The Call

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I watched her disappear in the shack with a huge smile on my face. Then turned into a scowl as I looked at Matt and Jake.

"Are you guys freakin serious?!" I yelled throwing my hand up in the air. "You couldn't of waited until after she left to make those dumb ass comments?"

"Awe but where is the fun in that? You have to admit bro you would of done the same thing to use" Matt smirked crossing his arms.

"In fact I think you did to me with that Tania chick last summer" Jake groaned shaking his head. Matt smiled and nodded. I hung my head and sighed.

"Well were you actually trying to make her your girlfriend or was it a one night stand?" I stared at him. He shrugged his shoulders.

"Does it matter?"

"Hell yeah it does. I plan to have a RELATIONSHIP with Lucy. Not some one night stand."

Matt and Jake looked at me shocked and mouths hanging open. I never really was the girlfriend type of guy in high school. Don't get me wrong, I didn't sleep around. At all. You may find this a shocker but I am still a good boy, my appearance just makes me look like a man whore.

"Dude are you serious?" Matt asked. I sighed and nodded my head.

"I have never been more serious in my life. I mean you have no idea how she makes me feel." I lowered my head and looked at the sand. I sat down and played with the sand letting it fall between my fingers and it gracefully landed on the ground. Matt and Jake each sat next to me and sighed.

"Dude we are so sorry. Next time we'll keep our mouths shut" Jake grabbed my shoulder and squeezed it. I looked at him and half smiled.

"Man all this PMS girlie shit is making me hungry." Matt groaned grabbing his stomach. I don't blame him. I new Matt is a big softy when it comes to romance and stuff like that but he plays it off and knows hoe to make a smile on every ones face.

Jake and I shook our heads and got up. Hauling Matt to his feet, and began to walk to one of the fast food places across the street. . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Dude come on its not that hard to call a girls" Matt laughed watching as I paced back and forth in the apartment. Jake was digging through the refrigerator eating any left overs I had from the other night.

"I don't know man. I just feel si nervous" I can feel my hand getting sweaty from holding the phone but I think its more of the nerves.

"Dude you'll be fine, if you say something embarrassing she won't see it" Jake said with a mouth full of KFC Chicken. I rolled my eyes.

"Thanks for the little sliver of confidence Jakey" Jake smiled and took another bite out of the chicken. Matt got up and came over to me and placed his hands on my shoulders massaging them.

"You got this bro"

I nodded my head and dialed Lucy's number. My hands were shaking as I heard the ringing go on and on. Arg its killing me. Then I heard a faint.

Lucy: Hello?

I let out a sigh of relief and composed myself to make sure that I didn't sound too nervous or a wimp or something like that.

Me: Hey Lucy, it uh me Gabe.

There was a squeal in the background followed by a shush.

Lucy: Hey Gabe
Me: Hey

There was a slight pause as I listened to her slow calm breathing.

Me: So uh um Lucy how was your day?
Lucy: It was okay I guess.
Me: Really? What was okay about it?
Lucy: Well you see there is this guy I know and I think you might know him too. He had long dark brown hair with green eyes and one of the coolest tattoo's I've ever seen.

I let out a small chuckle feeling a whole lot more confident.

Me: I might know this guy. He seems pretty cool and I think this guy really likes you.
Lucy: Really. Can I let you in on a little secret?
Me: Sure
Lucy: I kind of like this  guy you see. And I have a feeling that he like me as well but I need confirmation
Me: Lucy I know for a fact he likes you
Lucy: And how do you know
Me: Because I like you a lot. You've honestly turned my world around.
Lucy: Well I am glad you feel that way.

there was another silent pause.

Me: Lu?
Lucy: Yes Gabe?
Me: Will you go on a date with me tomorrow night?

There was a pause. I bounced my leg up and down anxious to hear her answer.

Lucy: I love to Gabe.

I let out a sigh of relief and smiled.

Me: So I'll pick you up from work tomorrow and we'll go somewhere.
Lucy: Sounds good.
Me: Okay well I have to go before Jake eats out my fridge.

Her light giggle made my heart flutter and my head really light almost making me forget my own name.

Me: Bye Lu
Lucy: Bye

I waited for the click. Once she hung up I jumped up and down like a two year old who just got what he has always wanted on Christmas day.

"YES! YES! YES!" I was fist pumping the air.

"I guess you go that date" Matt laughed. I nodded my head.

"Don't screw up" Jake said pointing a half eaten chicken leg at me and wagging it. I laughed and launch my self on the bed. Oh this day can't get any better and I hope tomorrow will be just as good.

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