We are together in this (Luna Lovegood)

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I got shoved towards the walls again, the seventh time this day. I sighed as I collected all my stuff again. I kept walking to my class, repeatedly getting names thrown at me. It was the usual to the point where it didn't phase me, at least not how it used to.

I saw Ron Weasley from the other side with his friends, he gave me a sympathetic look as did the other two. I was friends with Ron's sister Ginny, but she stopped hanging around me the second the rumors started.

I saw Hermione frown, she often frowned my way. Each time my heart would break at that.

I told her how I felt last year, that's kind of how the gossiping started. Although during fourth year the rumors started. I looked at my feet as I passed that group.

I walked inside my class where I sat in a corner, all by myself. I liked my own company, I didn't complain about being alone. Sometimes though, I wish I had someone to share a laugh with.

That's when a platinum blonde girl walked into class, I saw her patch, Ravenclaw. Ravenclaws, Gryffindors and Slytherins all shared one thing in common, they were stuck up. Each thought their house was better. Although everyone knew Hufflepuffs were the best.

"Can I sit here?" She asked her voice mellow almost like a fairytale. I looked at her surprised, no one has wanted to sit by me in what seems like months.

"Sure?" I questioned as she sat by me. She took out her parchment and quill as she stared at the professor. She's dreamy, like she's floating in the air, no cares in the world. How blissful that would be, not to care about your surroundings.

"My name's Luna." She smiled looking towards me. I blushed and gave her a smile.

"Mine is (Y/n)."

After our first encounter we quickly became friends. I loved being around Luna, afraid the Hermione situation would happen.

I began to distance myself from her, I began to hear people gossip about Luna, feeling it was my fault for getting close to her. "I can't let this happen to her." I would tell myself.

I avoid her eyes, her perfect dreamy voice, and her carefree attitude. I tried everything to rid her from my mind. But every night I would dream of her, I would think about her. I wanted to get rid of it, I didn't want to bring her down with me.

"(Y/n)?" She asked tapping my shoulder, her mellow dreamy voice, oh how I loved it.

I turned and looked at her before glancing at the floor, "Yes?" I mumbled out.

She frowned, I didn't like when she did that. Her carefree mood shifted as her attitude was more concerned.

"You've been avoiding me. Is there something wrong?" She asked as I shook my head.

"Why would there be anything wrong?" That's when I began to fidget with my fingers glancing at her and then at the floor.

"I like you (Y/n)." Hearing those words my hear rate began to quicken. Like? as in friends.. or more?

"As more then just friends." Her carefree attitude slowly coming back as she smiled at me. "I've known for a while that I like you." She smiled.

I couldn't help but smile back at her as I continued to fidget with my fingers. "You.. like-like me?" I asked as she giggled nodding.

"I like you too... as more then just friends." I blushed, I stopped fidgeting with my fingers as she grabbed my hands. She leaned i to kiss me, in front of the whole school.

I heard whispers, but I didn't care. With Luna by my side I knew I had nothing to worry about. She would keep me safe.

"We are in this together, (Y/n). Together we can rule the world." She giggled. I gave her a small smile with a slight blush. Wow, the things this girl does to me.

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