0.4 prologue

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Night fell.

They had gotten ready for this moment. Having had a talk with each other through their messages about the plan.

All while they spent half their day at their individual lessons or throughout their college campus.

Cahaya, the intelligent strategist that he is, had made a plan and explained it through their chat.

He didn't bother listening to his professor's lesson during then. He's, of course, read through the entire thing already and is way past their current lesson.

There was no reason for him to pay attention.


Fortunately or not, their chat was special made. Made for this purpose by its creators.

It wasn't just some regular app everyone else uses on a daily basis. This app was especially made for them and a few others to access.

No one else in the world had access to it. No one but, them.


The app was a collaboration between Cahaya, Angin and Air.

Cahaya thought of it first. He figured it would be much easier for them in the future if they made this app for themselves.

He proposed the idea to the others and they had all agreed to it. Though a few gave him skeptical looks.

Cahaya got the help of his two older brothers in blue. One lighter and the other darker in tone.

With Cahaya's intelligence, Angin's hacking abilities and Air's helpful input and similar hacking abilities, with all of them working on it, they had accomplished what they sought out to do.

It took two whole months to complete it. Taking a month and a half to make the app itself, and half a month to beta test it and fix the errors and bugs in it.

It took a lot of work, however, they all agreed it was worth their efforts.

They had created this app for the sole purpose of security. So as to avoid any forms of hacking or info breaking. It had been an ongoing problem back then.

Not only that, but, their fonts used were changed too. They chose to create a custom numerical code as well. Adding another layer of defense and security to their messages to each other.

You may be thinking, why do all of this? Why would they, specifically, be targetted by hackers and info breakers? Why go through all of that just for security?

Well, they weren't really surprised by the people targeting them for info. It had been expected by them that it would happen. It just grew to become an irritating set back.

After all, it was their own faults for creating a reason to be targetted in the first place. They had no room to complain.

Though, it was all still very over the top, they all could admit. However, they couldn't really argue with them when the reason was explained.

"It's so that no one but us can truly understand what we're texting to eachother. Not even those who were able to hack the app." Cahaya had explained in a matter of factly.

"We'd be able to avoid any unwanted guests. That means lesser ambushers, lesser blackmailers and a lot lesser people trying to find our identities too." He added. His platinum eyes shone like the moon. Silently challenging them to dispute his reasonings.

None took the stage

He nodded his head a bit in understanding. He uncrossed his arms and opened up the laptop he had been carrying with him previously.

"Great, now, here's the numerical code for the fonts." He said, sending them the codes through the app. Making sure they all added the photo to their phones before deleting the message like it had never existed before.

They all stared at the chart of words and symbols that were quite foreign to them.

Afterwards, he crossed his arms again. "Since none of you have memorized it yet. Me, Angin and Air being the only ones who had so far." He said, pointing to the people he mentioned briefly.

"we'll be using a different writing system." He explained, Petir raised an eyebrow at the youngest.

"And what would that be?" Asked the eldest. Electric ruby eyes shot a questioning look at silver ones.
The youngest clad in white and dark grey smirked and pulled out his phone.

They waited for a second as the youngest typed at a speed that was unnatural, before their phones buzzed in their pockets and hands.

They pulled their phones out as well and saw the message sent by their youngest brother through the app.

┏•━•━•━ ◎ ━•━•━•┓


-- --- •-• ••• •
-•-• --- -•• •

┗•━•━•━ ◎ ━•━•━•┛

They looked up and nodded in understanding, a few taking a bit longer than the others to understand.

Every one of them knew of this code. It had been drilled in their head since they were children.
Of course it would take some a bit of time to translate but, they were all familiar with it.


That was a few months ago. As of now, only few have been able to fully memorize the numerical code made by the three.

They were still writing in Morse code so that the others could understand. Though occasionally switching between that and their unique fonts for practice.

They were getting the hang of this.

They had group chats in the app aswell. A suggestion by Angin during the makings of the app.

The group that was active during that day was a group named "Elementals".

┏•━•━•━ ◎ ━•━•━•┓

•- •-• • / •-- • / •- •-•• •-•• / -•-• •-•• • •- •-• / --- -• / - ••• • / •--• •-•• •- -• ?

-•-- • •--•

-• --- •--• •

-•• •- -- -• •• - / -••• •-•• •- --•• •

•• •-•• •-•• / • -••- •--• •- •• -• / •-•• •- - • •-• / -••• •-•• •- --•• •

- ••• •- -• -•- •••

--• •-• • •- - !

┗•━•━•━ ◎ ━•━•━•┛

Cahaya had rolled his eyes at his troublesome brother with amber eyes. He was starting to get tired of writing in Morse code.

He sighed, deciding to switch to their other form of communication. Seeing as the majority of the ones active were the co-creators of this app.

┏•━•━•━ ◎ ━•━•━•┓







•-- ••• •- - ?

-•• --• -• --- •-• • / - ••• • -- / -••• •-•• •- --•• •

┗•━•━•━ ◎ ━•━•━•┛

Cahaya laughed inwardly at his poor older brother's confusion. He felt a sting of guilt at the young adult's dispense though he decided to ignore it. Choosing to find his brother's confusion amusing instead.

He pocketed his phone, silencing it for now. He decided to focuse on his lesson ahead, not bothering to check up on the happenings in his messanges.


The days dusk had burned a crimson hue on the horizon. The talks and mumbles of tired workers and civilisns kept the city loud and busy.

The florescent lights of each building had started to glow brighter. Among those with bright lights was the building the septuplets resided in.

The septuplets were all passing time. Waiting for the day to end quickly and the night to go by so they could do what they needed to do and be done with it.

They minded their own business, chatted with each other or even just ignored the others to do their own thing. They were just waiting for the time to run down.


Unbeknownst to them, eyes bore holes through their backs. Gazing eyes from miles away, both sharp and cruel, glinted in the moonlight.

They chuckled darkly, watching through their scope. Creepy and invisible to everyone in the darkness of the night.

The man sported a crooked smirk that could send shivers down your spine with just one look.

However, it faltered.

It stopped.

It froze.

Hands trembled and fear rose.

Eyes widening till their pupils looked similarly to a speck of dust.

They didn't dare turn their head.

Death and their inevitable end loomed over them like a hawk.

The figure chuckled.

Darker and crueler than their's had ever been.

Had it been possible, they knew they would've died just from that laugh.

It was deathly terrifying.

The figure's cold glare felt as sharp as knives.

As they felt the muzzle of a gun pointed to their heads.

Sporting an insane yet emotionless look.

The man behind them voiced out in a dark tone.

As he pressed the trigger with no hesitation.

The single word they heard the man utter would haunt their nightmares forever in hell.


Everything turned black.


Petir snapped his head outside their large window. The night had settled by then.

He looked out and saw the moon's beautiful glow in the sky.

It was still a miracle how the moon was in full view. The pollution of their skies would've surely made it impossible to see it without difficulty.

And yet, it was still glowing its brightest in the night.

A shiver went through the eldest's spine. A silent whisper telling him that something had happened.

As if he could hear that all too familiar sound of a trigger being pulled.

He didn't dwell on it for long.

It was a few minutes due midnight already.

The others had gone to their rooms to get ready.

He was the last one to leave.

He got up and headed inside his shared room.

It's time.

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