clearly, someone—if not more than one—has made an impression upon the foremost monarch of the kingdom.

Lady Lestrange and Lord Troupe both created costumes to catch the eye of the palace royals. But which of these have also managed to capture the hearts of the people? We have your rankings, by popular demand, displayed below.

1. Lady Salomé Lestrange

2. Lord Adam Troupe

3. Lady Fay Purtou

4. Lord Yves Deniau

5. Lord Kir Spencer

6. Lady Aura Parker

7. Lady Rai Lu

8. Lord Lincoln Despara

Have any questions, comments, concerns, or snarky remarks? Feel free to contact me at [email protected]. I'd love to hear your voices!

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