Chapter Six

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I know, I have updated this after a really long time but the time constraints and personal life has been really tough to deal with.

Anyways, I really don't know whether there's anyone who is still reading this or ever was but I wouldn't just quit writing; readers or not. I'd any day prefer slow updating than quiting or discontinuing.

But that's not the point now because I am not discontinuing; in fact, I am very much into continuing and will till it lasts ;P

With any further delays, here's the update :)

Ignore the typos and sort of mistakes, updated in a hurry. 


Chapter Six:

Kristine blankly stared across the street through the glass walls of the cafe. For once, she still couldn't make herself believe that she was there waiting for Ryan.

It was third day in a row that she was meeting him before work. After that night, when Ryan had approached her to meet, she was anything but resistant, though later things changed.

She had purposely asked her mother to stop interfering in her plan; not wanting her mother, or for that matter anyone from her clan, to keep a constant eye at her deeds. For once, she wanted to deal with the situation as per her rules. She wanted to feel the thrill that came along with the risk of playing with fire but the more she prolonged the more was she desired to prolong.

The most unbelievable thing, she thought was Ryan did nothing but talking, if hi-hellos were to be considered as talking. And apart from that, he stared at her across the table.

At first she frustatedly thought, Who in their right minds does that?

Maybe mortals do, her subconscious mind retorted meekly.

He hadn't shown any interest to meet her later, not anytime sooner. He surprised her though with his offer, when he asked her to join him for breakfast at the same place, next morning.

She couldn't pin point at his intentions but willing to see what plans he had for the next day, she agreed. However, next day wasn't any different. Being pinned with his soft eyes and wrapped with a chilling silence, she felt scrutinized. A feeling she had never experienced.

Effortlessly, he had managed to grab her attention in a manner, no one had ever attained. It was different, fearfully different that scared her.

With hardly any difference in the whole set up and also his behaviour, she turned down the offer to meet him the next day when he came up with the same offer. She somehow came with an excuse to distance herself in order to fight the developing attachment, if any.

Surprisingly, he wasn't one of those to give up that easily. He believed in putting up a fight, if required. However, in cases like these, a fight really wasn't required being stubborn was enough.

Hence, after receiving dozens of messages, a few calls in every couple of hours from him, Kristine gave up and decided to agree to his requests. All his requests were the same, just put up in different words; a different manner every time.

And yet again, things went pretty much the same. For a moment she wondered, why would someone be so persistent for such a setup, when he did nothing but stare.

She had again tried to bail on him a day later for the next time but he wouldn't budge; and somehow a teeny-weeny part of her didn't want him to. The strangest thing bring she didn't know the reason.

After a few attempts, she herself had stopped resisting his presence around, now willing to wrap the warmth of the newly encountered emotion. And that's pretty much how she had landed herself in the situation of being strongly pulled towards him. This wasn't supposed to happen but it happened anyway; and the troublesome part being that she didn't regret it even a bit.

Her thoughts were interrupted as a smiling Ryan came into her sight. He lazily strode in her direction, with his goofy smile widening as he approached her. The intensity burned right through her, as his eyes held hers. She still had no clue as to why he was being so unreadable and unclear.

Ryan, on the other hand, was just trying to evaluate his own actions. The moment he had found Anne that night, the entire night played out in his mind, over and over again.

Instead of being furious to have dropped her as well as the thing he had initiated, she had rather offered help. He appreciated her offer to help, though not in so many words. Her face didn't give away any indication of disappointment once she knew it was for Anne, if it hadn't been for the instant reaction at his withdrawal.

It was then that he realized how different she was. And it only fueled his desperate hunger to know more about her. So, he did whatever he could to grab her attention, even if it was to meet her for breakfast, every morning.

The start of his day couldn't be more beautiful with her stuffing her sandwiches or cookies and sipping her coffee as she smiled every time her eyes trailed in his direction.

Once he was a foot or two away from her, she spoke pointedly. "You are late," she glanced at her wrist watch as she calculated the time, "by fifteen minutes."

A ghost of a smile breaking out across her features as the accusing stare softened at him.

He sighed dreamily, settling into his seat across hers. "Good morning to you too," his lips twitched gently into a smile, as he looked at her.

She rolled her eyes at him, "I am not the one to have pleaded for this," she waved her hand between them and then across the cafe, "or whatever you call it."

"Because by the end of all this, you'd be the one pleading," his voice lowered into a whisper and his words seemed huskier, "for a lot more."

And that's exactly what she feared, when his voice triggered thrilling sparks rush across her veins.

Composing herself was difficult, especially with the audible gulp that escaped her lips, but she managed. "I'd be," she admitted, leaving him amused, "so better start with the breakfast, or I'll leave you to it." She glared at him.

An unnatural thought sprang into his head with the way she acted around him. She was responsive to his touch without a doubt as well as she instantly managed to switch her reactions, from blazing with desire to pinning him under her pointed stares. She could manage to keep him on his toes.

Oh! She wouldn't have to make any effort, he noted.

Not gaining any reaction from him, she shook her head. "I think, I better leave," she announced not bothering for his answer anymore and grabbed her belongings, ready to leave.

He alarmed as her words sank into his head. By the time he could say a word in disapproval, she sprang from her seat before making her way to the exit.

His fingers curled around her wrist and she stilled. Tilting her head to furrow her brows at him, she shot her brow questioningly at him.

"What's got you so riled up?" He stepped in front of her, "What's wrong?"

"You," she breathed almost inaudible, though his widened eyes gave away the sign of having heard her.

"Look," he sighed exasperatedly, "I am sorry. I didn't mean to keep you waiting," the genuineness in his apology touched a chord within her.

"I am not mad at you for being late," she pulled her hand away from his grasp, "It's you," she mumbled, "all of you," her eyes dragged away from his unable to meet his gaze.

"This," she motioned at the space between them, "this behaviour of yours', your actions," she shook her head, wavering the thoughts that clouded her mind. "I don't understand any of this. I don't know what's happening. And not knowing things bring out such reactions from me." By the end of her rant, she shrugged casually and adorned a pout.

A tender smile crept across his lips, though somehow he also felt the urge to burst into fits of laughter. She had no clue how adorably cute did she look, when she chattered like that. And the pouty lips called out for attention; attention that he'd love to shower her with.

"Tell me what's wrong with wanting to spend some time with a person whom you like?" He counter questioned.

She thought for a moment before answering, "Maybe you should utilize the time you spend with the person a bit more productively," she reasoned suggestively.

"Uh, huh," he shook his head at her, "Don't try to provoke me, Kriss," he hissed, the warning in his voice, easily recognizable.

He stepped closer to her, "You wouldn't want me to start something that I wouldn't stop; not until I am done." He whispered against her skin, breathing her fragrance. "And just so that you know, I won't be done anytime soon," he purposely inserted a pause, "not with you."

He gestured her to take the seat, and took his, once she had settled into hers.

"Join me  for dinner, tonight." It startled her for a fraction of second but she quickly recovered. Her lips slightly tilted to form a smirk.

She raised a questioning brow, "Directly moving from breakfast staring sessions to night session now, are we?" She didn't bother to falter her expressions at the hint.

"Keeping your hopes high for the night, Kriss?" He asked smugly only to have earned an eye roll from her.

"Well, sorry to disappoint you but nothing of that sort is going to happen; at least not when I have my friends around." He let his words sink into her mind, "It's a small get together of friends, tonight." He informed.

"So shouldn't it be you and your friends? Then why have me?" Scrunching her nose, she thought out loud.

Have her, her words struck him and drummed in his ears. Sounds good, and I wish to do a lot more than just have you, Kriss! He thought mentally frustrated.

"Because I want you to." He spoke softly. "So join me tonight," though it wasn't framed as a question but laced with request.

She had gladly accepted but tried to question him anyway, "But why?"

She was answered with a shrug. "Just be there."

"I will."


The gathering was exactly the insight to his life. It was nothing extravagant but simple affair.

He had kept her by his side throughout the night, though it was his time with his friends. The thought itself bothered her. Being introduced to his friends and getting a glimpse of people around him, peeking into his life through his eyes was a different experience.

By the time most of his friends cleared the house, it was almost midnight; and for an unknown reason she felt giddy. The only thought that prevailed in her head was, what now?

She didn't know what to expect and what not. So, while still standing at the entrance as the last set of his friends walked their way out to their respective cars, she turned to leave as well.

A frown marked his face as she padded towards the exit and instantly his hand shot to grip hers, making her halt in her tracks.

She turned around to look at his frowning face that held disapproval and maybe, disappointment as well. She curiously looked at him and simply questioned, "Why?"


Finally this story has moved a step ahead and is heading towards a turning point ^_^

For now, leave your reviews and let me know. I'll try updating sooner.

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