Telling the truth! [chapter 6]

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We arrived at the sheriff's station ' why would Scott be here' 'who is this dude in the passenger seat' everything was weird stiles meeting Scott 'supposedly' and coming to the sheriff's station. I broke out of my thought when the dude with the leather jacket started to talk.
"Who is she?" He asked stile and turning to look at me.
"I'm Katherine Marshall, and who are you, leather dude?" I said with a little attitude.
"I'm Derek." He said turning to stiles and looking him dead in the eye then started to open the passenger seat door but then stiles grabbed his arm.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" Stiles told him and Derek looked at stiles like he was going to kill him with his stare.
"I'm taking my hand off," Stiles said taking his hand out he looked scared.
"Okay, what's your plan?" Stiles asked.
"To distract her," Derek said.
"Uh-huh. How? By punching her in the face?" Stiles told him. I scrunched my eyebrows ' what the hell is going on who is he going to punch'.
Derek chuckles "By talking to her." He said I'm still confused.
"Okay, all right. Give me a sample." Stiles told him. After there was a little silence and I see Derek looking at stiles and stiles sighed.
He broke the silence. "Dead silence. That should work beautifully." He said sarcastically and I roll my eyes.
"Any other ideas?" He asked Derek.
"I'm thinking about punching you in the face," Derek said to stiles looking at him stiles just nod it starts to get out of the car and I do the same but then stiles stopped me.
"Kat you stay here okay!" He told me and I looked at him.
"Stiles what's going on you are acting weird first you are on the phone with Scott then this dude comes to your car and starts talking about a plan then distracting who. I want to know what's going on?" I asked him very angrily.
He looked at me for a few seconds.
"Kat just please just- trust me on this one please just stay here okay I'll be back." He told me and I sigh I looked at him and I nodded and I sat back down. And he smiled at me and closed the door and starts to walk up to the sheriff's station.

A few minutes passed and I started to hear weird noises then I heard a werewolf inside and I immediately ran out of the car and I went inside and I saw the front desk no one was there then I started to walk in further and I saw blood and I started to get worried because I saw stiles walking in here.

"STILES WHERE ARE YOU?" I yelled my lungs out I started to look for him.
"KATHERINE IN HERE!" I heard stiles voice and I started to run in that direction and I saw a werewolf on top of him and I was shocked but I acted quickly.
"ventús," I said and the werewolf flew to the other side of the desk I walked over to where stiles are and I bent down, and look at him.
"Hey, stiles are you okay?" I asked him but he didn't respond he just looked at me in shock and out of nowhere he said.
"What are you?" He told me and he still looked at me I was about to answer when I heard a howl and I turn to see and I saw Derek he had red eyes and fangs and the boy who I threw turned back to himself and I looked at him and he was Isaac he's in my class first period.
"How'd you do that?" Stiles asked while getting up.
"I'm their alpha," Derek said.


There was silence in the car and I wanted to tell him everything but at the same time no because he also has some explaining to do. I decided to break the silence but then he started to talk.
"Is that the reason you left beacon hills?" He asked me. I turned my head to face him and I looked at him.
"Yeah, and because my mother needed to get my family back they were gone for a long time and including my dad," I said Remembering my family.
"Getting your family from where?" He asked me.
"Well my family were all in coffins something happened which my mother didn't tell me they were like in s sleeping coma because they could've died but they didn't and my mother found a cure and that's what brought them back and then people were after me and my sister because we are so special," I told him.

"What do you mean by special?" He asked me while looking at me and then Turing to drive again.
"Um- me and uh hope are witches," I told him he turned to me and looked at me surprised.
"That's not the only thing we are the Tri-brid," I told him while facing out the window.
"What's that?" He told me
"Let me tell you everything. I and my sister weren't supposed to be born my father and mother and a one-night stand which was a mistake because my father is a vampire and vampires can't have babies and he wasn't only a vampire he was born a werewolf my grandmother cast a spell to her children because she couldn't stand to have another child taken away from her so that's how my dad is a hybrid. My mom was different then my father she is a werewolf and werewolves can have babies then there were the two baby miracles my mother is an alpha for the crescent wolf and when these witches took my mother they wanted me and my sister to give more power to their elders that died and after they killed my mother sliced her throat and my dad was there. After my mother came back to life my father and my uncle were confused but they noticed she had vampire blood in her system she died with my and my sister's blood. Then they killed those witches you tried to kill us for power and my mother needed to drink are blood to survive the transition."

I told him and he looked surprised.
We started to get out of the car and walked up to my house I unlocked the door and went in he followed behind me and then we went to the living room and we sat down on the couch.
"Um, my grandmother was a witch. So, all of those things passed down, making me..." I was cut off by stile's voice.
"Unicorn!" He said I chuckle
"A hybrid of three different creatures, tribrid. I can control when I turn. So I and hope are the only one of  our kind." I said
"Yeah. See?" He said
"So how long have you known about the supernatural?" I asked him, he looked at me.
"Since last year when Scott was bitten by an alpha which Derek killed by the way and then he became an alpha and now he is turning teenagers to be part of his pack." He said I looked at him surprisingly. It's different
"Wow, your werewolves are very different than ours we were born werewolves, not with a bite." I looked at him.
"So about hope and your mom and how they weren't here and they went out of town that was a lie?" He asked me and I looked down.
"Yeah, hope went back to New Orleans and she knows we can't go back there or we can't go near our family that's why we moved back here. So, basically, something happened and hope and my aunt Freya are trying to fix it and they weren't telling what it was and they also didn't want me to come back I get it but it's not like I would see my father because he sacrificed himself to but that fricken hollow in himself and if we get near him something bad will happened. I can't reach my mom and I'm getting worried about what if something happened to her." I said starting to get more worried.

"Hey your mother is strong she can take care of herself okay so don't start downing yourself." He told me and I lifted my head and looked at him and I hugged him I needed a hug from someone. we stayed like that and I felt my self drifting myself asleep.

(A/n: it's getting better and better ask me questions I you'd like to. ENJOY!!)

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