Twin missing [part 5]

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After watching Scott play which was kinda weird because he kept leaving his spot from the goalie and from where I was it looked like he was sniffing him out of something but probably it's nothing I mean he is very weird sometimes, anyways I haven't seen hope since the morning she usually takes a ride with Lydia but I haven't seen her in the corridors. Right now I'm looking for Lydia and asking her if she has seen Hope somewhere.

"Hey Lydia, have you seen Hope anywhere?" I asked her and she turned to look at me.
" no, I haven't seen her either I thought she was with you?" She told me. I was so confused.
"Didn't she take a ride with you this morning?" I told her.

"No she canceled the last minute she told me she would come to school herself." she told me and I was getting worried 'what if they came back, what if she went back she's not that stupid to do that right I hope not.
"Okay thank you maybe she wants back home," I told her.
"Maybe she did and if you see her tell her to call me," Lydia told me.
"Yeah I will bye Lydia see you tomorrow," I told her and hugged her and waved goodbye and walked away.
I'm walking out of the school and decided to call my mom and if she answered. I dialed her number and it started to ring and I hear I started to talk.
"Mom hey is hope-." I was cut off.
"This person can't come to the phone right please leave a message at the tone."

"Mom this is Katherine please call me back I'm getting worried hope wasn't at school all day, please just- just call me mom bye I love you," I told her getting worried.

I was already by my car and I was digging into my purse to get my keys and I found them and I started to unlock the door and I went inside and throw my purse in the passenger seat. I stopped to think if I should call them or not I hesitated but I decided not to because maybe it's probably nothing maybe she is at home because she wasn't feeling well or something. I started the engine and drove off.


I arrived home I parked my car and got out of the car and locked the door. I started to walk up to my house and I noticed how quiet it was I was on the front porch and I unlocked the house door and I walked in and closed the door.
"Mom are you home?" I yelled but I didn't hear anything back.
"Hope are you here?" I yelled again but nothing so I started to look around the house and nothing I went up to hope's room and I opened to door and I see her bed already made and I noticed her drawers are opened and I noticed that half of her stuff is gone. I took out my phone from the back pocket of my jeans and I dialed a number and it started to ring and they picked up.

"Hello!" They said on the phone.
"Hey, aunt Freya, I need your help," I told her quickly.
"Hey, Katherine what's wrong?" She asked me worriedly.
"My mom isn't here and hope Is gone she didn't go to school and half of her clothes are gone and I don't know what to do please help me, aunt Freya," I told her and I heard a sigh from the other line.
"Katherine I want you to listen carefully okay." She told me.
"Yeah okay!" I said and I felt she was going to tell me something bad but I took a deep breath.
"Hope is here she didn't want to bring you into this I don't know why but she is here." She told me I was shocked 'why would hope go back if we are not allowed to be there because of the hollow that's why our family left and we needed to never go back?' I told myself.
"Why the hell is Hope back there she can't be there mom specifically told us we can't get near New Orleans?" I said angrily.

"Listen, Katherine, she wanted to do something and it went wrong now we are fixing it don't worry we'll do everything we can, and just don't come here stay there you all can't be together." She said but I didn't understand what she meant by that.
"Aunt Freya what is going on-," I said but I couldn't say anything else because after she hung up on me.
I throw my phone on the bed so angrily because Hope went back and mom isn't here I don't know where she went and I'm all alone and I'm angrier because my aunt Freya is hiding something from me and I couldn't do anything to find out about it.
My phone started to ring and I grabbed my phone and I saw the name and it was stiles I smiled a little.
"Hello, Stilinski what's up?" I said.
"Hey, can you come downstairs I'm here!" He told me I got up from the bed.
"Why didn't you tell me," I said and I went running downstairs to open the door to stiles. I open the door and I see stiles he smiled at me and I smiled back at him.

"Do you wanna come in or do you wanna stay outside and freeze to death," I told him laughing a little. He nodded 'yes' and I move aside to let him in.
"So where's your mom and hope?" He asked while walking inside his back facing me. I hesitated for a second I don't know what to say.
"Oh-um they went out of town for a little I don't know when they are coming back, so it's just me alone," I told him faking a smile.

"Oh okay!" I know he wouldn't believe me but what was I supposed to do I couldn't tell him the truth. He looked at me and I looked at him we stood there for a few seconds.
I broke the silence. "Do you want to eat ice cream?" I asked out of nowhere.
"Yeah, sure that sounds great." He told him and I started to walk towards the kitchen and he followed behind me. I went up to the refrigerator and looked if we had ice cream but we didn't.

"Um, we don't have ice cream I forgot," I told him while putting my face in my hands to hide the embarrassment.
"It's okay, you know we can go and by at the store if you want." He told me I lifted my head and face him.
"Really! You don't have to." I told him
"Yeah, we can, come let's go." He told me putting his hand out for me to grab I smiled down at his hand I grabbed his hand and we intertwined our fingers together, we started walking out of the house and got into his car and we went to the store.

After getting the ice creams we sat in his car eating and laughing enjoying our company, then stiles' phone started to ring and he picked it up.
"Hey Scott, what's up?" He asked I couldn't hear what Scott was saying but it was something important because stiles face changed.
"Yeah okay on my way." He said and then hung up and he looked at me.
"Hey, I have to go meet up with Scott something happened." He said to me.
"What happened is he okay?" I told him worried.
"Yeah, everything is fine." He told and I looked at him.

"I'll go with you," I told him and he looked at me he took a minute it looked like he didn't want me to go but then he said.
"Yeah sure," he told me and he started to drive somewhere. I was looking out the window wondering why he didn't want me to go with him to meet up with Scott it's like he didn't want anything to happen to me. Why is everybody I care about lying to me?

(A/n: hey everybody hopes you enjoy this chapter enjoy!)

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