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"Dude no Megan Fox is the hottest"

"Hell yeah but you have to agree those Victoria's secret models are the best"

I groaned listening to this conversation going on between Max and my other friend Jake. They were totally obsessed with girls its not funny. Thats why I try keeping Matt away from Max. He is the man whore of the group.

"What do you think Gabe?" Jake asked.

"Hm?" I pretended I didn't hear the conversation at all that way when they do ask y opinion I have nothing to say and they hate really repeating the conversation. Jake rolled his eyes while Matt smiled looked at me.

"Dude take no notice of prince charming here. He has his eye on that girl that you accidently threw a football at the other day" Matt said. Oh he is going to die. Jake raised his eyebrow at me.

"The one with the hot tattoo?" He asked

"Yep" Mat replied. "We even went to dinner together as a group with her friends and Max"

Oh yeah best friend is going to die. I glared at Matt. He shrugged his shoulders and went back to looking at a Victoria secret catalogue.

"Dude, you should go for it man she was hot" Jake said wiggling his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes.

I got up from my seat pulling out my ipod and connecting it to the stereo system blasting it. Good thing the walls are thick and only a one story. It was more of a condo. Different genre of music came on. I sat on my bed and began to play with the football throwing it up in the air and catching it. It was a rather boring day. Still Lucy never left my mind. I really want to get to know her.

"Dude we need to get out" Jake complained leaning up against the wall upside down. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Find something then we'll just tag along"

"Oh your no fair." Jake groaned. Matt threw the magazine on the floor and stood up.

"Lets hit the beach. And Gabe man you can his the shack where your girl works" My heart jumped when he said 'your girl'. Weird I know but still it sounded so right. It has been a couple of days since that dinner. Max went with her to get a new phone but when she came back she had a serious expression and didn't give me her new number. It was weird. She was acting as if she was protecting Lucy from any harm which I know I would never do. Leslie was acting the same way. I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I turned off the stereo and pulled it out. Mom was calling.

Me: Hey mom
Mom: Hey baby. What are you up to?
Me: Nothing much. Hows the old man?
Mom: He is good, still the same overprotective grouch

I laughed at this. Dad was really over protective especially toward his little girl. I felt sorry for Max. I actually had to lie sometimes so she can have a little bit of freedom.

Me: I would expect that
Mom: Listen honey I need to ask you something
Me: sure mom shoot
Mom: Its about your sister. She has been acting a bit strange lately
Me: What do you mean?
Mom: Well she no longer rebels that much any more, she even offered to do chore. This just isn't normal for her you know how she is.
Me: That is a little strange, I did notice she was acting a bit weird when she came back from the mall with Leslie and a couple of other girls
Mom: Can you find out what happened. She is kind of scaring me at the moment.
Me: Sure mom I'll see what I can do. Is she there?
Mom: No she isn't she left to the beach about 15 minutes ago
Me: Okay I am on my way. Later mom Love you
Mom" Love you too sweetheart.

I hung up and grabbed my beach thing.

"Where you going?" Matt asked getting up.

"Look for Max apparently she is really changing at its creeping my parents out so it is my job to figure it out"

Matt and Jake exchanged glances with each other and shrugged.

"We'll go with you" Jake said slipping on some flip flops. I nodded we all left and headed to the beach. We arrived a few minutes later, we never really had to drive unless we were really lazy which is almost all the time. I scanned the beach looking for Max. Jake and Matt were doing the same thing.

"There" Matt called pointing acroos the beach near the shore. max was laying there resting her chin in her knees and looking in the ocean.

"Guys stay here I need to do this she is my sister" They nodded their head and headed over to a shack. I walked over to Max and sat down next to her. She didn't even look my direction.

"Hey" I said getting her attention.

"Hey" she whispered back keeping her eyes on the horizon.

"Whats up?" I asked. I was getting a little uncomfortable and lost for words. She shook her head and sighed.

"Have you ever thought of how lucky we are?" She asked turning to me. It kind of took me by surprise. I thought about it.

"Sometimes, but it never really crossed my mind that often" Her eyes were sad in a way. I never liked her eyes too look like that. "Why do you ask?"

She shrugged her shoulders and looked back at he water. "I guess something came up a few days ago. I over heard a conversation the other day about some one who's parents never gave a damn about her. At first I thought she was lucky you know. No rules and be free. But this person was so broken and hurt it almost broke my heart."

Tears were now becoming visible in her eyes.

"Do we know this person?" I asked. She nodded her head.

"She was the last person I would of ever thought that would have this kind of problem." So it was a girl.

"Is it Leslie?" I asked. She shook her head and looked at me.

"I guess mom sent you for an explanation" I nodded my head. "Figures. I just felt like I am taking having a loving family for granted. I would never change dads overprotective-ness for anything" She grinned.

"Well then I guess your change is good. Although it is kind of freaking the parents out a little" I said. She laughed.

"I guess so"

I got up from the ground and dusted myself off before giving Max a hand up. She took it and dusted herself off. I put my arm  over her shoulder.

"Now lets go visit some people" I said. She nodded. We headed for the shack where Lucy works at. She was wearing that cute uniform that sends my insides crazy. There wasn't a lot of people. Matt and Jake were already there. Jake was trying to flirt while Matt was laughing his ass off because Lucy never even looked at him.

"Well it looks like Hanzel and Gretel found their way here" Matt laughed. I smiled as did Max.

"Yeah well" Max said taking a seat. Lucy walked up too her and smiled. Then she looked at me.

"Hey" I said

"hey, can I get you something?" She asked I nodded my head. "Okay then what will it be."

God she was cute.

"Um well how about some digits" I said. She had a confused look on her face. She tipped her head trying to figure it out. This really made me smile. "Okay more literal. Can I have your phone number."

She blushed a light pink which made her more adorable. She grabbed a napkin and scribbled down the number and handed it to me.

"Aw how come he gets the digits when I have been trying for the past 15 minutes" Jake whined. Lucy looked up and tipped her head again.

"I am sorry but do I know you?"

Max, Matt and I doubled up in laughing as Jake blushed and shook his head.

"Sorry no. I'm Jake friends with these two" Lucy nodded her head and went back to work.

"Feisty" He said.

"So Lucy you registering tomorrow?" Max asked. Lucy turned her head and nodded.

"Trevor is taking me. "


"What are you registering for?" Matt asked taking  drink of his water.

"School. I am going to be senior" Jake and Matt nodded. I kept my eyes on her. Studying her. She seemed like a freaking sadoku puzzle. She looked at me and just stood there as if she was sizing me. I gave a sly smile. She didn't smile back just kept staring. We never noticed that the whole shack went quiet as Lucy and I had a staring contest.

"Lucy" Lucy jumped and looked towards Trevor who was standing with a guy in a suit. Lucy nodded and walked off as Clair came out and took the shift.

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