Garage Band (Ron Weasley)

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"Stop! Stop!" My boyfriend exclaimed causing everyone to stop with groans.

"Ron. We cannot keep stopping!" Harry exclaimed.

"Yeah, how are we supposed to get better if we can't even play the song in full?" I asked, everyone nodded in agreement.

"It's just, you guys are obviously not following the beat of the song! Lets start from the top!" He exclaimed.

"All lead singers are snappy." Harry whispered causing me to giggle.

Harry Played guitar, I played drums, Seamus Finnegan played bass and was back up vocals and Ron is main vocals. He at first hated being vocals and being center of attention, but after being praised for his raspy emotional voice he was encouraged to keep playing.

We had written only two songs and were in the process of writing another one. "Harry! Keep up with the beat!" He exclaimed every few minutes.

"Yeah know what we need? A break!" Seamus exclaimed putting his bass down. "(Y/n) come with me to get water." He said as I nodded following him.

We both could hear that Ron was "discussing" stuff with Harry, rather loudly at that.

"Ron got his knickers in a twist, don't you agree?" He asked with a laugh. I shook my head but couldn't help but laugh too.

"He is just really stressed." I explained grabbing the cups of water. "He takes this very seriously, as you can see." I laughed. We headed back to where we practice.

"We are back!" I exclaimed, I saw Harry practice on his guitar.

"Ron is never going to be happy with my musical intelligence." He laughed, I handed him a cup of water with a laugh.

"Lets start!" Ron called making us all groan at his bossiness.

"Ron, I think this is enough, Seamus still has to go home." I explained placing my glass down. Seamus agreed.

"I've been here for a while mum must be worried, I should go." He smiled and waved goodbye heading home.

"Harry, (Y/n), keep practicing. I'll quite literally strangle you both if you don't getter better by the time we play." He shook his head walking out.

As he walked out Harry mocked him causing me to laugh. "He just takes this seriously. Let me go calm him down." I smiled at Harry saying goodnight as I walked over to Ron.

"Ron, honey. Are you alright?" I asked him as he shook his head.

"You and Harry.. you two aren't taking this very seriously. I've got us booked and you two only mess around." I could feel a slight jealous tone. I smiled apologetically.

"Sorry, Ron. We are just having fun. Like what we agreed to do when we started this band." I said making him nod.

"I know.. I know.. I guess I'm overworked a little with the gig coming closer and us going no where with the new song, and all the exams and OWL's. It's very overwhelming." He sighed as he sat down. I sat next to him and tried my best to comfort him.

"We should take a break, start up during the summer. You're obviously overworked and that's bad." I explained as he nodded with a sigh.

"Besides, this gives us plenty of time to come up with at least a fee songs." I smiled as I pat his back.

"Harry must already be gone. Which means, it's my turn to go." I smiled as he hugged me good bye. "I love you." I said kissing him good bye.

"I love you too."

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