Chapter 14: Becoming Numb

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"Take her to the dungeons. We don't want to tire her out too badly before the Dark Lord gets here."

Noah followed his father's orders, bringing Grace to her feet.

The Gryffindor girl, however, could barely stand. The adrenaline, shock, and fear from the events that had just taken place made her weak. She almost collapsed, her legs nearly giving out beneath her. Noah was quick to keep her upright, wrapping a hand around her waist. Her body trembled, but she did nothing to hide it.

Noah led Grace out of the room, away from the others.

"Dolohov-" she started, her voice hoarse from the shouting she had done just moments ago. "Get-" Grace closed her eyes, taking a moment to rest her throat. "Get away from me," she croaked out, her red and puffy eyes glaring up at his. Tears still lingered on her cheeks.

"I'm trying to help you, Grace."

"Help me?" Grace scoffed. "How on earth are you helping me? The only way you can help me is by staying the fuck away from me!"

"Shh, Grace!" he spat. "Don't you understand I'm supposed to be locking you up in the fucking cellar right now? Stop making so much noise. I need to concentrate."

Grace looked at him like he had gone mad, but before she knew it, they had apparated back just outside the grounds of Hogwarts. As soon as her feet touched the ground, Grace tore herself away from him, making her way towards the castle.

"Grace, wait!" Noah shouted.

Fresh tears flowed from Grace's eyes. She didn't turn around. Instead, she continued walking, determined to get to the front doors before her body collapsed from fatigue.

"Grace!" His voice called again, only much louder this time as the distance between the two of them decreased.

Grace whipped around, her eyes lined with tears.

"No!" She yelled, gazing at him firmly. "I trusted you! I told you how badly he hurt me and how scared I was." She bit her quivering lip before continuing. "You're just like him! You're cruel and you're a liar and I should have never opened up to you!"

"Grace, I didn't-"

"I don't want to hear your excuses. I am sick and tired of being lied to." Grace gritted her teeth. Her eyes glossed over and she turned around, continuing her walk to the castle. "Stay the hell away from me," she finished.

There was no sound of movement behind Grace and she let out a shaky sigh of relief. She pushed open the heavy oak doors and stepped inside of Hogwarts. She expected to feel better once she entered the castle, but the whole world felt like it was on her shoulders.

All at once the tears spilled from her eyes. She hurried towards the nearest door and entered inside the empty classroom. Grace dropped to her knees, her hands covering her face as loud sobs escaped her lips.

She was broken. Grace swore that the universe was against her. She gently pulled her sleeve up, revealing the freshly-carved word that was now permanently embedded into her skin. A few stray tears dropped onto her forearm, stinging the cut.

Everything she had experienced came to the front of her mind, pummeling her brain with horrific reminders of the terrible things she had gone through.

But just as quickly as the crying had started, it stopped. Silence wrapped around her in a tight embrace. Grace stood up, wiping the tears off her cheeks. She pushed her hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ear.

Grace became numb. Her blank gaze had lost all emotion. She stared at the wall across from her. That was when she made the connection.

Ryan. The hitting. The assault. The Deatheaters. Noah. The dagger. It all came down to one thing— Grace was never in control.

She had to be in control.

She had to be in control.

Grace immediately rushed out of the classroom, scanning the corridor.

She had to be in control.

It was the only way.

Grace finally spotted him walking through the front door and down the corridor. He was exactly who she was looking for.


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