Nothing good lasts forever

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I woke up to the best smell ever, freshly cut grass, but also the smell of my mate, I opened my eyes to see a arm draped over me protectively, a smile came over my face as I remembered last night it was the best date ever.

Stuart was still sleeping so I took the opportunity to admire his features more closely, he had the most amazing six pack, natural tan and a small scar just above his right eye which just made him look more sexy.

The sun was starting to rise, I thought it might be a good time to have a swim in the lake, I slowly moved stuart's arm but before I could stand he pulled me back

" where do you think you are sneaking off to" he said pulling me down so I was now lying on top of him,

" I'm going to take a dip, maybe you should join me it might cool you down a bit" I giggled before managing to wiggle free and run towards the water.

I stripped down to my underwear and jumped in, the coldness of the water felt great on my body, I swam over to the waterfall and stood underneath allowing the fresh mountain water to run all over my body, tiny little water droplets lingering on my skin, god I wished I could stay here forever.

Suddenly I heard what sounded like footsteps heading away back into the forest, Stuart must have heard it too cause next thing I knew he was telling me to get dress and head to his father's house and that he was going to see who was out there.

I stood frozen for a second, I was in two minds as if to follow my mate or not, my wolf wanted to do nothing but make sure they were safe, but he had wanted me safe too and I knew that, so instead of dressing I tied my clothes to my leg and I shifted to my wolf running full speed back to Frank and Kara's house.

Just before I came to the edge of the forest I shifted back and got dressed I then ran into the house.

"Kara, Frank" I shouted out

Frank came running out " what is it polly, what's happened?"

"Stuart he went chasing after someone in the forest by the waterfall they must have been watching us"

Kara appeared at the door " why didn't he mind link us Frank?"

" I don't know but I have men out looking for him now, his strong he'll be fine I'm sure" he said even though he had a worried look on his face.

We waited for ages, Frank was in and out of the kitchen keeping us up to date with any news and kara keep busy baking. I didn't know what to do, I kept trying to mind link stuart but either I hadn't got the hang of it properly or he was ignoring me.

Suddenly Frank appeared in the door way "they have caught a trespasser, they are on thier way back now" he said looking abit more relaxed.

" is stuart ok?" I asked

" he is fine, he said he got carried away trying to catch the guy that he forgot to mind link in, he still has a lot to learn" Frank chuckled.

About an hour later I saw Stuart emerging from the woods, he had about six other men with him and in the middle of them was a guy, I couldn't quite see him properly yet. As they made they way closer Frank appeared next to me,

" take him to the holding cell" Frank said using his alpha voice,

just as they started walking away the guy turned and looked at me

" wait you" I said abit shocked

" you know this guy Polly" both Stuart and Frank said

" he has been following me. I thought I was imaging it, ever since the first day I shifted, at school then at the mall and he knocked me over in the carpark" I said

"why are you following me?" I turned to the guy and asked,

but before he could answer Frank cut in

"don't worry Polly we will deal with him"

with that they lead him off but as he went he gave me a kind of sorry look, who was this guy?

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