Concealed Affections (Draco Malfoy)

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Thanks for the idea @JulzLovDraco4Eva 

Hi May I have a Harry Potter Imagine Please Character: Draco Malfoy House: Gryffindor Extra: Draco is protective over Y/n Plot: Y/N was Friends with the Trio since 1st Year, From Year 3 She and Draco started dating after the incident with buckbeak when she secretly visited Draco in the hospital wing to see if he was ok because she was worried about him but Kept It A Secret From Their Friends. Now It's 6th Year, Lucius and Bellatrix found out about Draco Dating Y/N because he wouldn't agree on becoming a death eater. When The Trio and Y/N are in Hogsmeade they get captured by Bellatrix and Taken to the Manor, locked the trio in a cell beside y/n so they are forced to watch, a deatheater held Draco down and made him to watch and chained Y/n up in another room to hurt Y/N so he Would finally become more focused on becoming a death eater than dating a muggle-born. During the Second Time Y/N is getting hurt by Lucius and Bellatrix, Draco jumps infront of Y/N takes away their wands, sets Y/N free and helps the Trio escape and he goes with them. Back at Hogwarts Draco Apologies to The Trio for how he's been towards them through the Years and then once y/n woke up and saw all of her friends and Draco together, Draco and y/n decided it was time to tell them about the relationship between the two of them but Y/n was so scared because Draco Is Harry's worst enemy but the trio noticed his reaction and facial expressions while at the manor towards y/n and they saw how horrible Draco's dad treated him so they accepted their relationship knowing how happy y/n was and the trio also excepted Draco into their group now knowing how horrible his life's been with having his father around. (Sorry it's long you don't have to use all of that if you don't want to i just wanted to share all the info so you got the aim i was going for) I Would Love To Read This, Hope You Like It And Can Do It :):):):)

Well, i tried my best, here you go! don't forget to comment how it was!

Draco Malfoy in love with a Muggleborn?

That was laughable.

He, Draco Malfoy, the Slytherin prince, absoulutely did not have feelings for a certain (h/c) that resided in Gryffindor. He absoulutely did not .

He didn't steal glances at her. Nor did he watch her as she laughed with her sister, Hermione and their friends'.

No, he absoulutely did not do any of those things.

Then why when she spoke, does his voice get caught in his throat? Or why he's always rendered Immobulus when she looked at him? Why he cant throw her a witty comeback whenever she insults him?

She is his mortal enemy. Someone that he is supposed to loathe because she is nothing more than a filthy muggleborn like her brainy sister.

And yet he can't stop this feeling that build in his heart for her. The scandal it would cause if anyone ever found out his feelings...

But he couldn't help it. He hated feelings this way for her. Nut there was no denying it. No matter how much he tried. And Merlin knows he tried.

He tried pursuing a relationship with Pansy but that went sour as fast as he could say 'Quidditch'. He even tried a spell to make him forget..that had him in the hospital wing for a few days. He tried so many things to get the Gryffindor out of his head and yet nothing worked.

The expressions on the faces of your classmates were all ones of confusion and curiosity as you all made your way to Hagrid's hut, meanwhile you couldnt hide your glee.

"What's got you so cheerful this morning?" Your best friend, Harry Potter, nudges you playfully. "Did some bloke get laid?" Ron laughed while Hermione glared at the boys.

Immediately, your cheeks flush pink, and you jab him in the side with your elbow. "Shut it!"

Harry couldnt stop himself from laughing as he rubbed her side. "Alright, alright, I'm sorry"

You roll your eyes and look down at the grass to hide your face. "Whatever."

Ron sighs. "Go on then, what's got you smiling today?"

Your smile returns to your face as you reply to her. "You'll see."

The second Hagrid begins leading your class towards the forrest, you feel yourself almost visibly shaking with excitement. When the class stills, everyone begins to talk amongst themselves, and, as per usual, Harry and Draco have an intense, but mildly humorous, interaction. For the first time, though, you find yourself entirely undistracted by Draco, because your eyes are fixed on Hagrid, and when he turns to face the rest of the class again, you find yourself unsurprisingly grinning.

"Duh, duhduhDUH!" Hagrid cheers to gain everyone's attention, and the class falls into silence. "Isnt he beautiful? Say hello to Buckbeak! A family who raises these wonderful creatures has kindly let us borrow Buckbeak for a while, so that I can teach ya about 'im. Since she's far more familiar with these creatures, y/n, why dont you tell us about 'em?"

And, in an instant, every pair of eyes belonging to the classmates who usually ignored your existence, are fixed on you. Ron's jaw is hanging open as he realises why you havent stopped smiling. Despite your usual shyness and lack of confidence when speaking in front of others, you casually step forward, beaming as Buckbeak faces you and tilts his head to the side in recognition. You turn to the rest of your classmates.

"Buckbeak is a Hippogriff, and, as Hagrid said, my family raise these creatures. We run a sanctuary, in which we locate lost or abandoned baby Hippogriffs, raise them around their own kind, and then release them back into the wild when they're ready. Buckbeak, however, is the only Hippogriff we've ever had who has chosen to stay with us rather than fly out into the wild. Hippogriffs are very proud creatures, incredibly easy to offend, and for that reason, many deem them to be unapproachable. But, with the right amount of respect, it's relatively easy to gain a Hippogriffs trust, and they're very affectionate creatures." Still smiling, you spin on your heel and calmly stroll over to Buckbeak, who greets you by nuzzling into your hair, causing you to laugh, before continuing to talk. "Now, because Buckbeak is familiar with me, I no longer need to take the steps in order to gain his trust. Today, though, some of you will be trying to do just that."

Your classmates stare back at you in horror, but Hagrid is smiling at you proudly. When you initially approached him to discuss your family, Hagrid was overjoyed, and almost begged you to find a way of him meeting a Hippogriff. Together, the two of you persuaded Dumbledore to bring Buckbeak onto the grounds.

"Who'd like to come say hello?" Hagrid asks, causing everyone except Harry to take a step back, making it appear that Harry had in fact volunteered himself, causing you to chuckle.

"Harry! Well done!" Hagrid beams, then turns to you.

"As I said before, Hippogriffs are very proud creatures, and trust me when I say you do not want to insult one. The first thing to do, Harry, is to bow in front of him, and if he bows back, you can approach him." You instruct, gently stroking some of the feather's on Buckbeak's shoulder.

Nodding at Hagrid, you let him carry on with the lesson, feeling a little guilty at how much you have said. Then again, you've been in love with creatures since you came at Hogwarts, so you've grown up to be an expert on their characters. You watch on as Harry successfully approaches Buckbeak, and laugh to yourself when Hagrid lifts Harry onto Buckbeak's back. With a tap on his rear, Buckbeak is sent sprinting off, before pushing upwards and gliding through the air effortlessly, with Harry clinging to him for dear life. A warm feeling spreads through you as you remember the first time you flew with Buckbeak.

Just a few minutes later, Harry and Buckbeak return to the forrest, and Hagrid is quick to lift him off of the Hippogriff's back.

"How am I doin' on my first day?" Hagrid quietly asks the two of you, his back facing the rest of the class.

"Brilliant!" You and Harry reply in unison, causing you to laugh at each other.

"Oh, please." You hear Draco muttering as he gets to his feet, and you look around Hagrid to see what trouble he's getting himself into.

To your horror, you see Draco sauntering towards Buckbeak, without making any effort to show him respect.

"Yes, you're not dangerous at all are you? You great ugly brute." Draco declares, and you gasp.

"Malfoy, no! NO!" Hagrid tries to stop him, but it's too late.

Buckbeak stands on his hind legs, flapping his wings viciously as he kicks Draco's elbow with one of his front hooves, sending Draco to the floor, crying out dramatically and gripping his arm. You jump in between them, holding your arms up and locking eyes with Buckbeak, and shushing him until he calms down again.

"It's killed me, it's killed me!" Draco whimpers.

Hagrid begins to panic. "C-Calm down, it's just a scratch!"

Hermione speaks up. "Hagrid! He has to be taken to the hospital!"

Hagrid nods to himself and bends down to pick up Draco, though you're sure he can stand on his own. "Im the teacher, I'll do it."

"You're gonna regret this-" Draco begins, and Hagrid looks over his shoulder to dismiss the class. "-You and your bloody chicken!"

Sighing to yourself, you bite the inside of your cheek anxiously. Buckbeak nuzzles into your hair again, sensing your discomfort, and you reach up to stroke the feathers on the side of his face, but this time it does little to reassure you.

"Ginny asked me to meet her at the Quidditch pitch. I'll be back..." you lied straight through your teeth. Hermione nodded.

"Meet us in the Common Room." She waved.

The sound of your shoes hitting the floor is the only thing you can focus on as you pace the corridor outside the hospital, battling with yourself internally. If Draco's father finds out about this incident, it could not only ruin your family's business, but it shake your head, dismissing the mere thought of what could happen to Buckbeak. You've had a crush on Draco since your first year at Hogwarts, and you've managed to avoid talking to him at almost every opportunity, out of fear of literally dying of embarrassment. However, in this situation, you have no choice but to confront him. Wringing your hands nervously, you continue to pace the hallway. Pansy and Blaise leave the hospital, finally ending their visit to Draco, and you take a deep breath before walking in. Your eyes dart around your surroundings, glancing at every bed until you find Draco, staring up at the ceiling with his eyes closed. Oh my god, he's gone to sleep! Gasping, you turn to walk away, keeping your head down as embarrassment swallows you.

"What are you doing here?" Draco questions suddenly, causing your entire body to jolt in surprise as you stop walking.

Turning to face him, you keep your head down, your cheeks now an even darker shade of red, just because he's talking to you.

"I-I, uh, I wanted to make sure you're alright. Buckbeak being here, it's because of me, which means that this...what happened to you, i-it's my fault. I truly am sorry about your arm, Draco." You trip over your words, your hands clasping the sleeves of your robes.

Draco sighs. "Dont apologise, it isnt your fault,Y/n."

You frown, lifting your head slightly. "Y-You know my name? And what do you mean, Buckbeak is my responsibility!"

He shakes his head. "Of course I know your name, and no, you cant be responsible for a wild creature, it's in its nature to attack."

Suddenly, your head snaps up, your cheeks returning to their normal colour. "No! It isnt in Buckbeak's nature, or any Hippogriff's for that matter! Draco, please, you have to believe me, I've studied him ever since I got here, Buckbeak only attacked you because you offended him! Had you even approached him in a relatively calm manner, without bowing, he would only have backed away from you, Buckbeak is the friendliest Hippogriff they have encountered! And if you hadnt been so caught up in your own ego, or your testosterone fuelled battle with Harry, none of this would have happened!"

Draco smirks. "Wow."

Your anger evaporates. "What?"

He laughs casually. "That's the first time you've ever said more than a few words to me, and it's because I've been attacked by your demon chicken."

Your blood begins to boil again. "It wasnt an atta-"

Draco waves you off, interrupting you. "I know, I know, but you're still only talking to me because you're worried that my father is going to hear about this."

You stare at him. "Well, that is your answer to most obstacles you encounter."

Draco bursts out laughing. "You are far more fiery than I thought you were! Your words hurt more than my arm!"

You laugh with him and look down at the floor, tucking your hair behind your ear. "Sorry about that, I dont mean to be rude, it's just...Buckbeak."

Draco sighs in defeat. "Look, if that bloody bird means so much to you, I'll tell my father that my injury was caused by Potter or something, I'd rather blame him anyway, gives me more of a chance of winning our...what did you call it? Testosterone fuelled war!"

You beam at him. "Really!?! You wont get Buckbeak in trouble!?!"

Draco smiles back at you. "I was never planning to, considering how much you care for him, but had it been anyone else, particularly Potter, I wouldnt have hesitated."

You frown. "The fact you wouldnt have hesitated to put Buckbeak in danger if he was someone else's responsibility isnt very nice. Buckbeak is a creature of his own, he isnt a pawn for you to use for your personal gain. Why did my care for him change your mind?"

Surprisingly, your arguments against Draco's points dont seem to aggravate him at all. "I've always had somewhat of a soft spot for you, I see the way you blush when I smile at you, it's very cute."

Your eyes widen, and your whole face flushes stoplight red in embarrassment. "Oh."

Draco laughs again, and you find yourself thoroughly confused at this easily amused, laid back side of him. "Dont look so mortified, you must have noticed the way I look at you! Whatever feelings you have for me, I can assure you, they are well reciprocated." He smiles. "Would you like to go to Hogsmeade with me?"

With this newfound information, an unexpected and previously unexperienced confidence swells within you, and you smirk mischievously at Draco.

"I think I have a better idea for our first date, but we're going to have to wait until your arm is healed."

From that moment on, you and Draco are almost constantly exchanging flirtatious glances, and regularly sending each other owl-delivered letters secretly, in which you get to know each other better without actually speaking very much face to face - an ideal scenario for two people who are awaiting their first date. Draco frequently questions you about it in his letters, and you refuse to give anything away, until the day arrives when his arm is fully healed.

That night you snuck out of the Gryffindor Common Room using Harry's invisibility cloak and make your way towards the grounds. You see Draco smiling at you. You held out your hand to him, smiling.

Draco grips your hand as tightly as he can without hurting you, as you lead him further into the forest, a blindfold shielding his eyes from the scene around him.

"Where in Merlin's beard are you taking me?" Draco asks, amusement and nervousness mixed into his voice.

"You'll see!" You giggle excitedly, bringing a smile to Draco's face, despite his nerves.

When you reach your destination, you let go of Draco's hand, and take a few steps away from him.

"Ok, you can take the blindfold off now." You tell him softly, watching him with a grin plastered on your face as he reaches up behind his head and unties his blindfold.

Draco takes the thin piece of fabric away from his face, and blinks rapidly as his eyes adjust to the light. The moment he sees what you have in store for him, though, you can tell that he wishes he still had the blindfold on. Because you're standing just a few feet away from him, casually leaning against the Hippogriff that injured Draco, with your arms crossed and a sly smirk decorating your features. And when Draco sees the saddle that you've placed on Buckbeak's back, all colour visibly drains from his face.

"If you think Im getting on the back of that bloody chicken, you have never been more wrong about anything in your life." Draco said offended. But however, Buckbeak nuzzled his head in your hair. Draco frowned.

"Get away from her you brute!" he fumed. Buckbeak if possible glared at him. You giggled

"Draco..." you said calmly, "Bow..." you instructed. He did as told, just for you. Later Buckbeak bowed back respectfully. Giving you both the permission to touch or ride him.

That night both of you spent hours talking, soaring in the sky and snogging.

Both of them were sitting on the ground. Their legs at hands intertwined exchanging feather-light kisses in between.

The silence that followed wasn't as awkward as the others. It was slightly comfortable and Draco actually felt relaxed for once.
They made talk about Hogwarts and Quidditch. For the first time, both were surprised to find how much they had in common. They were in a fit of laughter when Y/n checked her watch. She let out a sigh and got up from her spot, Draco following suit.

"I better go. I don't need Hermione to worry and Merlin forbid she catches me with you." She said, as the shouts slowly became louder.

"The same could be said from my end." He said, softly dusting his clothes.

She began to walk away until she turned around and ran into Draco's arms. She gave him a hug which he returned happily. "Thank you." She whispered before letting him go and running off.

He knew it was a long shot for a moment like that would happen again. He will always deny that he had feelings for her. But at least for once he got to spend time with her.
No, Draco Malfoy was not in love with Y/n Granger.

He was absolutely crazy about her.


Sixth Year

"Want to go Hogsmeade, love?" Y/n asked Draco as they were currently secretly meeting at the Quidditch Pitch. This year Draco had seemed down and low, he wasn't as cheerful.

"No, you can go with your friends..." Draco answered quite unsure. Y/n nodded thinking, he needed some space. Draco then leaned down and tenderly kissed her. The girl kissed back eagerly. Julia then stood up dusting her trousers. Draco following suit.

"Goodnight, Dray..." Y/n whispered as she hugged him, "I love you."

"'Night Darling, love you" he kissed her again passionately. This was there thing sneaking out every night to see each-other, cuddle and talk.


"Hermy! Can you pass me my scarf?!" Y/n shouted across the room.

"Here!" Hermione passed her sister the scarf.

"You girls ready?" came the voice of Ron, who had just entered the room with Harry

"Yep! Let's go!" Hermione linked her arms with Y/n's as they walked out of the common room.

They were on their way to Hogsmeade.

"Do you really think the shrieking shack is haunted?" wondered Y/n

"You reckon we should check it out?" Harry said giddily. Ron's face turned pale and pure horror plastered on his face. Seeing that, Hermione broke her arm from Y/n's. the girl gave her sister an offended look.

Julia then proceeded to link arms with Harry, as they both skipped towards the hill. Ron and Hermione followed.

The quartet stood in front of the building.

"Shall we go in?" Y/n asked turning to her friends.

"Sure!" Harry pulled on her but Hermione yanked them both back. Harry gave Hermione an annoyed look. Ron turned paler if possible.

"We are not going in there." She said at once.

"Hermione, seriously? We've got Harry! He fought a basilisk, hundred dementors at once and for fucks' sake he fought Voldemort!" Y/n exclaimed.

"Don't say his name!" Ron hissed. Hermione gave in eventually.

"Ronald, you can wait outside. Okay?" Hermione said worriedly. Ron nodded.

The trio proceeded to go in wands in hand. They separated their ways and started exploring the building. Julia was now heading towards the attic of the building when, she heard a scream...Ron's scream. She bolted out of the door only, to meet Harry and Hermione half-way. The trio dashed through the door, but Ron was nowhere in sight.


The trio then proceeded to look around. Julia was checking behind the house when she suddenly felt arms around her. She tried to scream but everything went black...


Y/n opened her eyes slowly, only to feel the cold floor, she tried to sit upright despite the pain in her back. She could see her friends in the cell in front of her, her vision still blurry. Soon, her vision became clear. Y/n could see Hermione and Harry lunging at the cell bars, crying and Ron holding them back.

Y/n could feel the presence behind her so, she turned around. Only to be met with the sight of Bellatrix Lestrange. The young girl immediately started backing up after seeing the crazy women in front of her. She then proceeded to check her pockets for her wand to her horror it wasn't there...

Y/n's POV

"Bella, who is this?" Lucsaid, looking at me. I looked away.

"A visitor." Bellatrix snarled, yanking my head back by my hair. She pressed her lips forcefully onto my right ear and said, "For Draco." My heart skipped a beat at the mention of his name.

Narcissa looked puzzled, but called out, "Draco! Honey, come here."

He walked in from a different room. My lips parted as I was hit with the familiarity of his face, his hair, his eyes - him. When our eyes met, something washed over his face: fear, longing, or maybe both.

Draco swallowed and looked at his mother. "Yes?"

"Do you know this girl, Draco?" Lucius asked.

Draco looked at me again. He hesitated before saying, "No. Why?" We both knew the dangers we would face if we admitted what existed between the two of us.

Bellatrix cackled. "Well, sweetheart, we know that's a lie."

Draco's face remained pretty neutral, but I saw his left eye slightly twitch, which was what always happened when he was nervous.

Bellatrix continued, "Our... sources, at Hogwarts have informed us that you two have been in a little... relationship." she snarled. I swallowed, and thought back to being at Hogwarts with Draco. Everything was simpler then. I was happy. We were happy. Everything was different now.

Now here we were, and I was listening to Bellatrix Lestrange list all of the things Draco and I had done together at school - well, everything that could have been seen by others.

My next thought was of Harry. If these sources had seen me with my boyfriend, they most definitely had seen me with my best friend as well. I had to be brave for Harry. I had to be brave for myself. I had to be strong. I couldn't let them know that I was weak, or this could end very, very badly.

I locked eyes with Draco and we just stared at each other, dreading and fearing what was about to happen next.

Don't touch her!" Harry threatens menacingly. I glance over at a confused Draco..


As the hex hits me dead in the chest, I feel like my limbs are being torn off one by one and every inch of my body hurts. The pain is excruciating and I curl up into a ball and let out bloodcurdling screams. "Stop! Stop it now!" I hear faint screams.

"No! NO!" Draco screamed louder as he lunged towards the girl he loved only to be held back by two deatheaters. Hermione's sobs getting louder each second.

"Hail the Dark Lord!" with that that the death eaters, Bellatrix and the Malfoys disappear.

After trying to open the cell, finally Harry broke the lock. Harry rushed towards Y/n lifted her in his arms. Hermione didn't waste a moment, she was quick to pull in her arms cradling you, while Ron stroked your hair.

"They are going to pay for that one..." Seethed Harry


7th Year

You quickly stopped running and realized, you couldn't see where Harry, Ron, and Hermione were. Then you felt a hand over your mouth. You began to scream but it was too late. The Death Eater apparated, taking you with him. He ended up taking you to Malfoy Manor. Hermione, Harry, and Ron were already there. In fact Hermione, Harry, and Ron were being taken down into the dungeon.

"No let them go!" You yell at the top of your lungs. You glance around, making eye contact. You felt so happy to see him but not like this, not while your sister and her friends are being thrown into the dungeon.

"Keep this one," You hear a female voice say. You recognized that voice right away, it was Bellatrix. You felt her cold hands grabbing your wrist and throwing you onto the ground. "Filthy mudblood! Cruico!" You screamed at the top of your lungs as the spell was casted. "Where did you get the sword? Did you break into my vault?"

"No! No!" You cried. Draco couldn't stand seeing you this way but he didn't know what to do.

"Liar!" Bellatrix yells. All of the sudden you felt a sharping pain on your arm. Bellatrix was carving with her wand on your arm.

"Please stop!" You cried. Tears were streaming down your face.

"Then tell me where you got the sword!" Bellatrix says. You shake you head no. Bellatrix grabs her wand and holds it up. You screamed once more, fearing for what she would do to you.

"Stop!" says a voice. It was Draco.

"What did you just say to me boy?" Bellatrix cowls.

"Draco!" Draco's father whispers.

"Leave Y/N alone. She didn't do anything wrong," Draco says, walking over to your side.

"She's a mudblood," Bellatrix exclaims.

"I love her," Draco blurts. "I always have since second year, we've been secretly dating since third year." You glance up to see Dobby the House Elf. You felt this was a sign, that your sister and her friends will make it out alive. You kicked Draco, he looked back at you, you glanced up at the chandelier, Draco nodded.

"Mother knew about and she was fine with it. Y/N is a great girl, muggle born or not," Draco says. He quickly grabs your wand then your hand. He apparates you outside the Manor to a beach.He then looked at your arm, tracing over the word, mudblood.

"Draco what about my sister, Harry and Ron?" You asked him.

"Harry will get them out, it'll be alright. After we know the battle is over we'll go figure things but we need to stay here for your safety," Draco whispers.

"I want to fight though," You tell him. He pulls you towards him, kissing your temple. "Did you mean what you said?"

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"Do you love me?" You muttered.

"Of course I do," Draco assures you.

"I love you too," You tell him. You pressed your lips against his. "Do you think Hermione will be upset with me?"

"She'll understand but she is probably worried sick about you," Draco says. You sighed, leaning your head back. "I can't lose you Y/N. Please stay here with me, where its safe, just till the battle is over?"

"I'll stay here Draco. Only because I love you," You say. Draco kisses you once more.

You stood at the other side of the bridge, holding hands with Draco. You saw Hermione, Harry and Ron walking towards your way.

"Go," Draco whispers into your ear. You let go of his hand and raced across the bridge. You wrapped your arms around Hermione.

"I'm so sorry for leaving you three," You tell them, after letting go of Hermione.


Battle of Hogwarts

"Stupefy!" Y/N yelled, knocking as Death Eater down. Not even waiting a moment, she jumped down half a flight of stairs, rushing towards the dungeons. She raced down further, going past classmates and peers.

She stopped when she saw a second year trying to keep three first years behind them as two Death Eaters crept closer and closer, twisted smiles on their faces.

Y/N frowned and made her way behind them. She put her finger to her lips as one of the first years saw her. She looked back to the grown wizards in front of her.

"Hey! Dickhead!" They both spun around, wands raised. They were faster then she anticipated, throwing curses towards her. She deflected and ran behind a pillar, catching her breath.

"Awww, little witch thinks she can save someone," One of them snarled. He flicked his wand to signal his companion to go around one side to corner Y/N. "But you can't even save yourself. Pathetic."

They pounced, only to find nothing. They looked at each other. Filling caused them to look back to the younger students. The second year pointed down to her feet.

The Death Eaters followed. They saw a duck standing between them and the young students. It quacked at them before raising it's wings and waddling forward. The Death Eaters exchanged a look.

The duck quacked again, then jumped, changing and shifting into -

"Reducto!" Y/N flung the spell towards the older men, flinging them back. She pointed her wand to the roof "Bombarda Maxima!"

The ceiling collapsed onto the Death Eaters, and for all their fast casting moments before, they were too slow to get out so, was Y/n. She laid their pale and unconsius.


The next time you woke you were surrounded by familiar faces all talking with each other.

madam pomfrey's reassurance had done little to ease draco, and the longer you look to wake, the more worried he became. lost in thought, he absentmindedly stroked your hand with his thumb.

you stirred, whimpering slightly. draco snapped back to reality, leaning closer to you as your eyes slowly opened.

"hey." you croaked.

"hi." he whispered softly, relief coursing through his body as his muscles relaxed. he hadn't even noticed he was tensed.

upon noticing you were awake, madam pomfrey bustled over to you. she carried out a few necessary checks on you and determined you were fit to have visitors. not that draco cared whether madam pomfrey said he could stay or not.

After Madam Pomfrey your sister, didn't waste a single second to hug you. You hugged back.

"I thought I lost you..." she sobbed loudly.

Next to hug you was Harry and then finally Ron.

"you're awake." draco said incredulously after madam pomfrey had left.

you let out a light chuckle. "can't get rid of me that easy, malfoy."

Hermione then again hugged, Harry and Ron joined the group hug. Draco sat their a light smile plastered on his face. Suddenly, Draco was yanked into the hug by Ron. Draco hesitantly hugged back but eased into it anyways. When you finally pulled away.

"So, you two are dating?" Harry asked breaking the silence. Both of you nodded.

"How long?" Hermione was the one to ask.

"4 years...." You muttered. But Hermione heard you anyways.

"WHAT?!" the trio bellowed in surprise. The tension was thick.

"As long as your happy, I'm fine..." Hermione smiled. You immediately hugged her, thanking her.

"You could've told me you were dating him," Hermione says.

"I didn't know how you would respond," You tell her.

"I'm just glad your happy," Hermione says. "Also Y/N I would have been fine with it."

"I'm glad all three of you made it," You say. Draco comes up behind you, taking your hand.

"If you hurt her Draco-" Ron begins.

"I know. You'll hurt me," Draco says. You couldn't help but to laugh at that.

"Not just Hermione," Harry says.

With that you pulled Draco in a passionate kiss.

"Now, you'll have to get used to that." Draco smirked at the trio and kissed you again.

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