I'm scared (Neville Longbottom)

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Tw/ Cw- Teen Pregnancy, Slight smut

I was in the common room with my boyfriend Neville. I needed help with Herbology, as always it wasn't my best subject. Funny that its the way we even became friends and even started dating, so really I had to think my inability to comprehend the subject.

"Listen, Neville, honey, sugar bear, I'm just never going to understand this. It's too much for my small brain." I groaned turning to look at him with a pout.

"You can, stop doubting yourself." He said back as I shook my head.

"No, I give up." I crawled my way closer to him as I began to kiss him.

"We should really get back to studying, (Y/n)." He said into the kiss but I ignored it.

"Lets take a break, a small one, for a bit?" I pleaded as he sighed in agreement. When I said break I really meant make out session. We began to make out in the common room. My arms around his neck and his hands on my waist.

We never got far when it came to make out sessions. Although I could tell he wanted to do more, but each time we would get interrupted. Either someone would walk in, ask Neville or I a question or I was simply kidnapped by my friends.

"No one is around Neville." I said into the kiss as he nodded, "You know what this means." I pulled away and stared at him. He raised an eyebrow before realizing what I meant.

"Are you sure you're ready?" He asked as I nodded, He pulled me back into a kiss as we slowly got undressed. One thing lead to another and we were both naked.

We finished as I hugged him and he hugged me back.

"Lets get dressed." I said getting up and putting my clothes back on with a smile. "That was my first time." I said with a smile looking at him.

"Mine too, I hope I wasn't too bad." He laughed. He stood up and looked at me extending a hand which I took.

"We should sleep now, we have early classes." He explained as I smiled and nodded. We said our good nights as we walked to our dorms.

When I entered the common room I squealed in happiness, I climbed inside the blankets with a huge smile on my face.

The next morning I woke up and told Hermione everything who shared both excitement and disgust.

"Did he at least use a condom?" She asked as I looked at her and shook my head.

"Did you use any sort of protection?" She whispered in shock, again I shook my head.

"(Y/n)?! What if you end up pregnant? You're only in sixth year!" She exclaimed making me roll my eyes.

"You worry too much, besides, it's unlikely I will get pregnant." I shrugged as we walked to the Great Hall.

Hermione looked at me in disappointment, I understood why but at the same time she just had to trust me.

I sat near Neville and held his hand. He continued his conversation with bis friends with huge smiles.

Its been two months since then.

"Hey, Hermione...?" I whispered walking towards her, "Should I be worried? You see, I haven't gotten my period in two months." I nervously explained as her eyes widen.

"(Y/n)!" She whisper-yelled holding my hand, "Have you been feeling sick? Bloated? Weird cravings? Do things make you nauseous?" She asked each question I nodded.

"Oh. My. Merlin. (Y/n)... Do you think you could be... you know..?" I shook my head and then began to cry.

"(Y/n) lets go to the hospital wing, we need to make sure." I nodded as we both got up and walked towards the hospital wing.

"(Y/n). This will be hard. But you are indeed pregnant." Madam Pomfrey explained as I began to cry and shake my head.

"No... It was my first time!" I exclaimed crying. Hermione rubbed my back in a soothing way.

"You have to tell Neville, (Y/n)." Yeah I have to tell him that I'm pregnant with his child, but how?

Hermione and I walked to the common room where conveniently, Neville was. I sighed as Hermione nodded. The common room was almost empty as I sat near him. Hermione had gone to her dorm already leaving us sort of alone.

"Neville?" I said looking towards him, He looked at me with a smile. I began to fidget with my fingers which concerned him.

"What's wrong?" He asked holding my hand. I sighed once more before beginning.

"You know.. how we did you know what?" I began as he nodded with a slight blush, "Will... I hadn't been feeling good lately and I went to Madam Pomfrey.." He looked at me in concern oblivious to what I could mean.

"Merlin's beard Neville. I'm pregnant and it's yours!" I exclaimed as I began to cry. He looked at me in shock he didn't know what to say. That's when he hugged me tightly.

"What are we going to do?" He asked as I shrugged.

"We are only in sixth year Neville... I'm scared..."

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