Versailles Today: Special Edition - Terror in Versailles

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As the royal family attempts reassurance, terror strikes the hearts of hundreds in the capital

Lea Zhang | VT

A frazzled Crown Princess Gabrielle found herself fielding questions from dozens of anxious reporters at this evening's press conference.

"We are dispatching officially trained members of the royal guard to each of the Selected's homes as we speak," Her Highness responded, singling out each individual questioner before delivering the requested answer. "As many of you already know, the rebel faction here in Île-de-France was responsible for this deplorable attack.

"Our archivists are tracing its origins. As all residents of the palace found their ways to the safe room, none were harmed during the attack."

Though she responded with the grace under pressure that so many Frenchpeople have come to expect from our princess, a not-so-subtle glance between Prince Enzo and Head of Palace Security Lukas Weber caused quite the stir, which Antoine Hubert of Normandy Weekly was quick to address.

"Should we prepare for the worst?"

The apparent answer would be yes, as a stern-faced Lady Susana Moreno (of Alsace) ushered Crown Princess Gabrielle away from the podium before she could form a suitable reply.

A sign of weakness? Or a strategic move?

Those who seem to be left unshaken by this event would be our Selected, standing stalwartly alongside their royal counterparts at tonight's news conference.

However, some would ask whether or not it is suitable to continue, given the rumors of threats made against their families, not to mention the sudden disappearance of the queen.

Kidnapped? Injured? Dead?

No one seems to know.

But, as Her Royal Highness and her brother agree to continue, we too shall follow their progress with interest.

To lighten the mood and to acquiesce to popular request, here are the current Selected rankings:

1. Lady Fay Purtou
2. Lord Adam Troupe
3. Lady Salomé Lestrange
4. Lord Kir Spencer
5. Lord Yves Deniau
6. Lady Rai Lu
7. Lady Mai Archeron

Do you wish there would have been a different ranking? Then feel free to cast your vote here.

Have any questions, comments, concerns, or snarky remarks? Feel free to contact me at [email protected]. I'd love to hear your voices!

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