Chapter 8

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"Yes! I know right!" I said, my eyes wide.

It had been 10 minutes since I woke up to my irritating alarm, groaned and rolled over, my arm out to press the snooze.

Instead, my hand was met by something squishy which turned out to be Ginny's face. She screamed. I screamed. We all screamed for ice cream! Ha joke.

So yeah, I woke up confused and Ginny groaned before sitting up. We were on the floor in sleeping bags. No wonder my back was so sore...

Anyway, I was very confused before Ginny recounted yesterday, I had invited her to sleep in my room because we both couldn't sleep.

(I couldn't sleep because of my little ahem encounter with Malfoy so I found her and dragged her to my room, hence the sleepover)

Then, I told her about what happened yesterday with Theo and the ferret. And then she responded by saying "No!" With eyes wide and then I said "Yes! I know right"

So back to the present.

"How do you do it girl?" She asked with disbelief.

I shrugged nonchalantly.

"He doesn't even say anything! It's like he's literally inviting you with his sexy face to seduce him!" Ginny said, tugging at her hair.

My mouth hung wide and I glared at her.

"I love Harry. I really do but the guy's a twig" she contemplated.

I giggled and she joined in. "You're so bad Ginny"

"I try" she shrugged with a grin.

"Come on we better start getting ready to go down to breakfast" I yawned.

"Urgh yeah" she groaned and hauled herself up like it was painful.

I smiled, amused and walked to my cupboard.

"No let me!" Ginny shrieked. "It's been ages since I picked an outfit for you"

"Ginny you do realise that we've only been in school for a week right?" I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose.

She completely ignored me and pushed past me to get to my cupboard. She hummed to herself and gasped suddenly, picking out a top.

"Yes!" She said. "I love this top. I remember I bought one for myself as well" she said, smiling dreamily.

I looked at the garment of clothing she was holding. It was a black lacy top. A short back lacy top.

My eyes widened with horror and I shook my head violently.

"NO" I said.

"YES! If you don't wear this, you WILL be on the receiving end of my bat bogey hex" she threatened.

"You don't scare me. I'm the brightest witch of our generation" I sneered, crossing my arms adamantly.

"Not for long! That, I 'AM' the brightest witch of our generation will turn into a you WERE the brightest witch of our generation before you died because Ginny Weasley hexed your ass off" She snapped.

"Kill me now" I groaned and banged my head against the wall.

"Stop being so stupid Hermione. It's only a top. You fought Voldemort and destroyed horcruxes yet you're afraid of wearing a top" she ranted, rolling her eyes.

"A CROP top! It shows too much skin!" I whined loudly.

"I thought you were in this to seduce Malfoy?" She asked with an eyebrow raised.

"I am but-"

"Hah! Well I'd like to see you try and seduce him while wearing loose, baggy and prudish clothes" she snorted.

I opened my mouth to retort but she cut in.

"Hermione, look. It's Draco Malfoy" she said gently, shaking me. "He's only shagged some of the hottest girls around, models and those girls in the magazines. You can't expect him to like you so easily. You need to dress the part and look extra appealing"

My stomach twisted at her words and something unpleasant lodged itself in my stomach. I gulped, I knew she was right. I nodded weakly and slowly took the top out of her hands.

She offered me a smile and nodded, hugging me slightly.

"Don't worry, we'll achieve this goal together. I'll help you" she said.

"Ginny, why are you doing this for me? Why are you so keen on me doing this?" I asked suspiciously.

"Well because I want you to end up with him and have your happily ever after" she winked.

"Ginny! First of all, no. Never ever. No way. I will not go out with that slimy ferret and second, happily ever after only exists in fairy tales" I sighed.

I grabbed the white jeans she was holding and walked out of the room, missing her smirk and how she shook her head.

I walked to the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I looked around and sighed, putting my head in my hands. What did I even get myself into?

I exhaled louder than necessary and stripped off. I hopped into the shower and turned the tap on, feeling the hot water wash away all impurities. Mentally and physically.

"What am I doing?" I muttered to myself.

Soon after, I walked out of the shower and dried myself off. I put my clothes on. The jeans were fitted and the lace also clung a little, however it was really soft lace.

The top just past my belly button, showing quite a bit of skin. I pulled my jeans up just a little higher and smiled to myself. At least I didn't look that bad...

I walked out of the bathroom and into my room. Ginny took one look at me and collapsed into a squealing fit. I rolled my eyes but smiled begrudgingly.

"Do I look alright?" I asked.

"Forget alright, you look amazing! If he doesn't like this then he's obviously got no taste whatsoever" she said, well more like scoffed.

I just nodded and slipped on a pair of black flats.

"You know..." Ginny said thoughtfully.

"Oh no" I groaned

"Here put this on" she said before accio-ing something from her room.

She held it out. It was a black choker. I pushed her hand away with a disgusted look.

"No" I said. "It's bad enough to be wearing these clothes. I'm not wearing that"

"Awh please?" She asked. "It adds the finishing touch!" She squealed.


"Pleeeeease?" She begged.


"Pretty please with books on top?" She said tentatively.

I let a wry smile onto my face at this. I giggled but shook my head firmly.

"Aww. I guess I'll just go my whole life without my best friend listening to me" she said woefully.

I have her a flat look as she placed her hand on her forehead. What a drama queen.

"Fine Ms melodramatic. Please just stop your whinging" I sighed and snatched the choker out of her hand.

I put it on and hooked the ends before doing a twirl in front of Ginny.

"I think I'm gonna cry" Ginny breathed.

I shot her a look and she giggled.
"Fine. I wont"

I nodded, satisfied and walked out of my room. I passed Harry and he removed his glasses and wiped them with his sleeve before putting them back on with shock. He blinked. I chuckled and ruffled his hair playfully before walking out.

I walked down the stairs and into the hall. I opened the door and everyone turned their heads to look at who came in. Everyone paused or gasped, looking at me. My face turned scarlet.

Everyone broke out in whispers and I caught a few words like "is that Hermione?" Or "What happened to the old prude bookworm?"

I glared at the direction that last comment came from. I scanned the room discreetly. I stopped at the man I was wearing those clothes for and because of him. His mouth was open a little and his eyes were wide.

When he realised that I was looking at him, he snapped his mouth shut and looked away, his cheeks tinged pink. I chuckled darkly and sat in my seat.

The headmistress cleared her throat loudly and everyone carried on eating.

"Hermione, wha' happened to you?" Seamus grinned at me.

"I decided it was time for a change" I smiled.

"Well you sure did change" Dean piped up.

Everyone nodded and I blushed. I didn't like this much attention. I began poking at my food.

Harry and Ginny came down after and I grinned at them, glad I didn't have to socialise with anyone else. Well except from Ron obviously, he was my other best friend.

Ginny wiggled her eyebrows at me and I furrowed mine with confusion. She nodded at something behind me. I turned around and saw Malfoy staring off into the distance while gently biting on his thumb. He looked deep in thought.

He actually looked quite ho-

AHEM. Who said that? I didn't. Haha. Yeah.

I turned back and glared at her. She wiggled her eyebrows and winked. She licked her lips suggestively and I gasped silently. I threw a spoon at her but she dodged before it hit her. She smirked at me and I glared before rolling my eyes.

It was a wonder how Harry and Ron didn't see any of it.

I silently grumbled. She was so ugh! But she was also my best friend so... ;-; lose-lose.


It was the last lesson before lunch, History of Magic. I walked to lesson quietly, my friends either already there or late which explained why I was alone.

I entered and everyone stopped again. They stared at me with their careful, judgemental gazes.

My cheeks flared and I coughed. I looked around and furrowed my eyebrows when the boy that caused all of this wasn't looking at me.

He looked determined to face the front. I exhaled, a little miffed. I approached the front and deliberately walked in front of his desk before sitting down at a desk opposite.

He still didn't look up. I frowned and began my work anyway.

Why wasn't he looking? I wasn't going through all this damn effort to dress up 'nicely' just so he wouldn't look and be seduced!

I shook my head and tried to focus on my work. My studies couldn't afford to be neglected because of this silly goal.

After about half an hour of working in silence, I looked up. Only to see the ferret staring at me. He winked at me and I rolled my eyes before looking down.

Even though he was the victim in all of this, his flirty fuckboy attitude wouldn't change. He would always wink at me and I would always roll my eyes. Always. That's just how it was.

He smirled at me and I stuck my tongue out at him with mere spite, the stupid 'goal' temporarily forgotten. He chuckled silently and I looked down again, fighting all positive emotion.

He was bad and so I should feel bad around him. Bad. Bad. Bad.

I frowned deeply and carried on working. What was going on? On one hand, I was seducing him. Wearing little, supposedly sexy clothes. He was slowly starting to get lured into my trap.

On the other hand, he would sometimes act normal. It was like the seducing thing wasn't even happening and we, well I hated his guts while he flirted with me.

See? This was weird. Was he seduced or not? Was he getting over himself or not? Was he getting knocked off his high hippogriff or not?

I put my head in my hands. Malfoy, you will be the death of me whether you know it or not.

¤Mission: Seducing the Seducer¤

A.N. Please guys. Don't make me feel worse than I already feel for not updating. ;-; it's been too long, I know. I was writing bit by bit over the past few days so that's why it took so long. :(

So how are you all? Good, good. Hehe my bae Always_a_slytherin is going through hard times not having her phone ya know (it's broken but she has a temporary one *phew*) so just a message to her to say that you is still awesome. XD

I always forget to give a shout out to BubblesLuvsJace, she was such a loyal reader on my other book and I just wanted to say thanks even though it was crappy. :)

I love you all though! Thanks for your continued support.



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