Quiet Girl (Harry Potter)

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"Do you know where Hermione is? I have looked everywhere and I just can't find her, we were supposed to work on her Patronus," asked Harry anxiously to Ron.

"I don't know," Ron groaned while shoving two chicken wings at the same time into his mouth.

"Do you ever stop eating Ron?!" Ginny asked furiously and turned to Harry: "I saw her in the common room with some girl. I think they were studying or something."

"Thanks Ginny." Harry got up from his seat and headed to the Gryffindor common room.

"I wish I had met you before!" Harry heard Hermione laughing while he was getting inside the common room.

"I feel the same for you but like I said, I-I'm known to be very shy." Harry was confused when he heard the unfamiliar voice. When he was finally inside the room he saw Potions books all over the couch and two girls sitting on the ground, Hermione and someone who he has never seen before.

Both girls tilted their head to face Harry, Hermione chuckled: "Oh hi Harry, what's going on?"

Harry nervously waved at the girl sitting beside Hermione. The girl was visibly uncomfortable by Harry's existence in the room causing Harry to be confused: "I-I... We were going to work on something Hermione, remember?" Hermione stared into Harry's eyes until she remembered: "Merlin Harry, I'm truly sorry! I didn't realize what the time was while hanging out with Y/N! Have you met her?" Hermione threw her arms around Y/N's shoulder when Y/N was clearly blushing hard. She shyly tilted his head and stared the wall behind Harry, just to avoid his eyes: "Hi..."

"Hello, I'm Harry-"

"I know," Y/N cut his sentence off quickly then she tried to explain it desperately: "I-I mean everyone knows you, the boy who lived," Y/N laughed nervously and scratched the back of her neck.

The three of them stared each other awkwardly until Hermione broke the silence: "I guess we should get going Harry... I will see you at dinner Y/N!" She chuckled and hugged Y/N. Y/N was not happy about them leaving her alone but she was not going to beg them to stay. Hermione quickly got out of the room while Harry was still standing awkwardly staring at Y/N, who was not paying attention to him a bit, casually reading a book. Harry coughed to get her attention but Y/N was just ignoring him Harry sighed and anxiously played with his fingers. He didn't know why but he just wanted to talk to her and he was oddly shy about the situation. He watched the piece of her (Y/H/C) falling in front of her eyes, her long eyelashes flickering while she was excitingly moving her (Y/E/C) eyes through the pages. Harry shut his eyes and took a deep breath. He slowly walked towards her and sat down where Hermione was sitting a few minutes ago. His heart was nearly out of his chest, since when did he become this excited while just simply talking to a girl? (since forever)

"I-erm... How come I have never seen you before?"

Y/N felt like she was out of breath. Of course she had been avoiding Harry, he was the last person she wanted get noticed by while he was actually the only reason she was going to Hogwarts. Her cheeks slowly went pink to red. She whispered to herself: "It's okay, he is just a person..."

"I'm sorry?" Harry asked curiously and got closer to her since he wasn't able to hear what she said.

"I-I..." Y/N closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened them again, she saw Harry smiling, oh how adorable he was when he did that. "It's okay, I understand you are not much of a talker, maybe that's why I hadn't met you earlier?"

Y/N quickly nodded and she realized she had been smirking the whole time. Well, that was normal since every time she saw Harry, a smile was formed automatically on his face. "I'm sorry, I'm usually not this rude, I just got excited I guess, I don't know why," she chuckled making Harry's eyes glow up, he was feeling warm.

"Seriously though, I think this is the first time I saw your face- Wait- I think it was a bit rude thing to say I'm sorry, I'm known to be quiet oblivious-"

"That's fine. I wasn't actually waiting for you to notice me, in fact I can't believe we are having a decent conversation right now," she giggled nervously playing with her sweaty fingers, causing Harry to frown. He awkwardly ruffled his soft hair and pushed his glasses that were nearly falling down from his face. "Why? I'm just a normal person..." Y/N finally managed to stare into his pretty eyes; they always made her stomach tingly. She laughed lightly: "It's just- Never mind, I think you should go now, Hermione has been waiting for you like ten minutes now..."

Harry was woken up from his thoughts by her soft voice, he hardly put on a smile and nodded: "Yeah, you are right. Well, I guess nice to meet you?" Y/N smiled weakly and nodded: "Nice to meet you too Harry."

Harry didn't want to leave her; he just wanted to get to know her. However, he knew he broke her heart by continuously reminding her how invisible she was for him. On his way to Hermione, he kept mumbling: "Stupid Harry, why are you so stupid?"

"Then I realized it had been in my right hand the whole time!" Neville shouted excitedly while everyone on the table was groaning. Harry sat down between Hermione and Ron who were in the middle of a heated conversation. He sighed heavily causing both of them to shut up. "What's wrong Harry?"

"Don't say nothing, there was clearly something wrong while we were working today, tell us."

Harry stared at his plate, playing with his fork. "I-I just... I said quiet mean things to your friend Hermione while just trying to form a casual conversation. I don't know what happened I just got too excited I think?"

"Harry! Do you like this girl?" Ron hit his shoulder playfully. Then Hermione glared at him causing his smile to fade.

"Harry, you can just simply go and tell her this. I'm sure she will understand," Hermione smiled at him and patted his shoulder softly. Harry nodded and got up from his seat without saying a word.

Harry watched Y/N enjoying the book on her hands, smirking at her face expressions amusingly. When she got to the next page she lifted her head, sensing she was not alone in the room. She jumped a bit, not expecting the person staring at her to be Harry. "Bloody Merlin Harry! You scared me!" She chuckled adorably while her cheeks were pinky once again. Harry walked towards her and put his both hands up: "I'm really sorry, my intention was not that!"

"Then what was your intention while standing there staring at me creepily?" She asked jokingly while Harry sat down next to her. Harry's cheeks were also red now: "I-I..."

"I'm kidding! What's up? Aren't you supposed to be at dinner?" She asked curiously, she was feeling extremely comfortable now, not knowing why. She felt like she was getting used to be noticed by her instant crush. "I can ask you the same thing. I-I was actually here to apologize from you..." Harry explained nervously playing with his finger and trying to avoid eye contact.

"For what?"

"For... For being rude. I didn't mean to make you feel invisible but I was honestly just curious why I hadn't seen you before, it feels strange... You are too beautiful not to be noticed..." He mumbled the last part, finally managing to stare into her admirable eyes.

Y/N opened her mouth but couldn't find the appropriate thing to say, she was shocked. She was clearly not expecting Harry to call her beautiful when she woke up that morning. "I-I...Wow..."

"I'm sorry- Why do I keep embarrassing myself in front of you today. Like we just met and I'm literally flirting with you-" They both laughed loudly until they were out of breath.

"I wish I had met you before... I'm guessing you like reading?"

Y/N stared into his amazing eyes, how she adored them. She shook her head, she didn't want to lie to him but on the other hand, she knew he would run away immediately if he knew why she was on Hogwarts.

"Harry-I can't do this." She felt tears building up in her eyes, her cheeks were burning and it was getting harder for her to gulp each second. "Did I do something wrong. I'm honestly confused..."

"It's not about you, it's just..." Y/N took a deep breath and talked very quickly: "I don't actually belong in Hogwarts-"

"What?" Harry was confused than ever. "I used to go to Ilvermony... I came to Hogwarts two months ago, I made sure no one noticed I was new here and I wanted to tell you the truth because..." Harry was patiently waiting for her to talk, he raised his eyebrow: "Because?"

"Because you were the reason I got here in the first place..." Y/N mumbled and shut her eyes, a few tears escaping from her eyes, her throat burning as if she was drinking alcohol. "I-I don't understand-"

"I wanted to meet you! I know it's stupid and creepy, I'll completely understand if you run away, that's what everyone would do..." She shrugged and reached for her book from the ground but being stopped by Harry's hands grabbing hers. "What?" Harry chuckled, clearly amused by what she said. "Oh... Well I could take you running away but making fun of me? I don't think I will be okay with that one Potter..."

Harry pulled her closer and giggled again: "I'm not making fun of you! I-I just found that adorable also, you had come here from a very far place, running away from you would be rude," he winked at her.

Y/N shook her head, trying to hide her smile but failing since it would be impossible not to smile at Harry's smirking face. Harry got closer to her and tucked the hair in front of her eyes: "Now, I don't regret complimenting you since you basically made the biggest compliment about me," he chuckled. Y/N couldn't talk, she was breathless. Harry stared down at her lips, now their noses were brushing each other. "Can I?" Harry whispered. Y/N slowly nodded and closed her eyes. Harry softly pressed his lips against hers. The kiss quickly became heated when Harry put his hands all over her waist and she ruffled his hair slowly.

"And you hit me when I simply just stated a fact back at the dinner Hermione!"

Both Y/N and Harry jumped back to their seats when they heard Ron yelling. Then Hermione and Ginny hit Ron at the same time groaning

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