Chapter Seven

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Her question echoed into his ears and he didn't know how or what to answer. Confusion marred across his features, as the word alone didn't seem enough for him to understand her question itself.

Instead of answering her, he asked another question, "Trying to run away Kriss?" Tugging her wrist, he pulled her closer, into his arms. The corner his lips tugged upwards as he found her eyeing everywhere but him.

Leaning forward into her, he offered, "No need, Kriss," a soft smile curved across his mouth as he inhaled her, "just stay, that's all."

He could sniff her all day long and still not get enough of her. If this was the scenario, she would soon be an addiction he wouldn't want to get rid of.

Probably, she already is, he thought to himself.

Kristine, on the other hand, had messed up thoughts. He was her target, yet he held a terrifying spell on her. His touch would lead to sparks and his eyes would lead her into another world; which she thought would have never existed.

She had to get a grip on herself or else she would loose much more than what's on stake.

After mentally preparing herself, she gazed back into the depth of his eyes, mischievously and asked, "And what do we do if I stay?"

He didn't miss the way she trailed her finger over his heart, neither did he miss the intentionally put innocent face that was accompanied with a pout.

She was a seductress; and he knew it the first instance. But now she felt to be beyond that.

Tracing his fingers over her waist as he held her, he simply repeated, "Just stay." Though his words were insufficient to explain, his piercing eyes were sufficient enough.

"We do what we should," he added further.

She enjoyed the conversation and also the path it lead to. Placing her palm against his throbbing heart, she tip-toed to whisper into his ears, "So," she let the word trail as her lips settled on his ear shell, "what do we do now?"

His hold around her tightened and she was pulled closer into his embrace. He couldn't help but shut his eyes and relish the feel of her lips on his skin. His mind went wild, imaging her lips all over him.

Oh! I'd readily do anything to have those imaginations fulfilled, he thought painfully.

As she was settling back on her feet, her teeth grazed slightly across his jaw. That was all, his eyes shot open and he pushed her against the nearest wall before taking her delicious mouth into his.

She was left astounded as his lips crashed into hers, gulping her squeal into his mouth. Instantly her hands shot up and her fingers threaded into his hair; gently massaging and pulling it.

The way his lips moved greedily across hers was an indication to his hunger; his hunger for her. And the fact that she made him react the way he was, was making her feel fluttery. His first kiss had made her feel chills, in a good way; and this time she could feel tingles along.

It made her fear that he was awakening sparks and feelings, she was never to experience.

His tongue greedily, yet with a gentle stroke, moved across the seam of her swollen lips. The instant parting of her lips showed that they were on the same page; she wanted him as much as he hungered for her.

Taking his time, he showered her lips with equal attention; sucking each one of her lips, thoroughly. Her lips moved in sync with his, with similar raw need.

She grasped a handful of his hair and tugged on it roughly as his teeth grazed across her lips; teasing her. He didn't hesitate to take his sweet time even though it was clear that he'd been wanting and waiting to kiss her.

Though, she liked it; even when he was being a tease.

His tongue swept into her mouth into delicate folds, relishing the taste of her nectar. He could till date remember her taste from their last kiss.

His gentle strokes didn't help her. She didn't think she could handle the torturous gentle strokes. She was desperate for his kiss like nothing else. It didn't seem that she could survive the delightful torture. Her tongue tangled with his and she rather ate him back.

Their tongues danced to a rhythm of its own. Dominating the kiss was no longer a concern as they were both consumed with pleasure.

It was only when the need to breath overpowered, Ryan pulled away from the kiss. Filling his lungs with the much needed oxygen, his lips crushed onto hers once again.

Her eyes widened as she found her lips tugged by his, yet again. However, soon she felt his withdrawal. She was in a daze from his kiss but still could feel the intense gaze as he looked at her with hooded eyes.

"You taste even better," he commented which indeed had her brows furrowed at his statement.

He better not compare me with any of his previous flings, she thought. Though, she for some reason felt that he knew better.

Her eyes trailed to his lips as his tongue swept across, slowly; his eyes pinned her with an intense raw emotion and pure lust, "better from what I remember of our last kiss."

"Is that so?" She lifted a perfectly arched brow at him. An idea struck her mind and she was about to give it a try.

"Though," she purred, trailing her fingers across the broad mass of his chest, slowly and intentionally, "what I'd like to know is, why or what makes you remember that?"

Her fingers slid across his well defined abdomen as she slurred the words, "Is it something to do with what we or rather you had left unfinished?"

Hooking a finger to the buckle of his belt, she dragged it; and in the process, him closer to her; that is, if that was even possible. She then slid another of her fingers into his jeans, "Do we have some unfinished business to complete?"

She could feel his breath hitch and his head roll back as her hands travelled on him and her words registered. Managing to ask again, she whispered, "Do you have plans for us to complete that tonight?"

He was being tortured, sexually. She was all he wanted. His mind raked with the possibilities of where or rather how far would this painfully pleasurable torture lead them; him.

She felt his hot minty breath fanning across her flesh.

Her question was left hanging and answered back in a whisper, "Loads!" She knew his eyes were still shut as he whispered.

She heard him again, "Lots more," his eyes fluttered open and all she could see there was intensified lust, "lots and lots of plans," he breathed in his husky voice. Dropping his head into the crook of her neck, he breathed her. Her fragrance was calming and soothing. He needed that. His fingers gently curled into her waist as he withdrew the right grip of his hold.

She hadn't moved her hands off his jeans, neither had she taken it forward. Not yet. Though, the point was, his words and his presence held a spell on her that made her feel dizzy.

Ryan drew his hands on hers; and carefully took her hands away from where they rested. Lifting his head, he bore his eyes at her meanwhile placing her arms around his neck.

A sceptical look crossed her face and soon she dismissed his withdrawal with a shrug without unlocking her arms around his neck. She spoke with utmost casualty, "Your loss," and shook her head in dismay.

She would have tried to mask her reaction with her casual approach but her eyes gave away the indication of disappointment. He let out a heavy sigh, "Trust me, I do want it," his eyes pierced into hers with determination.

Though, he fell short of words to explain himself, he tried. "Badly," he added, "bad enough that it hurts." Her brows knitted in confusion. One moment he kisses the hell out of her, madly if she might just add; and the next moment he withdraws her advances. To top it all, he still says he wants it bad.

Letting an exasperated sigh, he continued, "I wouldn't lie about wanting to have sex with you. I desire that, with you. The first time I saw you that was all I wanted," his eyes darkened as he saw her eyes clouded with similar emotion; lust. "However , now," his eyes snapped shut, painfully.

Words didn't seem right enough to explain her what he wanted to convey to her. He just didn't think he could pick the right words to sum it all together, yet not make her run away from him.

"You don't want that anymore," she completed for him. His eyes widened in shock at her words. Her interpretation for his words were completely in contrast to what he meant.

He shook his head in negation, closing his eyes shut and exclaimed, "No!" He turned his soft gaze at her as his knuckles gently traced over her cheeks, "now, I want it more," having her eyes starting back at him in utter confusion, he added, "way more. More than I ever wanted anyone else."

Tucking away a loose strand of hair from her face and spoke affectionately, "I just don't want it to be all about sex." His words scared him as well as her, having sent shivers down her spine. "For the first time, I'm willing to take it slow. I am willing to explore something beyond sex. I just want you to give me that chance to take it slow; to explore."

He wanted to add more, have his heart poured out to her and let her know all that ran through his mind; but he also didn't want to make her run away because of his exploding emotions. He had to evaluate it himself. He won't say something that he wasn't sure of.

Pushing away all his tangled thoughts aside, he cupped her face and holding her gaze; searching for something, anything. Anything to giveaway her thoughts. However, he found her deeply lost into her thoughts.

When she finally spoke, he didn't know whether to let out a breath of relief or to burst into fits of laughter, "So, we are not doing it tonight."

For some weird reason, he just wanted to erase all her doubts and go ahead with her plans; for the slightest moment. Unlocking her arms from around his neck, he held them in his own and said, "I really want this to work." His voices laced with sheer determination and gazed into her beautiful eyes with his pleading ones, as he requested, "Please give me this chance."

She pouted, rolling her shoulders into a shrug, the most casual she could pull out. Though, she was anything but casual at the moment. "So," she started not knowing how things turn with this whole unanticipated scenario being thrown her way, "I think I gotta head back home then." She looked past him at the door.

A melodious chuckle left his lips, "No, you are not." He declared as her eyes hesitantly met with his. "You are still staying back," a ghost of a smile crept across his lips as she grew giddy in his arms.

He drew her hands around his neck back again, snaking his arm around her waist pulling her closer, while the other instantly grazed across her cheeks. "I am going to hold you in my arms and sleep the night off."

She looked suspiciously at him and asked, "We are just going to sleep, like roll and cuddle in the bed. That's it?" Bitting the insides of his cheek, he nodded his head.

"Weird," she voiced the only word she thought could fit the situation. Her nose scrunched up, never had anyone said anything like this to her. She felt a tingling sensation when his intense eyes pierced at her as he spoke to her. He made her feel different which was weird. Never had anything of this kind ever happened to her.

He shook his head at her choice of words, "Differently good but not weird," he lifted her chin as his eyes never left hers.

His eyes dropped down doing a quick once over at her attire. Her dress definitely worked out the best way for a casual dinner night but his thoughts rushed over evaluating it for a night over; surely not comfortable enough.

She saw his eyes dropping at her attire and she probably knew what was coming up. She sighed and held her hands up in defence, "I don't roam around with a change of clothes. So I certainly don't carry one as of now." His eyes drew back at hers and with his brows furrowed, he looked at her with scrutinizing eyes but didn't interrupt.

She continued, "And I am certainly not comfortable rolling under the sheets with you," her voice grew heavy and came out as a hoarse whisper, "and having nothing on wouldn't help."

"I don't mind the idea of sleeping bare and naked with you," his thumb gently grazed over to her jaw, "though I don't think I will be able to resist."

"Who asked you? Or even better who wants you to?" She rolled her eyes at him to which she earned a pointed look.

"Better," he sternly replies as she zipped her mouth shut though not because he was being stern and stubborn but because she just didn't feel it was going to be of any good.

"By the way, back to the matter in hand, I was going to suggest you one of my outfits." His eyes twinkling with humour and added in his notorious tone, "If you are comfortable, that is."

She rolled her eyes at his statements. "Anything would do as long as I am covered."

"Agreed," he nodded his head, while gesturing toward a room, "Let's get you dressed," he pulls her along the hallway that led towards the room he had indicated towards, "or getting you undressed first." He playfully winked at her, only to be smacked in return.

She was just rushed into the room and made to stand in front of a closet. She couldn't help but let out a gasp at how neatly it was maintained as he quickly slid the closet doors open. He went behind her, encircling his arms around her from back and resting his chin on her shoulder. "Choose your pick," he whispered ever so gently as his lips grazed teasingly onto her ear.

Inspite of the tingling sensation, she rolled the other shoulder into a shrug. "Anything," he could make out her eyes skimming over each and every outfit that were at display. The moment her eyes stayed on a blue shirt for a moment longer than others, he knew her choice in that very moment.

She reached out for the shirt and whipped into his arms tilting slightly as she looked at him with doubtful eyes, "What do you think of this one?"

"As you wish," his eyes held appreciation, wiping off all her doubts away.

"I need to change," she informed and added, "Or do you want to witness me undress?" She shot him a questioning brow.

Holding his hands up in defense as he stumbled a few quick steps away, he stated with amusement laced in his voice, "I don't think I would be able to handle that." He bit back a smile and added, "there's the washroom," he pointed at the door next to his closet, "you can go and freshen up there."

She mimicked him in response as she lifted her shoulders into a light shrug, "As you wish," and with that she walked away.

He stood there watching her retreating figure and suddenly aware of his thumping heartbeats as the silence enveloped him. She had finally stepped into his life and agreed to let him explore the connection he felt with her. The thought sinking into his head had him slump over the bed.

The sensation of her tingling skin under his touch still playing over his skin. His lungs filled with her inviting aroma making it really hard for him to think. He hadn't really planned the night to turn out the way it did but he surely knew that he didn't want her walk out of the room. He wasn't willing to let her go. He just wanted her.

He wants her.

He wasn't too sure of how things would turn up or how was he going to make her stay, for as long as he could. Because all he could think of was just her.

While he had his thoughts occupied by her, she quickly had herself prepare for the uncalled yet a tempting night. She didn't have the time to think much over the situation.

The last thing she did was getting out of her dress, still having her undergarments on as she puts on his blue shirt. She would be lying if she said it wasn't more comfortable and cozy.

After having finished to button up the shirt all the way down, she neatly rolled the loosely hanging sleeves over and had them securely placed around her forearm. Moving around, she stood in front of the mirror and looked at her reflection. The shirt, however, a little huge for her tiny frame, looked nice and ended up around her mid thigh. In her opinion, she looked decent enough.

Having a quick once over at her reflection, she shot her hands instantly to brush away her hair with her fingers. Once she knew she was ready to go back to the pavilion, she turned the knob of the door and stepped a foot out of the slightly creaked door.

Her eyes finding the source of her messed up thoughts. She still wasn't exactly sure about the reason as to why she agreed or what made her agree to his requests. All she knew was that he held some mysterious abilities to do so. Because not everyday one finds a man who can make one agree to anything and everything.

Her eyes caught the sight of him sitting over the edge of the bed, while his eyes lost over to the faraway land as he lost himself into the world of thoughts.

She padded over to the bed and leaned slightly as she placed a hand over to his shoulder. "Ryan," his name rolled out of her lips and warmth spread over him, bringing him out of his thoughts.

He could feel her palm flat against his shoulder and his eyes turned to meet her. She could feel his intense eyes penetrating into hers as though making his way into her soul or weighing her. Either ways, the raw emotions that his eyes held, could set her on fire.

Dropping her gaze, she looked at her hand on his shoulder. She could literally feel the tightening of his muscles under her hold. It was only then that she had realised he had dumped his jacket that he was earlier wearing in the evening; leaving him only in a black t-shirt. She pulled her hand away, all of a sudden being too conscious about herself.

His eyes raked over her body clad with his shirt. He couldn't think of an explanation for the swelling of his heart that he had felt as he saw her in nothing but his shirt. She looked and felt as though she belonged there. As if, the things around belonged to her equally as much as it felt for the shirt she wore.

A satisfactory smile crept its way across his lips and he offered his hand to her, "I think we are ready for the night," he cautiously waited for her reaction and when he didn't get a reply, he asked, "not until you are comfortable to." He shook his head as doubt flashed across her beautiful eyes.

"You could kick me out of the room, if you don't want me around," he stated suggestively with a hint of laughter concealed in his voice. Though, he silently prayed she wouldn't take him up on this offer and rather let him be with her.

He himself was a little surprised with the fact that he actually wanted to spend the night this way.

Holding her in his arms and cuddling into her warmth.

That sounded cliché but he wanted that; with her.

She looked up at him amused and a small smile warmed its way across her lips. Tucking the strand of hair behind her ear, she consciously inched closer and asked, "Do I look 'okay'?" She caught up his eyes watching her in confusion.

Chewing her lips in an attempt to fight the surfacing nervousness, she has never felt this way. She only managed to draw attention of the dark eyes that grew darker and his voice huskier, "You own the look as if it's yours," he pointed over to his shirt she wore. In his opinion, she had managed to pull of the shirt better than him.

He wore an assuring smile that warmed her up and she plopped herself next to him. "I am glad you think so."

Unsure of what to say or do the next, she let her eyes trail over to the room. It seemed like a replica of him; nothing fancy but spacious and yet attractive.

Sensing her confusion, he took the lead and broke her chain of thoughts "Adore the room as much as you want to but keep that for later. Now you gotta sleep." He pushed himself back on to the bed and patted the side next to him for her to acquire. She obeyed and did as she was asked to.

All the time, eyeing her as she lay next to him and squealed as she was pulled into him, "in my arms."

Her heart fluttered at his words, though with a compiling breath, she had herself sorted to pretty much normal. Rolling her lips into a pout she innocently tilted her head to his side and asked, "that is all?"

Her fingers latched onto his strong hold around her and asked again, "you know you are losing an opportunity; and may I add, a good one."

"Kriss," he sternly called out. Having her lips sealed off, he stated further, "from where I see, I earn much bigger opportunity than just one night," he had leaned closer to her face as his lips gently kissed the tip of her nose.

She rolled her eyes at him and huffed, "I am never going to understand your logic out there," she pointed.

"We've got time," he smoothly replied, tucking away the lose strands, he rolled the quilt over their bodies and pulled her closer to him, "Now, sleep," he ordered her while dipping his head into the crook of her neck. The soothing fragrance was going to help him to sleep.

"Thank you," she heard a soft whisper against her skin as it warmed her from within. She didn't know what he was thanking her for; staying or agreeing to him. His hold around her tightened and he pressed his head deeper into her side. She could feel every inch of his face.

The way his breath fanned across her skin, made her heart hammer against her chest. Her breathing went heavy with every passing second as she grew more aware of him and his actions. His arm tugging at her waist, his head dug into her side and her arms voluneraly holding onto his arm.

She felt a sticky sensation at the base of her neck as he dropped an open mouthed kiss and mumbled, "Good night, Kriss." That's when she realised he was already falling into slumber.

He was actually going to sleep the night with her in his arms.

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