Chapter 13: Dagger

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That name.

That stupid name.

"What about you, Noah Dolohov?"

Those words echoed in her mind, constantly repeating as if to remind Grace that she was a complete fool for ever trusting him.

The sound of slowly approaching footsteps filled her ears. Grace could barely turn her head from side to side because of the curse, so she waited anxiously until the figure entered her field of vision.

Noah's face suddenly loomed over her, shadows casting across his skin from the dim lighting. Her strong gaze shot up at him. A hand landed on his shoulder. A man she had never seen before joined the boy's side.

"Come on, Son," the man said firmly. "The Dark Lord will finally make you one of us." Grace scanned the man's features. It only took a moment to realize that it was Noah's father.

Noah didn't move an inch. He simply stared down at Grace. Mr. Dolohov's grip tightened, his knuckles turning white. As if awakening something in Noah, the boy grabbed an object from his father's hand.

Grace's eyes widened. Even in the dark room, the tiniest bit of light was able to reflect off of the object.

A dagger.

"Noah-" Grace whimpered, her eyes immediately watering. A lump formed in her throat.

Noah snatched Grace's arm, turning it so that the smooth skin of her forearm faced upwards. He slowly raised the dagger.

"Noah, please!" she shrieked, her heart racing.

Noah quickly let go of her arm, lowering the dagger to his side. Mr. Dolohov grabbed his son by his robes, beginning to drag him out of the room.

"Nobody touch that girl! My son isn't finished..."

Mr. Dolohov shoved Noah into the next room where the two of them could be alone, slamming the door so roughly that it shook the floor. The man rushed towards Noah and backhanded him.

"How dare you make a fool of me! You are my son. What you choose to do, or in this case, choose not to do, reflects on me!"

Noah clenched his jaw, ignoring the pain running through his face. He used all of his efforts to keep eye contact with his father as he continued yelling.

"I saw your hesitation. Deatheaters do not hesitate! Do you understand me? You have to prove yourself to the Dark Lord. You have to prove that you will be faithful to him. I will not have my son fail."

Mr. Dolohov grabbed Noah by the ear and pulled him close.

"Don't disappoint me," he hissed. He finally released the boy and returned to the others.

Noah just stood there, staring at the wall opposite to him. He gritted his teeth, pushing out every thought in his brain. His feet seemed to have a mind of their own. Noah wanted to stay by himself in there forever, but they brought him straight back into the room and next to Grace once again.

Grace studied Noah's expression. His eyes were dark. His face had gone pale. Noah had turned cold. She searched for any emotion, but she found nothing.


The slytherin ignored her, grabbing her forearm again.

"You don't have to do this!" she shouted as he gripped the dagger.

"Shut up!" Noah yelled, his eyes shooting at Grace's. His gaze turned her heart ice cold. Whatever sort of humanity that Grace believed the boy could still possess was gone.

Noah brought the blade to the skin of Grace's forearm, beginning to carve into it.

Grace shrieked loudly. The ear piercing screams that escaped her bounced off the walls and traveled into the ears of each and every person in the room. Her body thrashed around as much as it could with the curse, but Noah kept her steady enough to complete his work.

When he was satisfied, Noah lifted the dagger from her skin, the blade covered in a deep red. Grace's throat burned and her tears flowed freely.

Someone had lifted the body-bind curse off of her. If her body wasn't so weak, she would have been able to get up. Instead, all she could do was flicker her eyes down to her arm. Noah had carved a single word into her skin.


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