Breath Taking

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I followed Trevor into his office along with a guy in a suit in the back of the shack. I don't know why but I felt really nervous an dwell guys in suits scare me a little. We all took a seat where we can find one. it was a really small office.

"Okay lets get down to business" The guy in the suit said. He turned to me and smiled. "Hello my name is Brian Owens and I and this ones uncle and also a lawyer. I have a few questions for you before we start. Is that alright?"

I nodded my head at him still a little scared.

"Don't worry I won't bite" He smiled. I smiled back at him."Right so lets start with the reason why I was dragged out here"

I can feel my pulse racing and hands shaking. I closed my eyes expecting to see my fathers face but it was far from that. I was comforted with the beautiful face of Gabriel. His lovely green eyes and shaggy dark brown hair that I just want to brush with my fingers. I opened my eyes. Trevor gave me a supportive smile while Brian was looking at me attentively.

"I came for q new beginning. To escape my past" Brian nodded.

"I need you to explain your past to me"

"I was abused" I looked down. "I have been since I was ten years old."

I closed my eyes keeping the tears back. I didn't here any more questions so I opened my eyes and looked up. Brian was looking at me with sorrow in his eyes. The same way Trevor looked. He took a deep breath.

"In what way did they abuse you Lucy?" He asked as he was recording everything I say.

"In all ways possible. I was beaten and verbally abused by my father while my mother neglected me" Brian nodded.

"Are you running from them?" I nodded my head. "I need you to speak"


"Do you know the reason for them abusing you?"

"I don't know. It all started when my father lost his job and my mother had to find one. I was eight years old."

"Is there any proof you have right now that they abused you?"

I looked at Brian not answering, I didn't really know how. I cover my body everyday before I leave anywhere. "Yes"

"Can you show me?"

I got up from the chair and pulled out a cloth. I damped it and began to wipe my arms. On them were bruised not yet healed on me. I let go of my pony tail and showed some ball spots from when daddy pulled me by my hair. Then I lifted my shirt. While I was showing all my wounds Brian was taking pictures. He stopped looking at my tattoo.

"If you look closely at it, there is a bruise there that never went away for two years. I got the tattoo to forget it."

Brian took a closer picture.

"Okay Lucy, we can to the legal thing and go to court or we can do the illegal thing and just change your name and identification. Personally you can really get on with your life if you face your parents"

I trembled at the thought of seeing my parents. Trevor saw my shaking body and walked over to me hugging me to him.

"Can you give us a minute?" He asked his uncle. He nodded and left. I grabbed on to Trevor's shirt to try and calm my body down. But I know it wont stop. "It will be okay Lucy."

"Wha-what do you think I should do?" I asked fear all too evident in my voice.

"Do what you think is right Lu. You can face your parents and send them away, or you can get rid of them right now by changing your identity. Which ever you choose you know Clair and I will support you no matter what." I nodded my head and let go of him.

"I need some time to think about it." I said. "I want to sign up for school and go to college. Help those who are and have gone through what I have."

"Like I said you have our full support."

Trevor walked back out to his uncle and talked to him. I grabbed my stuff and recovered my body hiding any evidence of abuse. I looked at my wrist and saw the scars that I have done to myself and sighed. I changed into my bikini and headed to the beach to just think. I laid the towel on the floor and watched as families played in the water and just having fun.

"Hey there" I jumped as someone sat next to me. I looked over and saw Gabriel looking at me.

"What are you doing?" I asked not taking my eyes off of his beautiful face. He shrugged his shoulders and kept his gaze on me. I can feel my face become warmer but I dared not looked away.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Stuff" I finally took my gaze from him and looked back at the families wishing I had one.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked.

"You just did" I giggled. He rolled his eyes and smiled.

"No not that. Do you know whats wrong with Max?" I looked at hima little confused.

"What do you mean?"

"Well she went shopping with you the other day and camme back well different"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I sorry but all we did was go shopping and eat lunch."

He sighed and looked at me more closely. "What?" I asked getting a little self conscious.

"Nothing" He said quickly looking out. I gave him a confused look. "Your just so beautiful"

I felt my eyes go wide. Did he just call me beautiful? I looked behind me to see if he was talking to some one else.

"I am talking to you Lucy." He grabbed my face in his hand almost caressing it. He was moving closer and closer to my face. I can feel his hot breath on my lip. His eyes never left mine.

"May I?" He asked in a small whisper. I closed my eyes and nodded. I felt his lips lightly touch mine in a soft kiss. I felt like my head was going to float away. He pulled away. I opened my eyes and pulled him back to me bring my lips to his. He knotted his fingers in my hair as I did his. He ran his tongue over my lip asking for entrance. I parted my lips and let him in. I don't know how long we kissed. I pulled back gasping for air.

"wow" Gabe rested his forehead against mine and smiled. "That was"

"Breath taking"I finished. He chuckled.

"Yeah it was" W e looked at each other again just staring like before.


Gabe and I jumped apart and looked around. Matt was standing there with that guy who was trying to talk to me. They were making dog whistle at us.

"Go away" Gabe hissed at them. They began to laugh. I jumped up from where I was sitting.

"I um have to go" I said embarrassed.

"No don't" He grabbed my wrist stopping me from leaving. I felt goose bumps on my arms.

"I need to talk to Trevor and Clair" I said.

"Can I call you sometime?" He asked. I can feel my heart racing and a smile on my face.  I nodded my head and smiled. He let go of me. I walked backwards still looking at him until I turned around and headed for the shack. I walked in closing the door behind me and sliding down.

"You okay" Clair smirked. I looked at her. "I saw"

My face went red. Oh this is bad.

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