0.3 prologue

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The day went by peacefuly. Siblings and friends separated throughout the entire campus. Going about their day on their own.

The slightly chubby man child in a green and yellow jacket, was raiding the pizza stalls they had in the campus. Eating and taking as much as he possibly can before his classes start.

The ravenette was in class. Listening and jotting down the lesson. Despite him listening and writing down notes, he's not fully paying attention. He sighed. His mind was elsewhere during then.

One in dark grey and dandelion yellow was reading a book in the library in silence.
The library has never been a popular place in campus. Rarely ever visited by students nor professors.

He's the youngest sibling, though surprisingly, he's the most intelligent out of them all.
He took pride in that fact.

The next is a young adult in a sleeveless peridot jacket over a black sleeved shirt. The second youngest of the siblings has taken a special liking to nature. Preferring to take serene walks around their campus borders during his free time.

The campus was sorrounded by a small forest of trees of different types. Some bearing fruits and some bearing flowers. The boy in emerald green finds peace in walking around the borders.

Then there was the two eldest brothers. Hanging around the rooftop of their school's building. It was a mystery how they were able to reach the top. Seeing as it was always locked.
Though, the siblings and a few others know of ways to reach the rooftop but, that's a secret never to be revealed.

Tanah. The third eldest in an earthy brown cotton shirt, was in class. Not really listening to the lecture. Mindlessly doodling on his notebook in boredom.

And lastly, the two. Air and Api, were sitting in a table in the café. Api was looking through his phone. Leaning on his eldow, scrolling through some things. Air was getting some rest with an iced beverage beside him.

Api glanced at his younger brother. Hard to believe he was the older one between the two, considering he was certainly one of the more childish ones while Air is the most mature.

The thought brought a small smile on his face. They were so different and yet, somehow, they got along together more so than they would the others.

Api was loud and rowdy. Air was quiet and reserved. Api was energetic and all over the place while Air is level headed and often struggles with trying to be more energetic, his falling asleep and being tired all the time makes him out to be lazy.

And sure, Air was relatively close to Tanah. Both having developed a motherly-like attitude and being the ones mostly taming the troublemakers of the bunch. Being the ones to apologize to people when things get out of hand.

And yeah, Api was part of the Trio Troublemakers. Composed of Daun, Angin and himself. They're pretty close too. Getting into trouble and causing trouble every time they get the chance to. Saving each other and creating pranks left and right.

But, Api and Air were still closer too each other than the others. It was obvious who their favorite sibling is.

It's not just that, but, the rest seemed to also have their own favorites among the others. Angin's favorite was obviously Petir. Often holding adoration for the eldest. Daun's was evidently, Cahaya. Both often hanging out together and the fact that Daun always seemed to go to Cahaya first for advice.

Then you had Tanah. Who has admitted to it before, had no favorite. He's close to Petir and Angin, sure but, he loves them all equally. Of course, all of that was stated before was mutual.

Api snickered a bit when Air finally lifted his head from under his arms. Curly hair in a messy state. Air looked at Api confused, he tilted his head. "What is it?"

"Your hair!" Api smirked his reply. Watching Air fix his hair without the slightest hint of embarrassment.

"Sorry for falling asleep again Api." Air apologized afterwards. Api merely waved it off. Smile never leaving his face.

"Don't worry! I'm used to it by now." He said, grabbing the iced frappe drink and taking a short sip of it. Head still leaning on his elbow.

Api smiled brightly. "Now that you're awake! What do you want to talk about?" Api started the conversation with a question.

Air silently thought to himself for a moment. "Should we talk about the plan? The one Cahaya got?" He asked back.

Api frowned, he wasn't in the mood to talk about something like that. It's not that the topic bored him, quite the opposite actually. He was just... Sick of hearing it.

Air caught Api's expression. Getting the hint that this wasn't a good topic to talk about. He changed his question. "How about... the trip with the others to that new waterpark I've heard you mumbling to Angin and Daun?"

Api beamed. He had tried to keep this plan a secret, though secrets were hard to keep around Air. Especially since Air was the closes to him. He had expected this so he just let it go.

"What do you think? Sounds fun right? Right?" Api asked excitedly. Like a child asking his mother for something. Air chuckled inwardly. He found this side of Api adorable to witness.

"Yeah, it sounds fun. I know the others would agree." Air smiled supportingly, though it dropped when a fact popped up in his head. "But..."

Api sighed. Crossing his arms as he leaned back with a huff. "I know, I know. We need his permission first." Api grumbled. Little malice in his voice. Only filled with irritation and frustration.

Air shook his head. "You shouldn't talk abou—" his lecture was cut short by Api's knowing pout.

"Yeah, it's just... Dumb? Useless?" Api tried to argue, though his argument died down when he couldn't find the right word. Luckily, Air had an answer.

"Pointless?" Air voiced, Api snapped his fingers. "That's the word!" He grinned.

"I just don't see a point to it. We're young adults now! Almost at 20 too!" Api whined a bit. "Literally in a year, we can legally drink alcohol. So I don't see the reason for needing his permission!"

Air thought for a bit. "I kind of agree but, you already know why we have to." Air reasoned. Api rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, I know."

He sighed, then gave his younger brother a small grin. "Let's talk about something else! I'd rather not waste our valuable time talking about him!"

Air returned the smile. "Sure"


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