Chapter 9

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*Hermione POV* (The same day)

After history of magic and being very confused, I walked out of lesson. I was happy it was finally time for dinner.

I walked by myself, telling my friends that I needed some alone time. I sighed and walked towards the hall.

"What's wrong?" Said a voice.

Theo appeared beside me and leaned on my shoulder.

"Nothing... I'm just so confused right now" I sighed and looked up at him.

"What are you confused about?" He asked.

I flushed and he quirked an eyebrow up.

"Life" I answered finally.

He nodded with understanding. "I get what you mean. I'm confused a lot of the time too. But is that all you're confused about?" He asked curiously.

"Well... I'm also confused about the psychology of boys" I grunted.

He smirked at me and raised his eyebrows. "Why? A certain one on your mind?" He asked.

I opened my mouth and then closed it, blushing. "Merlin no" I laughed. "Just... boys are so confusing sometimes. I don't get them" I sighed.

"Well I'm a boy so you can ask me questions" he offered.

I stared at him and he smiled. I chuckled nervously, glad he was my friend. "Well... Promise you won't laugh?"

"Promise" he grinned. Theo waited for me to carry on, with an encouraging look.

"When a boy is... sexually interested in someone or in other words, seduced, how does he usually act towards the seducer?" I asked carefully.

His lips twitched for a brief second. "Well that's kind of hard because something like that depends on their character" he started.

"Also, it depends on how long they have been seduced for. For a boy that's only been seduced for a short time, he will try his best to act the way he normally does with that girl and he usually succeeds because he isn't in too deep" he said.

So that's why Malfoy still acted normal. I just had to seduce him over more time.

"But as time goes on, he'll literally fall for them, most probably. Because that's just how guys work. Eventually it isn't just sexual, it's more to them" he said thoughtfully. 

So seduce Malfoy more over time but not too much so that he develops really deep feelings for me. Crushing is alright because he can get over that but not as far as love. That's just cruel.

"I can almost hear the gears in your head turning" Theo laughed playfully.

"Oh! Haha no, I'm just trying to process the information" I lied. "Thanks a lot for helping me Theo" I said.

I quickly hugged him and ran off. I heard him chuckling behind me and I smiled.

As I ran to the hall, I crashed into someone by accident. I braced myself and yelped as I fell backwards but then the person grabbed my hand before I reached the floor.

I sighed in relief and silently thanked my saviour for being there at the right time. I steadied myself and looked up at the person. "..."

"Careful Granger, you should do up your laces or else you'll literally fall for me" he chuckled.

Talk about the devil. "Malfoy" I acknowledged.

I didn't want to, but I kept remembering how firm his chest and body was when I bumped into him.

"What's wrong Granger? Why are you so stiff?" He breathed into my ear.

I restrained the urge to shiver at his proximity and eyed him up and down suspiciously. Only because I was suspicious, I swear!

"it's... nothing Malfoy. Thank you for that by the way, you know catching me and all. I'll be going now" I said, fighting the blush creeping up on me.

I pushed passed him quickly but before I could enter the hall, he grabbed my hand. I could've swore I felt electrical jolts up my body. But... that's stupid and only fantasy.

Note to self: Cut down on those silly romance novels Hermione!

I turned around and I thought I saw him shiver for a moment too before looking into my eyes with those pools of stormy grey, quick sliver and- EYES.

"Anytime" he said coolly and winked at me before walking off in the opposite direction.

I watched him walk off before turning back to the hall. I shook my head and walked into the hall.

I sat down next to my best friends and talked to them, trying to get my mind off all Malfoy business.

"What's wrong? You look... distracted" Ginny hissed.

"I'm fine..." I said.

She looked at me before smirking and nodding. I just shrugged and began eating, missing Ginny's "she's got the face again"


After dinner, Ginny and I went up to our room while Harry went to Ron's room to play exploding snap.

We sat down in the common room and began talking about the future.

"So what do you want to do Ginny?" I asked.

"Well first I'm gonna get married to Harry and then become a chaser, playing for the chudley cannons until me and Harry decide to have a Family, if you get me" she winked and I laughed.


"What?" She responded airily.

"Nothing" I chuckled.

"So now you tell me, what happened between you and Draco?" She asked.

How did she know?!

"I'm seriously beginning to think that you are a seer" I said, my eyes wide.

She laughed. "No, but I am a facial expressions reader"

"I do not make a weird face when something happens to do with him!" I groaned.

"And how do you know that?" She asked lightly.

"... because I just DON'T" I whined.

Ginny smirked and shook her head. Just then, the door opened.
Malfoy came in and looked up. When he saw me, he froze.

We looked at each other for a few moments, everything else nearly forgotten.

"What are you waiting for Draco? Let's go" A shrill voice cooed.

A Slytherin girl, most probably in her sixth year, came from behind him.

My head snapped up to look at her. She had black hair and sharp, defined features. She also had the body of a model, her clothes tighter and shorter than mine.

She looked at me, her eyes narrowed a little before turning back to Malfoy.

"Which ones your bedroom?" She asked loudly, emphasising 'bedroom'.

I looked at Draco, frowning. He looked down immediately, refusing to meet my eyes and grabbed her hand before walking to his bedroom.

My mouth went dry as I watched them go into his room, the girl immediately starting to remove his tie and kiss him before the door closed.

I sat staring at the door for a few moments, temporarily lost. Ginny touched my arm lightly, her face grim.

I licked my dry lips and stood up, refusing to look up in fear of... doing something.

"I'm going to bed now Ginny. I'll see you tomorrow" I mumbled before walking to my room.

"Hermione I-" she started but I shook my head, giving her a small smile.

"I'm fine, I promise. He has a life too, I can't exactly dictate his life. I can try to change his life style but I can't change him" I said.

Ginny looked at me, a little unsure before nodding and smiling back.

I walked into my room but despite my understanding words about being fine, I felt a twinge of anger at him.

It had only been 1 week since school started and less time than that to seduce him but I still felt angry at him, for some odd reason. If I'm like this now, how will I be when there is more deeper seduction?

¤Mission: Seducing the Seducer¤

A.N. I'm very much aware of the fact that it's been a month since I've updated. I've just been through so much and you really can't blame me.

So many family problems and I had writers block but then, my little cousin (4 years old) got diagnosed with cancer! My family was devastated and it was horrible. Luckily, they ran some tests and it shows that they can treat it. But it took 3 weeks for the results to come back so we were all worried in that time. After that, I had more writers block and I was just so ugh!

I'm sorry and I hope whoever that is still reading my silly book despite my year long updates forgives me. I'm trying my best to get updates more frequent but I get so much H/W from school!

Love y'all.


Byeeeee! ♥_♥

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