Uptown Girl (Ron Weasley)

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1st Persons POV || Ron's POV

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I looked to my side as the Slytherin Princess entered the Great hall. Her (h/c) hair flowing with the wind and her (e/c) eyes sparkling with each laugh. A true beauty, unlike any other.

She looked so unattainable, never giving any guy in our class. Seamus even tried to make a move and was rejected in front of everyone. It left me with no chance to ever be able to even get close to her as friends.

I saw her sitting alone during potions and made a move as I sat next to her with a smile. She smiled back as she watched the professors lesson.

"The class is boring, don't you think?" I whispered as she looked to me, "Sort of." She laughed as she continued to write down notes.

Ever since that day the Slytherin princess and I became friends. "All the boys who have asked me out, they're all the same." She shrugged when I asked.

"All the same?" I asked as she nodded.

"All superficial, they only want to be with me because I'm the 'Slytherin princess'"she laughed at her nickname. I laughed at her reaction knowing that it is a bit weird to be titled a princess.

"It's only because I'm pretty and associated with Draco Malfoy." She scoffed shaking her head.

I frowned, "You're nothing like Draco." I commented making her smile.

"I know, I'm like a totally different person in comparison to Draco." She laughed explaining how.

I sighed as I sat down next to Harry, "Surprised you aren't sitting with (Y/n)." Hermione commented with a smirk. I shook my head.

"I just came from hanging out with her. She's so different.." I sighed, Harry raised in eyebrow.

"Different?" I nodded looking at her as she smiled.

"Yeah. Different then what people say she's like. So down to earth. Nothing like Draco." He nodded.

"I'm thinking of asking her on a date." I smiled looking at both of them.

"Go for it." Harry said with a thumbs up.

"But, she's so used to glitz and glamour. Used to being serenaded with gifts and flowers." I sighed shaking my head. "I'll be a total downgrade from every other guy that's ever asked her."

Hermione shook her head, "Ron. Sometimes even popular pretty girls like her want a break from stuck up rich boys like those in Slytherin house. Maybe she wants a normal boy who would give her something greater then money and gifts." I nodded with a smile.

"You're the best Hermione."

That day I asked (Y/n) to sneak out with me. It may be freezing but it'll be worth it.

"Where are we going?" She asked in a hushed voices looking around.

"It's a surprise." I smiled taking her deep and deeper in the forest.

"Ron. I'm scared." She came closer to me and held my arm.

"It's alright." Deep down I was scared too, brilliant idea of mine to take her to the forest.

"I wanted to ask you something." I said as we stopped. It was the best view of the moon. I set up a picnic blanket. We sat down there together admiring the moon, but I was more admiring her.

"I wanted to know. If maybe, you would like to go on a date. I'm not too rich but I can make the most of small things." I smiled grabbing her hands as she smiled back.

"I would be honoured to go on a date with you Ron." I blushed.

"Saturday? when we go to Hogesmaed?" She nodded bringing me in for a hug.

"I can't wait."

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