Why are you staring at me? (Ron Weasley)

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I roamed the halls as I always did, although it wasn't allowed, but since when did I actually care?

I liked the peace and quiet of the empty halls, I could hear the crickets, the wind blowing, the castle felt beautiful.

Suddenly I heard footsteps, "A teacher." I whispered to myself finding a hiding spot. But all I heard was snickering coming from two boys. I stepped out my hiding spot to see the very famous Harry Potter and his best friend Ron Weasley.

Ron stopped and stared at, Harry too then looked at me. Of course, Gryffindors and Slytherins didn't get along for whatever reason. I scoffed and walked passed them as I continued my walk, I call feel their eyes on me as I slowly walked back to my dorm room.

The next morning I woke up extra early to get breakfast earlier then everyone else. I like getting up early, walking the halls in peace was such a worth it thing.

But as last night I bumped into Weasley.

"Good morning." I said looking at him as he looked at me.

"Good morning." He said back before entering the Great Hall and towards the Gryffindor table. I walked to the Slytherin table. Empty.

I could feel Ron watching me, I poked at my food before looking up and glaring at him. He quickly looked away as his friends walked in sitting next to me. They whispered about something before looking at me making me raise an eyebrow.

I stood up making my way towards them with a scoff, "Are you two talking about me?" I asked sitting across from them. Ron shook his head while Hermione raised an eyebrow.

"Don't look at me like that Granger, I could see you two looking at me from across the room." I stood up giving them dirty looks and walking back to the Slytherin table. The Great Hall soon began to fill up as I walked out. I could feel a presence behind me as I stopped.

"What now, Weasley?" I asked as I turned to loom at him.

"How did you know it was me?" He asked shocked.

"Your footsteps, they are very loud." I snickered turning back continuing my walk. He walked besides me now. We didn't talk as we walked to class, unexpectedly he sat next to me.

"You aren't going to sit with your girlfriend, or boyfriend?" I asked looking at him, he scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"I'm not dating either of them, they're my best friends." He tapped his quill on the parchment doodling.

"Interesting." I said.

— — —

Weasley and I had gotten close, too close. We spent most of our time together. Chatting, texting, sending letters. My parents had found out when I sent a letter to Draco about it.

"(Y/n) (M/n) (L/n)! You know how we feel about the blood traitor Weasley's! You're befriending the enemies!" They would shout. I didn't care, since when did I care what an authority figure would say to me?

I ran away to the Burrow where I was welcomed with open arms by the Weasley Family. Although, Ginny Weasley didn't like me as much as everyone else did. I did quidditch for a bit and always won against Gryffindor.

"Why are you staring at me?" I asked Ron, again catching him look at me. It was the same anytime I was with him. It made me blush, I liked him but was convinced he didn't feel that way towards me. Why would he, I mean I'm the enemy and he is supposedly mine. But I felt so much calmer and better when I was around him.

"You're beautiful. Did I ever tell you that?" His comment shocked me. He came closer towards me and held my cheek.

"You're really... really pretty." I smiled at that.

"You aren't too bad." I snickered making him pout.

"I'm serious. You're really pretty." I laughed,

"Thank You."

He stared at me as we both slowly leaned in kissing each other.

"I really, really like you (Y/n). Want to be my girlfriend?" He whispered as I smiled.

"I thought you would never ask, Yes." I replied as I kissed him once more.

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