It'll Get better (Ron Weasley)

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1st Person POV || Readers POV

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It was 12 am when I was awoken by my boyfriend who laid besides me. He was moving around kicking, I could hear him mutter words.

"Fred.." He muttered, he continued to move around, kicking and trying to grab something.

"Ron... Ron!" I shouted aggressively shaking him awake. That's when he shot up heavily breathing. I quickly hugged him as he cried onto my shoulder.

It's been a year since the battle of Hogwarts, since his brother Fred passed.

"It's alright. You're safe." I whispered. It was hard for the Weasley family especially George, Fred's twin.

Ron sobbed, "I wish I could've saved him, I wish I could've done something, anything!"

"It's not your fault Ron, you didn't know he was going to die." I comforted.

Ron felt terrible couldn't look at his family for 3 months after Fred's passing. I knew how terrible it must've been.

"No one thinks you're at fault." He continued to cry. I held onto his hand. Fred's passing was hard for me too, seeing the family I grew up with suddenly lose their smiles.

"I have to call mum." Ron whispered getting up and dialing his mum's number. This is often what happens, he calls her and they talk and then he feels better.

"I love you." He told his mum after speaking to her and making sure she was okay. He went back into the bed tears still falling from his eyes, I wiped them away.

"Do you feel better?" I asked as he nodded. "Want to start up therapy again?" He nodded once more as I smiled.

"I'll make an appointment. You're strong for asking for help." I smiled kissing his cheek. Ron had therapy for six months to process the event and processing Fred's death. As did the rest of the Weasley family although George and Ron were the one's who needed it the most.

"I'm sorry, you have to deal with all of this." I frowned grabbing my hand. I shook my head with a smile.

"No need to apologize. You didn't ask for this and Im always by your side no matter what." I kissed his knuckles as we drifted off to sleep comfortably in each others arms.

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