Never Have I Ever (James Potter)

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Request by @julzlovedraco4eva. hope u like it!

edit- the readers marauder name is Wing cause her patronus is a Phoenix.

4th year

Y/n Scamander had just returned from the library, Pride and Prejudice in hand.

"Password?" the fat lady asked

"Dilligrout..." Y/n said. The portrait swung open. As Y/n entered the common room she could see her best friend, Sirius Black with his head in his hands, sobbing quietly. Y/N frowned as she rushed towards him.

The girl wrapped her arms around him, he immediately sensed her presence and hugged back. Y/n then proceeded to sit opposite him.

"What's wrong Pads?" she asked Sirius, "Is everything okay at home?". His silence said everything.

"Siri, I told you before, move in with me. Its just me and grandma at home. Mom and Dad are busy working at America." Y/n said as held his hands in hers. Sirius nodded.Top of Form

"Besides you know that Nana loves you..." she continued to persuade him.

"What about Regulus?" Sirius asked. Y/n scoffed.

"He doesn't even talk to you. Why do you give a fuck?" Y/n asked now agitated. Sirius nodded understanding. Y/n wiped his eyes with the sleeves and hugged him.

"So, you'll move in?" Y/n asked giving him the best puppy dog eyes.

"Yes, I will." Sirius chuckled. Y/n pounced on him out of utter joy. He hugged her back as tight. Y/n didn't realize but now she was in Sirius' lap.

"What is the bloody hell are you guys doing?!" a voice made them both turn back not caring whoever it was. The duo turned back to see a fuming James Fleamont Potter.

"What are you guys doing?" the Potter boy asked suspiciously almost, jealously. Y/n flushed red at his tone.

"Oh yeah! Sirius is moving in with me!" Y/n said looking at Sirius enthusiastically. The boy grinned back. James nodded stiffly.

"Okay, I should get going..." Y/n said as she hugged Sirius.

The Scamander, then wrapped her arms around James, who hugged back without hesitation, Y/n then kissed his cheek. "Goodnight Prongs..." "Night Wing..." he wished back.


5th year...

Currently, Y/n and Sirius were waiting for James and Remus to arrive at the Scamander Cottage. Nana Scamander was busy making a feast for the children in the kitchen.

Sirius and Y/n were sitting on the couch, Y/n's legs swung on Sirius' lap, while the boy rested his head on her shoulder.

The fireplace changed its flames into a green color. Y/n immediately stood up from the couch. The duo was blessed with the sight of Remus Lupin, the boy had grown at least 5 inches taller. Y/n gave him a tight hug. Sirius followed.

Just then out of the fireplace stepped out James Potter, hair dishelved and longer, he had grown taller too. As soon as Y/n saw him, she shoved Remus making him stumble.

Y/n jumped in his arms, he picked her up, she was a foot shorter than him. Remus cleared him throat while, Sirius simply smirked. Both of them turned beet red.

"James! Remus! My boys!" came the cheerful voice of Mrs. Scamander as she embraced the boys warmly. She surely was a true Hufflepuff.

"Foods on the table, lets go" the plump woman said as she pulled the boys with her towards the kitchen.

The table was filled with each of their favorite foods. After having a long chat on table.

Y/n then proceeded to show the boys their bedrooms.

At night, the Marauders were talking about their next prank plans but soon after, they got bored.

Y/n then got a long piece of parchment, the boys looked at her confused. She then got red ink and quill as she wrote something on it 'The Marauders Map'.


At Hogwarts...

Y/n was studying for O.W. Ls in the common room, when Remus, Sirius and Peter approached her with prank products in hand.

"Hey Y/n/n, let's go prank Snivellus!" Sirius said as plopped down in front of Y/n. The girl gave him annoyed look, she hated when anybody interrupted her study.

"Padfoot! Moony! Wormtail! Go study, we have our exams in a month." Y/n scolded the boys. She then glared at Remus; he was supposed to be the mature one of them. Lupin gave her an apologetic look.

"Hey Wing! Wanna go prank Snape?" James asked as he walked into the room. Y/n's angry demeanor completely faded.

"Yes, what are we gonna do?" Y/n pushed her books away. James gave her a mischievous grin. The other three boys frowned. Y/n then turned at the other Marauders.

"Well, we plan to explode his cauldron." Peter grinned. James swung an arm around Y/n's shoulders. The (h/c) turned pink.


At potions (the next day)

"Today, we will be brewing, 'The Shrinking Potion'." Said Professor Slughorn, smiling as always. Y/n's eyes widened so, did Remus', the pair looked at each other. Y/n definitely didn't want a small Snape. They looked at Sirius and James' table, they both were beaming. Before Remus could tell the boys to abort, they already had gone to collect the ingredients.

Severus had already started brewing the potion, of course he was a top student. Sirius had his wand in hand muttering 'Confringo' pointing at the cauldron.

Y/n shut her eyes tightly.

'BOOM!' The cauldron exploded. The potion wasn't completely on Snape, but he did shrink by at least a foot. Remus' eyed widened, while James high-fived Sirius, Peter quickly looked the other way.

Professor Slughorn dismissed the class and rushed towards Severus' table and escorted him to Madam Pomfrey.

Y/n and Remus couldn't help but laugh. The Marauders walked out of the classroom roaring with laughter.

They were sitting in the grounds when, Professor McGonagall strode right towards them.

"Hi Minnie." The group greeted although being Minerva's favorite students, they were in deep shit.

"Detention. All five of you in my office. In an hour" wit that she walked away like the queen she was.

The Marauders didn't mind at all. Detention is like a second home to them. They just shrugged and nodded.


At five in the evening, they walked toward McGonagall's office chattering. Y/n didn't realize but James was holding her hand.

Y/n straight away opened the office door and walked in. McGonagall rolled her eyes as she stood up. "I have a meeting with Dumbledore, leave after an hour," she then turned back again, "By the way, that was a great aim Mr. Black." she winked.

The Marauders settled themselves on the couch of the office

Y/n was just about to give up and get a book when Sirius sat down in a chair next to her and said, "Never have I ever done homework until two in the morning."

Remus, the nicest and most responsible of the bunch, followed him over. "Come on, Sirius, can't you see y/n was going to read? Leave her alone!"

James Potter laughed from the other side of the room. "It's not like she hasn't read every book."

James winked at me and said, "Don't you know how to play? You have to put a finger down."

Y/n rolled my eyes and almost walked back up to the shelves.

Until, Fine, she thought and held up nine fingers. "Never have I ever been a guy."

"Hey, that's no fair!" protested James, who was still lounging on a couch on the other side of the common room. "Never have I ever been a girl!"

Eight fingers. Man.

But Y/n didn't have to worry too much about losing, because Peter chimed in with a "Never have I ever been on the quidditch team!"

"Never have I ever had my first kiss!" smirked Remus. Y/n laughed out loud. She had never heard Remus say something so devious.

Sirius added, "Never have I ever been a seeker!"

It was Y/n's turn, and she decided to continue the trend of targeting James. "Never have I ever fallen off a broom" James groaned and put a finger down.

She almost felt bad, but it was actually pretty funny.

" Never have I ever started a game of 'Never Have I Ever' at two in the morning," James said, looking directly at Sirius. He stuck his tongue out and put another finger down.

"Never have I ever kissed three different girls in one day," said Remus, also looking at Sirius.

"No fair! You guys are ganging up on me!"

"Never have I ever been a prefect." said Peter. Remus frowned and put a finger down.

"Never have I ever been a pretty girl," Sirius said with a wink at me. Y/n left her finger up.

"Hey! She didn't put a finger down!" he protested.

Y/n rolled her eyes. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

"I think you're pretty!" said Sirius. "Let's take a vote. If we all agree you're pretty, you must put a finger down. I vote yes."

"I vote yes!" shouted James, who walked towards Y/n to force her finger down

"Me too," said Peter quietly.

Remus blushed. "I vote yes."

Y/n pretended to scowl at them like she was mad about being declared a 'pretty girl,' but of course she was flattered. However, James forced her finger down.

"Never have I ever had a crush on a fellow Marauder," Sirius said with a wink. Y/n slowly put a finger down so did James, hoping the others wouldn't notice.

"Who is it?!" Remus shouted at Y/n. James slowly backed away thinking it was Sirius, Afterall he used to live with her.

The others continued chanting "Who is it?". Y/n got irritated.

"It's James!" Y/n bellowed but clapped her hand on her mouth as soon as she said that. Remus groaned and handed Sirius 20 galleons so did Peter.

James slowly turned to Y/n, "You l-like m-me?" the brunette stuttered. Y/n nodded hesitantly. James didn't even wait for a moment he then pulled Y/n close swiftly and connected their lips, Y/n immediately kissed back earning hoots and cheers from their friends. Sirius being the loudest. James then abruptly pulled and threw the closest thing to him, a vase towards them. "Stop interrupting!" he scowled but, Y/n kissed him again, better than before.

"Now, Dorcas and Marlene owe us 50 galleons so, does Frank." Remus said.

"Hey!" Sirius interrupted, "Dumbledore owes us 100 too!" he said.

"You guys bet on us!" the new couple yelled. Sirius and Remus just shrugged. They couldn't help but laugh.

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