0.2 prologue

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The day went by as expected of the siblings. Nothing really exciting happened.

They drove towards the campus on their high tech car. Met up with a few of their friends and went to their different classes for the day.

All but, the four that were left. Those four were Tanah, Fang, Gopal and Air.

Unlike their friends and sibling's schedule, their classes didnt start til' 7:45 AM.

Who are Fang and Gopal you may ask? Well, they're both the sibling's friends.

They met Gopal during first year of highschool. He was always the loud and friendly type. Despite his gluttonous tendencies.

Gopal always hung around the chaotic bunch. Either causing trouble with them or being the victim of their pranks. He was usually the victim though.

But, no matter how many fight he and Api get into, how much trouble Angin makes and drags him into, he's still their friend and that shows he's loyal. He gained the sibling's trust and equal friendship. Deeming him their bestfriend.

Fang on the other hand, they all met him during their second year in highschool. They got off to a bad start. He always tried fighting the siblings over things like, who was the best? Etc... It very much became an unspoken rivalry between them all.

At first, the siblings were annoyed by him. His constant insistence on being the most popular. Which was hard to do when you're competing with Petir and Cahaya.

They always butted heads but, after some time, they started to grow more and more closer together and as time goes by.
By third year of highschool, they becane actual friends and now, they're really close.

They all got closer to one another, especially during their senior year. A few things happened, don't worry, you'll find out soon.

It was currently "...7:20 AM..." said the 5th eldest in a black tank top and a long wide sleeved, light blue jacket zipped up all the way. He was wearing white pants and light blue shoes.

The one with dark tanzanite hair and vibrant pyrope eyes hidden behind amethyst tinted glasses looked up from his phone to the younger.

He raised an eyebrow. "We have atleast 25 minutes before our classes, huh?" He asked rhetorically. Tanah nodded, smiling slightly at the ravenette.

Gopal looked like he was thinking for a bit. Then he suddenly jumped like he got an idea. "I know! Let's go buy some food from the cafe!" He said excitedly.

They all sighed though, it wasn't for any negative reason. Typical Gopal for him to suggest they buy food.

And by they, he means just him picking too many desserts and begging the others for a sum of money. Promising he'd pay them back when really, they all knew that was only a false promise and that they'll never get played back.

It didn't bother a few of them though. They were more than happy to pay for his expenses. Though the others, not so much.

They argued that, they had all this money to spend, why not give a bit of that money to one of their best friends.

Anyways, they all agreed. Air commenting that he wants an iced coffee or a frappe while they were there.

Fang was almost gonna skip his way to the cafe for his precious red carrot donuts but, he thought again after realizing how many people would catch him doing that. He'd rather not embarrass himself in front of everyone.

Tanah and Air chuckled at Fang when they noticed his hesitation. Gopal was too busy day dreaming about food to notice anything.

Skip to the point where they were already there at the cafe. Gopal was still by the counter, picking and choosing anything and everything he could order.

Air had connections with the people behind the counter. He was always giving them large tips and money. So since he was dropping by everyday, he's gotten the people behind the country's favor. He managed to get his Iced coffee without having to wait in line.

Fang had ordered his red carrot donuts along with Gopal. Grabbing a Cappuccino Frappe for himself and a java chip frappe for Tanah along the way.
Tanah, unwillingly paying for everything Gopal bought.

They all drank and ate their food peacefully. Striking up some small talk here and there. Though this specific question caught their attention.

"Hey! Tanah, Air, how come you guys have so much money?" Gopal asked as he gobbled up his chocolate glazed donut.

Tanah looked at him confused. "Eh? What do you mean?" He asked. Air just stared back at Gopal. Not bothering to stop sipping his drink.

Gopal smacked his head. Fang had stopped eating and was paying attention to the conversation. "You always have cash on you and your credit doesn't ever run out! You don't even have a job!" Gopal voiced.

It was true, Tanah and his siblings never did run out of money despite not having any job or any job that Gopal knew of. They couldn't have gotten it from their parents either... Could they?

Gopal's eyes suddenly widen. "No way! Dude! You didn't tell me your parents were stinkin' rich! We could've gone out on vacations and stuff during the holidays!" Gopal whined with a pout as he showed another cupcake in his mouth. The food in his mouth muffling his words.

Fang shook his head annoyed. "Eat or talk. Pick one" he rolled his eyes. Air snickered and high fives Fang underneath the table.

Gopal huffed, swallowing the entire cupcake down his throat. Making Fang and even Tanah look away. "Yeah yeah, whatever! But, Ta—" Gopal waved Fang and Air off, trying to say something when suddenly, Tanah and Fang's expensive phones buzzed in their pockets.

Air groaned, sipping his cup of iced coffee before complaining. "Ugh... It's time for class..."

Fang sighed and put away his phone after he stopped the alarm. "We should get going now." He said. They, except Gopal nodded. Air giving them a thumbs up. His head laying on the table, buried in his arms which stopped him from nodding.

They all got up and headed out the campus's cafe. Walking towards their respective classes.


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