Not part of the plan

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The boss had me enrol to Green Fields so I could keep an eye on Polly and Stuart, I think its a waste of time we could just go in and attack them, after all we have been watching them for months and they haven't noticed any change.

My last night of freedom I went to a friends party, I had known Sam for awhile now he was part of a pack but he enjoyed breaking rules and he didn't seem to mind rogues, whilst partying I meet Libby, I knew she was friends with Polly so I thought it would be a good idea to befriend her not that I can remember much more of that night I was so drunk, but I know I asked her to meet me outside school on monday.

As I approached the gates monday I could see Libby standing with Polly and Stuart it was perfect I didnt realise how easy this was going to be, I made my way over pretending to know nothing about them.

Libby introduced me and most of the morning went great with them starting to trust me. Then at lunch libby grabbed my arm to meet some other people, and I felt it, the tingling it couldn't be, I knew for a fact Libby was 100% human, I thought it must of been an electric shock but she took my hand and my wolf went into overdrive, it took everything inside of me to stop him over taking, he was shouting in my head

"mate, mate" this wasn't part of the plan.

So that brings me to the here and now sitting in my bedsit fighting a battle with myself, do I go with my heart and try and win my mate? which is going to be lot harder as she is human, or do I ignore my feeling and stick to the bosses plan?

Most people would automatically go with thier heart but the boss took me in when nobody else had, he was like family to me as mine had been killed by Frank's father when I was a baby,maybe I can handle my feelings til I had enough information on her friends, but if she ever found out she would never trust me, but really I had no other choice did I.

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