Meeting Polly's wolf

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I decided to not let my parents know I had heard them talking about me, so I headed down stairs with a smile on my face

" morning mum, dad"

" hello son, how are you this morning? did you get much sleep?" my mum asked

" I read for most of the night trying to understand everything that was going to happen to me tomorrow" I smiled at her trying to make her understand that I would come to terms with them keeping this huge secret from me and that it would just take time,

" actually mum its Polly's birthday today" mum looked at me as if she had missed something

" the girl I mentioned last night" I reminded her

" well I wanted to get her something, I know I hardly know her but I feel she is special, can you help me find something"

mum smiled then left the kitchen well maybe she didn't agree, I looked at dad and he just shrugged his shoulders as if he didn't know what she was doing. I started eating breakfast when mum returned she handed me a small box, I opened it to find a handmade necklace of a golden moon our packs mark,

" what's this" I asked

" give it to Polly I'm sure she will love it" mum said with a big smile, I hugged my mum thanking her.

I arrived at school just before the bell was going to ring, I made my way straight to Polly's locker and she was there, I went over and said hi she started to blush, I loved how she was so shy around me, I gave her the present my mum gave me she looked surprised and confused

" thank you" she said

"but why did you get me a present"

I quickly made an excuse about how I loved presents so I expected her to get me one, so I got her one, I couldn't tell her the real reason was because I liked her a lot, she would of thought I was a crazy stalker, before she could say much else the bell rang and she said bye.

I lingered in the hall just watching her leave, I decided not to go to first period my mind was still spinning from my parents confession last night, so I headed back out the school doors heading over to the forest to think. I was just starting to read one of my fathers journals when I saw Polly running towards the forest,

"polly what's the matter what's happening" I asked her she looked terrible like she was having trouble breathing,

I sat down with her and she suddenly just started telling me everything she was feeling, as she went on about hearing better and becoming stronger and how this voice had started talking to her telling her she had been kidnapped and that it needed to be let out.

As I listened the more I was starting to believe that maybe Polly was a wolf too, I also knew that if this was the case her wolf was going to make her shift, I needed to reassure her so I did the only think I thought would help, I told her I thought I knew what was happening to her, but she suddenly started crying and shaking. I picked her up and carried her to my car, I had to get her to my father he was the only one who could help her.

" Where are we going" she asked me

"I'm taking you to my father he can help" I said then she passed out.

When we arrived at my house I quickly got Polly out the car and into the lounge, I then found my father

" dad it's Polly, I think she is a werewolf like us, she started telling me about a voice in her head, saying Polly needed to let her out, dad I think Polly is going to shift".

My father just looked at me before going into polly, I heard him telling her who he was but then she started screaming again.

"take her outside quick" my dad shouted at me,

I picked her up and took her into the garden where I placed her down slowly trying not to cause her any pain, I could hardly stand to see her this way, I turned around as I couldn't look at her anymore it was hurting me to much. The screaming seemed to last forever then suddenly it stopped, I slowly turned around and where Polly was standing was now a beautiful golden wolf but also next to her was a huge grey wolf.

I knew straight away that the golden wolf was Polly, it had these greeny blue eyes but the two colours remained apart so you could see them both, I had noticed it in Polly's eyes the day I meet her, which seemed like years ago although really it had only been two days ago that I first spoke to her. Polly's wolf also had black ears and two black paws one at the front and one at the back it made her stand out, I couldn't get over how stunning she looked, but who was the grey wolf?

I looked round and the only person missing was my father, it had to be him he was huge no wonder he was alpha, all this got me thinking about how my wolf would look. I waited for Polly to do something but she didnt move she seemed to be having a conversation with my dad's wolf, then all of a sudden Polly was lying on the floor in her human form naked, my mother quickly covered her and told me to take her upstairs to rest.

I walked upstairs with Polly in my arms and it just felt right, like this was all meant to happen this way, I walked her to my room and laid her in my bed to rest.

I was down stairs with my mother and father talking about what had happened when we sudden heard Polly shout we ran to my room, my father asked Polly if she was ok but she seemed to be in some kind of shock, I went over to her and sat on the bed

"polly are you ok you look abit hot" I asked her, really it looked as though she was blushing

"I'm fine, just trying to take everything in" she replied,

she asked my dad loads of questions about what was going to happen, but then she shocked me by asking my father if she could shift again and if he could take a picture.

we all headed back outside Polly didn't seem to feel any pain this time and she had quickly turned into her wolf, my dad took her picture then she turned and look towards the forest then back to me and dad, my dad must of understood what she wanted because he nodded and then she took of running towards the trees, I was worried about her but what could I do I hadn't shifted yet and wouldn't until my birthday tomorrow, so I sat on the porch out the back of my house staring towards the woods hoping for her safe return.

I must of been waiting almost three hours before I spotted polly's wolf emerge from the woods, she shifted straight back to her human form and she was completely naked, I couldn't help but stare at her beautiful figure she had great curves in all the right places, I wondered why she always hides her body with jogging pants and huge hoodies, then I remembered her saying her parents always put her down, I was never going to let anybody hurt this girl again.

" can you find me something to wear" Polly shouted to me snapping me out of my thought and the fact that I was looking at her,

I went to my room and found her a pair of jogging bottoms and one of my hoodies I took them outside to her

"thanks" Polly said before turning her back to me,

It was strange but the thought of Polly in my clothes turned me on, and I couldn't help but smile to myself.

My dad appeared at the door

"how was you first run Polly?" he asked,

Polly started telling us about how she loved it and she had seen her wolf in a stream, she seemed to have this extra glow about her since she had shifted.

"did you have anybody follow me?" Polly asked my father,

I noticed he started to look worried

"no, why?" he asked,

" I thought someone was watching me in the woods" Polly explained,

my father quickly took us in doors and disappeared into his office. I didn't know what to say to Polly and she looked as though she was in deep thought so I took the change to really check her out, she was the most beautiful person I had ever seen, I really hope she turns out to be my mate, well I won't have long to wait now.

I was just about to say something when Polly turned to me and said

" like what you see do you?" I was so shocked she had said that I was lost for words,

I must of looked stupid just starring at her lucky my mum came into the room and asked Polly if she wanted to stay, then she took her of upstair, I'm assuming to the guest room.

I can't believe how much has happened in the last two day, I have gone from admiring Polly from a distance to finding out I'm a wolf and then finding out Polly is one too, and now here she is staying at my house the night, if anybody had told me his was the way my life was going to go I would have laughed in their face, but the fun and games were just starting, I was going to turn into my wolf tomorrow and I was now excited about it after seeing Polly look so happy after she returned from her first run.

I went to my room and collected some of the books I was reading about werewolves and headed to the guest room ( I needed an excuse to be going there) I knocked on the door

" come in" Polly shouted,

I opened the door to see Polly sitting on the bed, I went over and sat next to her

" I brought you these, I know you must have loads of questions, I know I did when my dad told me yesterday that I was a wolf, I spent all night reading these they helped alot" I said,

Polly took the books " thanks, I think I will need these but Lilly is helping me too" she said.

"right I'll leave you alone" I said

I really wanted to lean in and kiss her but I didn't want her to reject me so I just gave her a quick one arm hug and left her too it, plus I had a party to plan!

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