My first run

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I continued to stare at my reflection in the stream, I still couldn't believe I was part wolf, I thought things like this only happened in books and movies, but here I am living it,

" we're living it" Lilly piped up

" we are a team now Polly I can help you, we have to trust each other for our powers to become strong"

I had a feeling I was never going to feel alone again now Lilly had started talking to me.

I began to walk back along the forest ground towards Stuart's house, I was taking in all the different sounds and smells it was beautiful, I could smell every individual flower and even the trees had their own scent.

The sun had started to set, I'd lost track of how long had I been here, school must have been finished by now, I bet Libby was worrying sick about me, I was going to have to call her but what do I say to my bestfriend, oh sorry Libby I had to leave as I was turning into a wolf, as if she would believe me.

Suddenly I heard twigs breaking to the left of me, it was a faint sound and if I were in human form I would not of noticed it but my wolf hearing is so much stronger, I glanced round but saw nothing, I took a deep breath smelling the air

" something is not right, we need to get out of here" Lilly spoke to me

" I can smell something different it's a new smell to me and it's not a werewolf but something similar to our kind" she said.

With that I started running back towards the house, just as I came to the edge of the woods I noticed a shadow between the trees it was a person, they stood there watching me for a second before making off back into the thickness of the trees.

As soon as I made it into Stuart's back yard a shifted to my human form, I was completely naked and I could see Stuart sitting on the porch, shit he is going to see me naked

" he is going to see us naked soon enough anyway, his our mate" Lilly said

I still wasn't really sure what she ment by mate, but it was a question that was going to have to wait. Deciding there was no other way round this situation I called to Stuart asking him to throw me something to wear, I saw a huge smile appear on his face before he entered his house, a few seconds later he brought some jogging bottoms and a t-shirt over, I quickly put them on turning away from him trying to keep a bit of my pride.

"how was it?" Stuart asked

" it was great, I felt so free I still can't believe I'm really a werewolf though, there is so much I need to know" I said to Stuart

" I know I can relate there, I only found out yesterday that I was a werewolf too, but I haven't shifted yet it should happen tomorrow according to my father on my birthday, apparently all werewolves shift on their seventeenth" stuart said,

I couldn't believe he was just as clueless as me about all this, he was so calm when I started to shift. Stuart's father appeared at the door

"polly how did you find your first run?" he said

" it was great I felt so free I found a beautiful waterfall and managed to see my reflection, I have to say a was amazed at my wolf." I replied,

I then remembered about the person following me

" frank did you have some one follow me whilst I was gone?"

" no why?" frank said with a slightly worried look on his face

" well I was heading back when I heard something, Lilly my wolf said she could smell something it wasn't a werewolf but very similar to ones smell, so I started running and just before I made it here I got a glance of a humans shadow watching me before it disappeared back into the woods"

Frank suddenly rushed me and Stuart inside the house and then disappeared into another room, I could hear him telling people to go check the area where I had been, I wonder what could be worrying him so much, it was probably someone walking though and got frighten by seeing a wolf, I know I would of if it had been me.

Next thing I heard was Stuart's parents talking, Stuart's mum was worried

" Frank could it be them, have they found us already, if so why didn't they attack her Frank, what do you think they are planning"

then I heard Frank " don't worry, we don't know it was them, we need to stay calm for Stuart's and Polly's sake, they don't need to know about all this yet, they have only just found out they are wolves this extra information would be too much" he said.

I turned round to find Stuart was just staring at me I couldn't help myself

" like what you see do you" I said

oh god where did that come from, Lilly laughed

" sorry I took over just for a split second" she said,

Stuart looked just as shocked but before he had time to reply his mum and dad came back in.

" sorry about that but its best to be safe" Stuart's dad smiled at us.

"So Polly would you like to stay the night here in the guest room, you have had a lot to take in today and Stuart mentioned you are going to be here tomorrow anyway for the party" Stuart's mum asked me,

I didn't want to go home after what Lilly had told me about my parents

"i would love to, thank you so much for all you have done for me " I said.

Kara that was Stuart's mums name took me to the guess room

" there you go dear" she said

"thank you" I smiled

I went in and closed the door, I laid on the bed thinking about how mad this birthday had been. I decided I needed thinking time so called Libby to pick me up, rather then spend the night here.

I went down stairs after having a rest, I entered Stuart's kitchen to find him eating and huge bowl of spaghetti and meatballs

" would you like some dear" kara asked me

" I would love some thanks" I said

I sat opposite Stuart, he asked if I had everything I needed for the night,

" actually I'm going to stay at libby's" I said

" she is on her way now sorry, I know I said I would stay but I think I need some time to think".

I looked at Stuart he seemed disappointed, I felt bad but I really needed time to clear my head and being near him was making me think things I really shouldn't be,like running my fingers though his blonde hair, wondering if he had a six pack under his t-shirt and how I wanted to explore every part of his slender but muscular body with not only my hands!!. there I go again where were these thoughts coming from, I've got to get out of here before I jump him or something, just then my phoned rang

" I'm outside" thank god Libby has arrived to rescue me.

" Libby is here I've got to go" I said to Stuart

" thank you for everything you have done today"

I leaned down and gave him a light kiss on his lips, I felt him press harder the tingling was shooting though my whole body, I quickly pulled away because if I hadn't of I don't think I would of be able to stop myself from going further, I could feel Lilly trying to take over. I ran towards the door I turned and said


before running over to Libby's  car.

" hey so come on what happened? why are you at Stuart's house? and why you did you miss nearly the whole school day" Libby asked

" I felt sick during first period that's why I ran out, I didn't want to throw up infront of everyone,  as I went out side to get some air I ran into Stuart, he offered to take me to his place til I felt better" I lied to Libby, but I couldn't have her knowing the truth not yet anyway.

" umm, you to seem to be bumping into each other a lot later, you sure there is nothing going on between the two of you?"

she gave me one of her suspicious looks I shook me head

" definitely not, I hardly know him"

she must of believed me cause she didn't question me anymore instead she turned the radio up and stared singing, when we arrived at hers I was so shattered I excused myself by saying I still felt abit ill and went up to bed.

I was woken up next morning by a strange sound like a wolf howl

" mate"

Lilly started dancing around in my head

" what do you mean Lilly" I asked

" that howl was our mate calling out to us" she said.

Images of Stuart came to me he must of shifted into his wolf. Lilly was getting very excited and wanted me to shift and go find our mate, but I wasn't ready for this yet so I managed to calm her

"we will see him tonight" I told her, I have to admit I was starting to feel excited about seeing Stuart too.

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